3. Feminism Flashcards
The patriarchy
It’s where institutional power is controlled by men and run in their interests
Public and private life
Public life includes work, the government and political parties
Private life includes family life, personal relationships and domestic responsibilities
What parts of life are men and women traditionally associated with?
Men traditionally associated with public spheres
Women traditionally restricted to private roles like housewives and mothers
Why does sexual inequality exist according to feminists?
Because the sexual division of labour is seen as natural rather than socially constructed
Liberal feminism: key feminist
Liberal feminism: critic of Parsons
Criticise Parsons’ theory of gender roles, believing both men and women can take up expressive and instrumental roles
Liberal feminism: who benefits from existing inequalities?
No one
Liberal feminism: what view do they take to society? What does this mean?
Take a march of progress view to society, believing it’s gradually leading to more rational views towards gender through advancements such as anti-discriminatory laws and policies as well as changes in attitudes
Liberal feminism: view of the Enlightenment Project
Praise the Enlightenment Project as it resulted in a better understanding of women’s oppression
Liberal feminism: positive evaluation
Liberal feminism has led to reform in areas like equal pay and media representations of gender
Liberal feminism: negative evaluation (3)
Radical and Marxist feminists believe liberal feminists fail to take account for deeper structural inequalities
Difference feminists believe liberal feminism is based mainly on the experiences of m/c women
March of progress view may be overly optimistic
Radical feminism: key feminist
Radical feminism: origin of the patriarchy according to Firestone
Origin of patriarchy lies in women’s biological capacity and care for infants as this role makes them dependent on males
Radical feminism: who dominates and rules society?
Men dominate society and are the ruling class
Radical feminism: men and the patriarchy
All men benefit from and reinforce the patriarchy
Radical feminism: what is the main source of women’s oppression?
The nuclear family
Radical feminism: who said that rape, violence and pornography are methods men use to secure and maintain their power over women?
Radical feminism: political lesbianism
Some radical feminists turn lesbian as they see heterosexual relationships as sleeping with the enemy
Radical feminism: negative evaluation (4)
Marxists believe class is primary cause of inequality and that it’s the main source of women’s oppression
Assumes all women are in the same position, ignoring class and ethnic differences
Focuses too much on negative experiences of women
Accused of being a man-hating theory
Marxist feminism: how do they criticise radical feminsits?
They believe capitalism is the cause of women’s oppression
Marxist feminism: key feminst
Marxist feminism: why do women marry into oppressive families according to Barret?
Because of an ideology in modern society that oppression is a natural and normal position for women
Marxist feminism: how do women play an important role for capitalism?
They reproduce the workforce and keep their husbands working
Marxist feminism: what makes women disadvantaged in society?
Their lack of control over the means of production
Marxist feminism: how will gender inequalities disappear?
If there is a shift to a communist society
Marxist feminism: negative evaluation (2)
Fails to explain why women in non-capitalist societies still experience oppression
Fails to explain how men benefit from women’s oppression
Difference feminism: criticism of all other branches of feminism
They see all women as equal
Difference feminism: why can’t the same ideologies be applied to all women?
Because women can have extremely different lives and thus different needs
Difference feminism: key difference feminist
Difference feminism: what causes oppression according to Butler?
Discourses (ways of thinking, speaking and seeing) cause oppression
Difference feminism: what is Butler critical of in terms of feminism?
Critical of the way that white western m/c women have taken over feminism
Difference feminism: negative evaluation (3)
Ignores similarities between women
Social change becomes more difficult when women are divided
Oppression isn’t only a result of discourse
Who came up with 6 patriarchal structures which restrict women and maintain male domination?
Walby’s 6 patriarchal structures which restrict women and maintain male domination (PPPSMS)
Paid work
Patriarchal relations within the household
Patriarchal culture (objectification and gender discrimination)
Sexuality (sex double standard)
Male violence towards women
State has little care for women
How to improve society: liberal feminism
Challenge stereotypes
How to improve society: radical feminism
Separationism and political lesbianism
How to improve society: Marxist feminism
Revolution to overthrow capitalism
How to improve society: difference feminism
Gender-free discourse should be introduced
Key feminists of all branches of feminism
Liberal - Oakley
Radical - Firestone
Marxist - Barret
Difference - Butler