3 Hypothesis testing Flashcards
Describe the steps you would take to take a hypothesis test to decide if the difference between 2 means was statistically significant?
- Assume H0
- Predict SE
- Observed difference
- T and P value (obs/SE)
- Reject or accept H0
What do we assume when doing a hypothesis test?
Assume normal distribution
How would p value be affected if standard deviation increases?
If SD is bigger, SE is bigger so t is smaller (t=obs/SE) so p gets bigger as SD increases.
This makes sense- if the variability increases, the chance of getting an extreme value is higher
Calculate 95% CI for a mean difference of 4 points, where SE is 0.5
4+-(1.96x0.5) = 3.02, 4.98
What does the confidence interval tell us?
If 0 falls within the interval, then there is a 95% probability that there is no difference between the 2 means, so accept H0
Describe the 2 types of error
- Alpha error- false positive - rejected H0, but there is no difference
- Beta error - false negative - accepted H0, but there is a difference
What is power and how do you calculate it?
Power = Correct rejection
Power = 1-B
How does having fewer sample numbers affect the SE?
Less samples = higher SE (more variability)
How does fewer samples affect the likelihood of rejecting H0?
Fewer samples = higher SE = lower z value = higher p value = more likely to accept H0
Makes sense - more variation in data so higher chance of observed value to be in the expected range
What is statistical power?
The probability of finding an effect if it is there
The probability of not making a Type 2 error
What statistical power do we typically aim for?
20% chance of making Type II error (false negative)
Describe what a Type I and Type II error is?
Type I - false positive (rejecting H0, though H0 is true- there is no actual effect)
Type 2 - false negative (accepting H0, though H0 is false- this is actually an effect)
What is p value?
Chance of the observed value if H0 is true
What are the 4 factors that affect power and how do they affect it?
Sample size - greater sample size = more power
Effect size - greater observed effect = greater power
SD - greater SD = less power
Significance level desired - 99% vs 95% –> more = less power
What does sigma mean in statistics?
Standard deviation
Sample size calculations are not idealised. What do they not account for/assume?
They don’t account for losses to follow up in prospective studies
They assume individuals are independent observations
When you do an independent 2 sample t test for hypothesis testing, what is the first thing you need to do? And what will come up on SPSS?
Normality check first using Kolmogorov-Smirnov
It will show the Levene’s Test for Equality of variance which will give you the p value labelled as sig.
If sig<0.05 (thinking reject so use assume not equal row)
If sig>0.05 (thinking accept H0 so use assume equal row)
What test do we use instead of t test for Proportions?
Z test / chi square test
What is the Z test?
a statistical test for which the distribution of the test statistic under the null hypothesis can be approximated by a normal distribution.