3. Maternal health assessment (31-60) Flashcards
31 . Maternal infection, preeclampsia, maternal malnutrition, dysfunctional labor, hemorrhage, IUGR, RDS and neonatal abstinence syndrome are all risks related to what?
a) Pregnancy achieved through IVF
b) Drug use during pregnancy
c) HIV
d) Depression
32 . What is allostatic load?
a) The wear and tear on the body that accumulates due to chronic or repeated stress or epigenetic inherited stress, as in the cases of ongoing resource scarcity or racism.
b) The pressure on the cervix when the pelvis is positioned such that the presenting part exerts maximum pressure there.
c) The change in blood pressure when moving from prone to standing.
d) The additional work the cardiac muscles must do during pregnancy.
33 . Which of the following is within normal limits for the eyes?
a) Pupils around 0.5 mm different in size when exposed to equal light on both sides.
b) Pupil constricts under direct response to light but dilates under consensual response to light.
c) Pupil constricts under consensual response to light but dilates under direct response to light.
d) Pupils more than 1.5 mm different in size when exposed to different levels of light.
34 . You’re counselling a client on changes she should make to her lifestyle, and explain that if she does not make the change, she is likely to cause significant impacts on the fetus, including CNS abnormalities, abnormal facies (low-set ears, a thin upper lip and an under-developed jaw), microcephaly, antepartum and postpartum growth retardation, impaired eyesight and even death. What is your client currently doing?
a) Drinking alcohol
b) Insufficient iodine intake, e.g. by eating sea salt instead of iodized salt.
c) Excessive intake of caffeine
d) Smoking
35 . You ask a client to sit with her back exposed, make a fist, and gently pound down one side of the client’s back with the ulnar surface of your fist, beginning at the scapular area and ending at the midportion of her buttock, noting if the client winces, jumps or expresses pain at any point, then repeat on the other side. You note no signs of pain. What do you record in the chart?
a) Lordosis within normal limits
b) No scoliosis
c) No kyphosis
d) No CVAT
36 . What is true when taking blood pressure?
a) The first sound you hear is the diastolic reading, which indicates the pressure in the arteries when the heart is actively pumping.
b) The first sound you hear is the systolic reading, which indicates the pressure in the arteries when the heart is actively pumping.
c) The first sound you hear is the diastolic reading, which indicates the pressure in the arteries when the heart is at rest.
d) The first sound you hear is the systolic reading, which indicates the pressure in the arteries when the heart is at rest.
37 . Which list contains only things you might want to counsel a client to change about their health or behavior during pregnancy?
a) 6 cups of coffee daily, moderate swimming within comfort levels.
b) Smoking 10 cigarettes a day, drinking 10 cups of water a day.
c) Sleeping 8 hours per night, adding salt to food ‘to taste’.
d) 2 alcoholic drinks a day, excessive exercise.
38 . Spontaneous abortion, abnormal placentation, preeclampsia, IUGR, low birth weight, congenital heart disease, prematurity, apnea and SIDS are all risks associated with what?
a) Pregnancy achieved through IVF
b) Maternal tobacco use
c) Advanced maternal age
d) Poor maternal nutrition
39 . Gael was taking the contraceptive pill when they became pregnant. What effect might this have on your care?
a) The contraceptive pill has reduced Gael’s risk of certain cancers, and has likely improved their nutritional status by increasing absorption of vitamins and minerals.
b) The contraceptive pill has reduced the risk of Gael having a hemorrhage, including a postpartum hemorrhage.
c) Gael’s hormonal balance was unaffected by the contraceptive pill, but if they were taking other hormones, these might have had an impact on their weight and could have increased the risk of liver and gallbladder problems.
d) Without additional information, Gael’s EDD will be uncertain. If they can’t narrow down the date of conception, a dating ultrasound would be appropriate.
40 . Which of the following is an abnormal observation at an antepartum breast exam?
a) Striae of the breasts in third trimester.
b) Shrunken breast in first trimester.
c) Broadening and increased pigmentation of areola with mottling beyond the areola, both observed in second trimester.
d) Dilated subcutaneous veins in late first trimester.
41 . You’re meeting Gala (a vocal ‘pro-life’ activist) for the first time at her intake appointment, and have recorded a GTPALM of G3,T1,P1,A1,L2,M0. Is this a possible history?
a) You don’t have enough information in the question to answer this.
b) Yes. Gala had 1 Term baby, 1 Preterm baby, 1 Abortion and no Multiples, and so has been pregnant 3 times, with 2 of the babies she’s carried still living.
c) No. Gala has not had any Multiple pregnancies, but 1 Term baby, 1 Preterm baby (pregnancy ended after 20 weeks) and 1 Abortion (pregnancy ended before 20 weeks) adds up to 3 babies, and she’s currently pregnant, so her Gravida cannot be 3 if this is all true.
d) It’s highly unlikely, as Gala is pro-life, and so it’s not likely that she had an abortion.
42 . You attempt to palpate a client’s ovaries by bimanual exam. Which of the following would tell you that referral to a physician is appropriate?
a) You cannot palpate the ovaries.
b) You palpate normal ovaries in the adnexal region, lateral and posterior to the uterus.
c) You find enlarged ovaries.
d) You palpate normal ovaries in the adnexal region, lateral to the uterus.
43 . Isabelle thinks she is 12 weeks pregnant. You perform a bimanual examination. What size would you expect the uterus to be?
a) Approximately the size of a cantaloupe.
b) Bimanual examination is not appropriate at 12 weeks, as you would feel the fundus well above the pubic bone by then.
c) Approximately the size of a grapefruit.
d) Approximately the size of an orange.
44 . The father of your client’s baby admits to you that he drank heavily in the weeks leading up to conception. What impact could this have on the pregnancy?
a) Limited research suggests that alcohol may cause epigenetic changes in sperm, and that this could lead to changes in the fetal neocortex.
b) There is no evidence to suggest that alcohol consumption in the father of a baby has any impact on the pregnancy.
c) The baby may go through neonatal abstinence syndrome because of it.
d) You should call CPS, as the mother and baby could be at risk of domestic abuse.
45 . What are some pregnancy outcomes associated with chronic stress?
a) Reduced risk of miscarriage, higher APGARS, lower rates of postpartum depression.
b) Obesity, insulin resistance, cardiovascular disease.
c) Racism, ongoing resource scarcity, living with a chronic disease.
d) Preterm birth, low birth weight, changes in fetal brain development.