3. Implement Hyper-V Flashcards
Discrete Device Assignment allows the graphics card to be directly assigned/accessed by VMs
Non-Uniform Memory Access is a multiprocessor memory architecture that allows a processor to access its local memory quicker than memory located on another processor
Dynamic Memory
Dynamic memory allows Hyper-V to automatically balance memory among running VMs on the host
Virtual Machine Queue uses packet filtering to provide data from an external VM network directly to VMs (requires VMQ compatible network hardware)
Hyper-V Nesting
Ability to create VMs inside of other VMs
To turn on:
Set-VMProcessor -VMName -ExposeVirtualizationExtensions $true
Virtual Switch Manager Network Types
External: any VM can talk to the physical network/internet
Internal: VMs are able to talk to each other and the host but not the internet/physical network
Private: VMs can only talk to each other
Types of Hyper-V Disks
- Dynamically expanding disks
- Fixed-size disks
- Differencing disks
- Pass-through disks
Adding physical disk to Hyper-V VM
Disk must be “offline” in Disk Management
Hyper-V Generations
Only use Gen1 if you need backwards compatibility with older Hyper-V hosts
Switch Independent vs Switch Depending NIC Teaming
Switch Independent means each NIC adapter is connected into a different switch whereas Switch Dependent means that all NIC adapters are connected to the same switch
Remote Direct Memory Access allows one computer to directly access memory from another computer without interfacing at the OS level
Switch Embedded Teaming can be used instead of NIC Teaming in environments using both Hyper-V and Windows Software Defined Networking (SDN). Allows grouping multiple physical adapters into virtual adapters.
Storage QoS
Storage Quality-of-Service allows you to manage storage throughput for virtual hard disks. Helps you guarantee single VHD cannot negatively affect performance of other VHDs on the host.
Hyper-V Integration Components
Required to make guest OS hypervisor-aware
Install Hyper-V on Server Core
dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:Microsoft-Hyper-V
Virtual Machine States
- Off
- Starting
- Running
- Paused
- Saved
State Options for Running VMs
- Turn Off
- Shut Down
- Save
- Pause
- Reset
- Resume