3. Logistic And Linear Regression And Nerual Networks Flashcards
What is linear regression used for?
Linear regression is used to understand relationships between variables
What is logistics regression used for?
Logistic regression is used for binary classification tasks
What is neural networks used for?
Neural networks is used in the simple form of an ANN feedforward network as a powerful approach to both classification and regression
What does linear regression do?
Linear regression helps model the relationship between a dependent variable (response) and one or more independent variables (predictors).
What is the purpose of weights in linear regression?
The weights help determine how much information a certain attribute or feature tells about the predicted variable or feature
What is w_0 in linear regression?
It is a bias term, constant value allowing the model to make predictions even when all x’s are zero
What is the basis function in linear regression?
Basis function allow you to transform your input space to create more flexible models with a constant term
What is the purpose of logistic regression?
Logistic regression is used for binary classification tasks, modeling the probability of the positive class (coded as 1) with transformation ensuring that predicted probabilities always are between 1 and 0
What is the purpose of neural networks?
Feedforward neural network (ANN and forward pass) used for both classification and regression, considering weighted connected neurons through layers.