3 Firefighter Safety And Survival Flashcards
Ifsta principals of risk management
- Activities that present significant risk to members are limited to situations with potential to save life
- activities to protect property is risky, actions shall be taken to avoid risks
- no risk to members acceptable if no property or lives can be saved
Three key points for size up and implementing incident action plan
Team integrity vital to safety
No property is worth the life of a firefighter
Fd should not be committed to interior offensive ops in abandoned or derelict buildings known or reasonably believed unoccupied.
Dynamic risk assessment modeled after British fire service. Safe person elements, two equally important components
Organizational responsibilities
Individual responsibilities
Organizational responsibilities
Adequate info Appropriate ppe Need for tools and equip Safe incident action plan Necessary instruction and training Effective supervision
Individual responsibilities
Being competent to perform task Working as effective team member Working within the incident action plan Adapting to changing circumstances Watching out for self and team Recognize own capabilities and limits
Leader ensuring safety, foster respectful communication, establish tasks with defined goals, consider crew input
Leader demonstrating skill, professional standards and best practice, verbalized errors and limitations, recommend solutions, assess performance, motivate
Conflict resolution
Id core conflict issues, encourage diplomatic questioning, acknowledging difference of opinion, accept constructive criticism
Mission analysis
Leader eval risk vs gain, Id objectives, develop strategy and tactic to meet objectives, implement action plan, expect unexpected, eval effectiveness of iap, devise alternative strategy
Key safety behaviors
Use handrails of apparatus, drive defensively and fast as conditions allow, never breathe smoke, work safe and appropriately aggressive Crew integrity Withdraw before low air alarm sounds Look and listen for collapse signs Scba during overhaul Help when moving heavy or bulky
Self vented fires are relatively free of smoke and heat
They can continue to burn vigorously and extend interiorly
Impending collapse indicators
Heavy fire, no progress 10-12 min wood frame Walls floor bowing, sagging Distortion of doors and windows Beams pulling from supports Cracks moving or new developing Walls disassembling from hose stream Smoke from mortar joints
Method to reduce firefighter risk and injury of collapse
Ordering out crews after a certain period of time, re evaluations at regular intervals while timing incident, par
Defines roles and responsibilities and sop used to manage emergency operations. May also be referred to as ICS
Incident management system. IMS
Incident command system, ICS
System by which facilities, equipment, personnel, procedures and comms are organized to operate within common organizational structure designed to said in the management of resources at emergencies
Rehab units should be set up on all
Working fires
Incident action plan
Written or unwritten plan for incident disposition. Contains overall strategic goals, and tactical objectives, and support needs for given operational period during incident.
Propose of personnel accountability system
To ensure only those who are authorized and properly equipped to enter IDLH are allowed to
To control movement in and out of hazardous environment
Upon entry what is to be recorded for personnel accountability
Pass turned on, nam, company, Scba pressure, assignment, estimated safe work time,
Benchmark events for calling par
Changing of attack modes from offensive to defensive
Significant change of condition, backdraft, collapse, flashover,
pass alarm activated
Report of missing or distressed ff
Fire control or extinguishment
Nfpa 1500
Fd occupational safety and health program
Timely and accurate initial size up from mode by a succession of subsequent assessments of fire ground situation
Dynamic risk assessment
When issuing orders face to face, officers should look for
Signs of understanding or lack of. Ask recipient to verify order. Understand order in context
When should any doubts of an assignment be addressed
Before starting to carry out assignment.
Look listen feel
Look for changes and smoke, fire behavior
Listen for creaks groans squeaks indicating possible collapse
Feel for vibrations and structural mint
If a ff detects something unusual or sudden changes it should be reported
Immediately to company members and ic
air management
Monitoring remaining air, leaving when air is half used if it will take as long to get out. Leave in less time if it is feasible or situation dictates.
If fire is burning inside a building but the drywall is intact it means.
Integrity of building is not yet threatened.
It may be impossible to visually assess the degree of structural involvement of the fire if
Smoke causes visibility low or near low
The communication most directly involved in firefighter safety and survival is that which takes place where
On the fire ground
One aspect of fire ground comms related to safety is the use of appropriate
Crews entering IDLH are to remain in contact using what means
Stay together, maintain visual, voice or physical contact.
What does not meet the requirements for voice contact
Radio, crews must be able to hear each other voices without amplification
Crews must stay in contact with RIC using
Voice, visual or radio
What makes the two in two out rule work
In terms of ff safety and survival, it is critical for fire ground communications, for every firefighter to know
Departments Mayday procedure
Hazards encountered should be reported when
Immediately upon finding
Compliance with sops can be accomplished in two ways
Voluntary compliance- most desirable
Enforcement- needed when voluntary is lacking
Enforcement of sop has two aspects
coercive action
RIC is required by both
Nfpa 1500 and OSHA
When are additional RIC required
When there is more than one active point of entry into a building
Minimum number of firefighters for RIC
Most common reasons rehab is needed
Work must be performed in all weathers Physically demanding Extremely stressful Ppe traps internal heat Exhausted ff are prone to injury Incidents may last for extended times
Psychologically exhausted firefighters can be rotated though to allow calm and decompression if
Rehab is established
Rehab should be located far enough away so that firefighters can
Safely remove ppe and Scba
Requirements of rehab
Large enough for number of persons operating Cool when hot out Hot when cool out Shelter from elements Dry Free from exhaust fumes
First steps if ff is lost
Activate pass
Listen for sounds of other firefighters working- try to get to them
Retrace steps
Emergency egress techniques
Locate and Follow hose line out
Crawl in straight line knee to hand
Crawl in one direction, all right or left turns, once in Contact with wall
Call out or make noise other Ffs may hear
If trapped, first actions
Mayday, Pass Seek safe refuge Stay calm- save air Last known location Pass muted or off when using radio Flashlight toward ceiling
To attract attention while on distress sitting in a window firefighters should not
Drop any part of ppe to attract attention
Head first ladder dives are dangerous and are
Not recommended
Before entering a door firefighters should
Check for heat
Before breaching a wall what must be done
Feel for heat
Universal priorities
Life safety
Incident stabilization
Property conservation