3) Measuring The National Income Flashcards
What are the 3 ways the value of what the country produces in a year is calculated
⚫️Output method
➡️adding up value
➡️of good and services
➡️produced in the economy
⚫️Income method
➡️measures value of all income
➡️earned in the economy
⚫️Expenditure method
➡️measures value of spending
➡️goods and services in the economy
What does GDP mean
⚫️total value
➡️of goods and services produced
➡️in the economy
➡️in a year
When we calculate GDP, what is the value which we will get?
Nominal GDP
What does nominal GDP mean
⚫️total value ➡️of goods and services ➡️produced in the economy ➡️in a year ➡️at 'current prices'
What does real GDP mean
⚫️total value ➡️of goods and services ➡️produces in the economy ➡️in a year ➡️minus the rate of inflation
Why do we have to take out the effects of inflation
⚫️get realistic understanding
➡️value of output
➡️over the year
⚫️nominal GDP ➡️may rise ➡️because products are being sold ➡️at higher price ➡️not because ➡️more products are being produced
⚫️so no increase
➡️in output of economy
What are the limitations of the national income/GDP data
⚫️unrecorded or under-recored economic activity
⚫️shadow market activity not recorded
⚫️info about living standard are limited
Why are inaccuracies a limitation of national income/GDP data
➡️from range of source
➡️can be unreliable
⚫️takes time
➡️to be analysed
➡️by government statistician
⚫️difficult for LEDS
➡️poor infrastructure
➡️weak government institution
Why are unrecorded or under-recorded economic activity a limitation of national income/GDP data
⚫️fixing things yourself
➡️rather than calling the plumber
➡️not recorded
⚫️looking after children yourself
➡️rather than calling the nanny
➡️not recorded
⚫️farmers from LEDCS country
➡️consume what they grow
➡️or trade informally with neighbours
➡️not recorded
Why are shadow market a limitation of national income/GDP data
⚫️drug trafficking
⚫️work done by illegal immigrants
⚫️uk spends
➡️12.3 billion
➡️on drugs and prostitution per year
➡️not recorded
Why is information about living standards a limitation of national income/real GDP
⚫️Doesn’t give info about
➡️life expectancy
➡️literacy rates
➡️primary school enrolments
⚫️these are provided by HDI