3. GPS Flashcards
Dilution of Precision. Are Satellite more precise when closer together or further apart?
Better GPS accuracy is obtained by points that are well separated. When different satellites have different precision values, the overall precision is diluted. The time difference between the signals is greater when they are further apart because they are at greater angles relative to eachother.
Precision is important in position, time, horizontal, vertical.
Coarse Acquisition Code (C/A Code)
Transmitted on L1
Unique to each satellite
Precision Code (P Code)
Transmitted on L1 and L2
Unique to each satellite
Authorized by US DoD
What are the 2 GPS satellite codes?
C/A Code
P Code
Selective Availability
Decrages positional accuracy up to 100m for C/A code. Can be adjusted at any time by the US DoD.
Ionospheric Porpagation Errors
Ionosphere disperses the signal transmission causing errors of 5-15m during the day and 1m at night.
Tropospheric Propagation Errors
Lower portion of the earth’s atmostphere. Not frequency dependant. Error of 2.5 to 15m.
We can reduce this down to 0.5m based on standard atmospheric models to correct the error.
Multi Path Errors
Reflection of satellite signals causing difference path lengths.
Errors of 10m or more.
Dominant source of error for DGPS.
Ephemeris Data Errors
Defines the orbit of the satellite.
There are errors in the predicted orbit due to the gravitational sources, solar wind, atmospheric friction.
Causes error around 2m.
Onboard Clock Error
Error in the onboard clock. 1m error.
Receiver Clock Error
Receiver’s clock is not accurate so it receives a time correction.
What is Differential GPS (DGPS)
Enhances GPS through the use of differential corrections to the basic satellite measurements. The corrections are sent via radio tower.
Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS)
Similar to DGPS except corrections are made by ground-based reference stations and sent via satellite instead of radio.
Local Area Augmentation System (LAAS)
Local reference receivers located around the airport sent to a central location which formulates a correction message sent via VHF.
2 types of users for GPS
Authorized - by US DoD - use P Code
Non-Authroized - anyone can use C/A Code
How is Ionospheric delay accounted for?
Ionospheric interference is affected by the signal frequency. L1 and L2 are at different frequencies so by receiving both, the receiver can perform a dual frequency comparison to compensate for ionospheric delay.
Trimble GPS
Is our military GPS system. Has L1/L2 antenna and uses crypto.
ECPINS stands for?
Electronic Chart Precise Integrated Navigation System
Spread Spectrum Transmission
Different information is sent over different frequencies bands or time domains in the same signal.
Code Division Multiple Access
Signals can be encoded and sent in the same frequency band, then decoded to separate them.
What are 5 types of error for GPS systems?
Tropospheric error
Mltipath errors
Ephemeris Data Errors
Clock Errors
Ephemeris Data Errors
The data being transmitted by the satellite is incorrect.