3: Mumbai Flashcards
What’s the population of Mumbai?
16 million
What’s good about Mumbai’s site?
- Closest Indian port to Suez canal
- 32 million air passengers a year
- 9hrs to UK, 4hrs to Singapore, 2hrs to all other Indian cities, 3hrs to Middle East
Describe Mumbai’s situation and structure
- Natural deep harbour = India’s largest container port
- CBD is at tip of peninsula = land restriction
- Wealthy residential areas near the CBD and along coastlines
- Industry is either at port, or has moved out for cheaper land in outskirts or other cities
- 60% of people live in informal housing on the outskirts
How many migrants arrive per day in Mumbai?
What rate is Mumbai growing at?
3% (hyperurbanisation)
Why are people migrating to Mumbai?
- Job opportunities
- Education (12 universities and 95% literacy rate)
- Higher income (despite higher cost of living)
- Entertainment
- Services and facilities e.g. infrastructure
Why is natural increase high in Mumbai?
Young migrants are settling down and starting families
What is the natural increase in Mumbai?
1.4% per year, accounting for 50% of growth
Describe the low-tax government cycle in Mumbai
Low government income -> no central planning for infrastructure -> city services stuggle -> companies leave -> government sets up tax free zones -> low government income
Low government income -> can’t afford factory inspectors and tax collectors -> factories are unregulated -> informal economy expands -> low government income
What’s wrong with Mumbai’s waste disposal?
Despite having 80% recyling rate and employing 10,000 people, work is in workshops, involves children, and is dangerous
Why is housing a problem in Mumbai?
- Limited land
- Authorities haven’t got money to build housing
- Rent caps deter developers
What are the water problems in Mumbai?
- 60% of the population use communal taps (often turned off for rationing)
- 800 million litres of untreated sewage are dumped in the Mithi River per day
How many people die per year on Mumbai’s trains?
3500 (from sitting on roof and hanging out doors)
What do LSS do?
- Set up dermatology clinics
- Educate people about health
- Focus on helping women
- Runs kindergartens for children
- Expanded to treat TB as well as leprosy
How many people have LSS helped?
Treated 28,000 leprosy patients in 30 years
What’s Vision Mumbai?
To spend $40 billion by 2050 on:
- 1 million low-cost homes
- Improving transport
- Reducing pollution
What was good about Vision Mumbai?
- 45,000 homes in Dharavi demolished
- People were moved into flats with piped water and sewage
- 72 new trains on the railways
- New air quality measures in 2015
What was bad about Vision Mumbai?
- Spilt communities
- High rent in flats
- Affects high recyling rates
- Slums are growing disproportionately
- Beaches are unsafe for recreation
- Worsening water quality