3. Essentials of Renal Physiology Pt. I Flashcards
The Kidney is A Filter
• What kind of filter that gets rid of poisons you did not know about when you built it?
• A filter that throws ____ away and then ____ back the stuff you want
The Kidney is A Filter Like That
• Each kidney is made up of about one million tiny filters
• Each filter is called a ____
• Each nephron has two parts:
– A tuft of capillaries that “throws away” about a ____ of the plasma flowing through it
– A long tubule that reabsorbs about ____% of the fluid that was thrown away
• Throwing away part = tuft of capillaries surrounded by a capsule ○ \_\_\_\_ ○ Feeds into long tubule
The Nephron
* Whole thing is the nephron * Afferent arteriole goes into glomerulus * Blood is under \_\_\_\_ here * Fifth of plasma squeezed into \_\_\_\_ * Remainder of blood comes out the \_\_\_\_ arteriole * Protourine travels along long tube that resorbs majority of what got filtered in the first place * Energetic, \_\_\_\_ way of doing things; so MUST be worth it
high pressure
The Tubule
• No need to memorize • Tubule is not \_\_\_\_ along its length ○ Very different machinery that resorbs different things
Summary Schematic
• Glomerulus ○ Aff arteriole in and eff arteriole going out • \_\_\_\_ occurring at (1) ○ Fifth of aqueous portion of blood is being squeezed out • Travels along the tube > sig amount of reabsorption • Eff arteriole stays next to tubule and turns into \_\_\_\_ that envelopes the tubule, and all \_\_\_\_ goes in here • Not all of ridding of toxin is during filtration; some things are thrown away on purpose > \_\_\_\_ secretion (little arrow along the capillaries); pumping from PT cap into the tubule • Net effect of filtration minus \_\_\_\_ plus \_\_\_\_ (PT cap) = excretion ○ Each term is different
filtration peritubular capillaries reabsorption active reabsorption active secretion
GFR is the Major Measure of Kidney Function
• Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR):
– Volume squeezed through the glomerulus per minute
– About ____ml/min in a “normal-sized” adult
– ____ liters per day
• Major metric of kidney function ○ Measure of whether the kidney is working well • Time is minute • 180 is many multiples of the amount of fluid in the body
GFR is the Major Measure of Kidney Function
• Decreased GFR is evidence of ____
kidney disease
Other Evidence of Kidney Disease
• Remember when I said that the
glomerulus throws “everything” away?
• Not quite true
• Glomerulus doesn't throw everything away • Protourine doesn't look like \_\_\_\_ ○ Barrier that prevents things from leaving § No \_\_\_\_ (RBC, platelets, etc.) § \_\_\_\_ (albumin) are too big to pass through filtration space
large protein
Other Evidence of Kidney Disease
• Healthy glomeruli prevent certain things from being filtered
– ____
– ____
– If these are in the urine, then kidney disease may be present even with ____ GFR
• In disease, they are present in the urine • Diabetic kidney disease ○ Glomerulus is damaged > protein in urine ○ Most frequent example • \_\_\_\_ disease ○ Immune attacks kidney > red cells can get in the urine § From only the glomerulus > concerning for AI disease • If GFR is normal, but you have RBC from \_\_\_\_ origin or protein > concerning for kidney disease
red blood cells
protein (albumin)
How To Measure GFR? • Substance that: – Is \_\_\_\_ – Not \_\_\_\_ – Not \_\_\_\_
• Got in urine via filtration, and didn't leave and nothing added
How To Measure GFR?
• Then measure:
– ____ in the blood
– The ____ it is excreted
• Can then figure out the GFR
How To Measure GFR?
• Substances that are: – Filtered – Not reabsorbed – Not secreted • No \_\_\_\_ produced by the body have these perfect qualities
• No natural substances that produce these qualities ○ No metric of GFR in our own \_\_\_\_
How To Measure GFR?
• Artificial Substances: – \_\_\_\_ – \_\_\_\_ – \_\_\_\_ • Need to be \_\_\_\_ • Not \_\_\_\_ • Only used in \_\_\_\_
• Inulin is most classic one • Iothalamate and iohexol > \_\_\_\_ substances • Not practical in clinical setting ○ Need a reason to inject something into somebody
inulin iothalamate iohexol injected practical research CT scan contrast
How To Measure GFR? • Endogenous Substance: Creatinine – Made by \_\_\_\_ – \_\_\_\_ – Not \_\_\_\_ – BUT, does have some \_\_\_\_ • About \_\_\_\_% • (This is variable)
muscle filtered reabsorbed secretion 20
How To Measure GFR?
• In the past, kidney function was often estimated just by looking at serum levels of creatinine
• Serum level of creatinine will ____ if GFR drops
• Certain cxn of creatine in blood, and kidney is removing > something happens that decrease how much you're removing > so now the creatine will increase in blood
Theoretical Curve
* Normal GFR of \_\_\_\_ with a normal creatine * If GFR halves > the creatine will \_\_\_\_
Issues with Creatinine
• It’s Made By Muscle
• People with more muscle produce more ____ in day
• Creatinine of ____ mg/dl may be normal for some
* Same creatine in two different people an mean two different things * 1.5 is moderately abnormal; may not be abnormal for someone who has a lot of \_\_\_\_
muscle mass
Issues with Creatinine
• But not others
• 1.5 would be \_\_\_\_ for someone with not as much muscle mass
Issues with Creatinine
- This problem can be solved by collecting urine for ____ hours
- This allows the amount of creatinine produced to be measured
- ____ concentration is also measured
- Volume of plasma that has been “cleared” of creatinine can then be calculated• Once creatine level is ____ > you test the levels > will account for muscle mass
plasma creatinine
steady state
Creatinine Clearance Equation
• Assume that all creatinine is removed by ____, then:
– GFR = [____]/SCr
– This assumption is imperfect, since some creatinine is removed by ____
• 24-hour urine collection is ____ – It is used clinicaly, but rarely
• Easy way to mess up: what to do with urine in the morning ○ Will get incorrect result ○ 8 hours of sleep > first time you pee > 1/3 of creatinine excretion done in the day ○ Get up in morning > empty bladder don't \_\_\_\_ that; save everything until next day, and make sure save urine from morning void from that \_\_\_\_ and when they're done and they bring it in ○ If you collect both mornings > \_\_\_\_ hours collection ○ If didn't collect either > \_\_\_\_ hour collection ○ And assume you collected over 24 hours > everything will be off
UCr x V
Next Step
• Can kidney function be estimated from blood tests alone?
The problem here is creatinine generation and the fact that it is not the ____ between different
people. Bodybuilders will have different levels than a 90yo person.
Is there another way to measure this beside the 24 hour collection?
Cockcroft-Gault Equation • Oldest equation • In 249 patients, measured: 1. \_\_\_\_-hour urine creatinine excretion 2. \_\_\_\_ level • Used \_\_\_\_ regression to derive:
CCr (mL/min) = (140-age) x weight (kg) / Cr (mg/dL) x 72
• Doesn't measure GFR, but \_\_\_\_ excretion • 249 patients is not a lot using a linear regression ○ Linear regression - forcing a line over a cloud of dots ○ Body really works like a \_\_\_\_; linear will never do it perfectly bc forcing into a line • Measured serum creatinine level as well ○ Way to estimate actual creatinine clearance from this? • Not \_\_\_\_ truth
24 serum creatinine creatinine curve mathematical
Cockcroft-Gault Equation
CCr (mL/min) = (140-age) x weight (kg) / Cr (mg/dL) x 72
• Multiple the above by ____ for women
• Additional factor for women • What is the added information here? ○ How \_\_\_\_ you are, how \_\_\_\_ you are, and whether or not you're a \_\_\_\_ ○ Can add several other factors about human beings; but what are we trying to get at > all related to \_\_\_\_ ○ Gives a sense of how to fail: § Every single 30 y/o of a given weight have less muscle mass than a male? \_\_\_\_! § Is everyone who is age 50 of a given weight and gender the same? \_\_\_\_!
0.85 old weight woman muscle mass no no
Cockcroft-Gault Equation
• Because it’s the ____ equation, is used for many ____ guidelines
• ____ used clinically because of many limitations:
– It’s not 1976
• Body weight today is more likely to come from ____
• Laboratory creatinine assays have ____
• Because of this it tends to ____ creatinine clearance
– Weight can be surprisingly ____ to get
• Can be difficult to weigh someone than to get their blood drawn ○ Stand them up, out of bed, roll scale into room ○ Different scales get different results ○ Data that is often missing - people don't enjoy seeing their weight
drug dosing
MDRD Equation
• Modification of Diet in Renal Disease Study was an RCT in which subjects had:
– GFR measured by ____ clearance
– v measured
– Many other lab data as well
• Used to derive the “MDRD equation”
– Simplified form of this equation is the ____ clinical tool for estimated GFR today
• Mot frequently used equation • Purpose of study > not designed to create this equation ○ Looking at low protein diets and whether prevented progression of chronic kidney disease ○ Derived equation form data set ○ Initially a complicated one > then made a simple one
serum creatinine
GFR = 175 x Screat-1.154 x age-0.203 x 1.212 [if black] x 0.742 [if female]
- Needs a ____
- Data ____ to obtain
- What happened to body weight though?
- Output of the equation is ml/min/1.73m2 Body Surface Area
- Body Surface Area (BSA) is calculated by ____ and ____• CG can be done on a piece of paper; for this a person will need a calculator/computer
○ In setting of research, or via EMRs
• All you need: ____, whether they’re ____and ____
• Weight made it part of the ____
• Output of equation isn’t just clearance; but clearance per ____ (1.73m^2 is normal - arrive here via height and weight together)
○ Problem: data about human being and have creatinine, and to figure out how much filtering (muscle mass); adding information is age, whether you’re black and whether you’re female
§ Imperfection - being black, is not that much data; and same about woman
§ Will all different ____
○ Equation performs ____ because of these inconsistencies
age black female unit body surface area muscle masses poorly
MDRD eGFR Co-incided with New Definition of ____
• Estimated GFR became definiton of CKD ○ Stage I: § Kidney \_\_\_\_, but GFR within normal range (>\_\_\_\_) ○ Stage II: § Kidney damage with \_\_\_\_ decrease ○ Stage III: § \_\_\_\_ decrease ○ IV: § \_\_\_\_ ○ Kidney failure § GFR
damage 90 mild moderate severe 15
Limitations of MDRD
• Derived from a population with average GFR ____ ml/min/1.73m2
– Few patients with ____ GFR
• Tends to ____ GFR in patients with true GFR>____ ml/min/1.73m2
• People in the MDRD all have CKD ○ The average true GFR was 40 • First question: who did they study? • Equation performs poorly for people with \_\_\_\_ > gives them one that is lower than their true GFR
normal/near normal
eGFR Alone Can Only Define CKD if < 60 ml/min/1.73m2
• Only GFR, and no protein/imaging issues; the earliest you can truly diagnose is \_\_\_\_ ○ Bc \_\_\_\_ GFR so frequently • Stage II > so frequent underestimation > need to find other things wrong: \_\_\_\_ in urine (glomerular), protein in urine, or \_\_\_\_ showing you're missing one or structural damage (cysts, etc.) • Issue communicating with patients ○ Referred and don't have other problems > stage III § Why didn't get \_\_\_\_ earlier? Did doc miss? Just an issue with the above
stage III under-estimated blood imaging detected
For Stage 1 or 2, Additional Evidence of CKD is needed
• ____
• ____
• Abnormal Kidneys on ____
• Glomerular Filtration is the Major Metric of Kidney Function
• Estimation of GFR is helpful with:
– ____ of medications
– Assessment of ____ of disease
– Decisions about ____
• Regulation of ____ is critical to maintenance of homeostasis (this will be the next talk)
tubular reabsorption
Two important parameters
- ____
- ____
effective vasc vol
Effective Vascular Volume
ECF vol»_space; Plasma vol»_space;
Effective vascular volume
• EFV ○ How well loaded the \_\_\_\_ is ○ Not a volume > an idea of how well \_\_\_\_ your vital organs are ○ If low > not sending enough blood to the vital organs in the proportion they need • Plasma volume ○ How much \_\_\_\_ you have • SVR ○ How \_\_\_\_ your BV are • CO ○ How well the \_\_\_\_ is working • The part the kidney controls is the \_\_\_\_ through control of ECF
arterial space perfused blood volume dilated/constricted kidney plasma volume
Body Fluid Compartments
Total body water (TBW):
ECF (____)
- ____
ICF (____)
- ____
• TBW ○ Makes up \_\_\_\_% of body weight is split into: § ECF □ 1/3 of TBW § ICF □ 2/3 of TBW § Black line separating > every cell membrane in body □ One ubiquitous protein in every membrane: \_\_\_\_ □ As a result of this pump: Na+ in the ECF, and K+ in the ICF
Na-K ATPase
ECF Volume is the Major Determinant of Plasma Volume
Plasma (____)
Interstitial fluid (____)
• Take ECF and breaks up further: ○ Plasma volume § 1/4 of the ECF § \_\_\_\_ to blood volume ○ Interstitial fluid § 3/4 of the ECF
major contributor
Body Fluid Spaces:
Water makes up 50-70% of total body weight Total body water (TBW):
– ____ intracellular fluid (ICF)
– ____ extracellular fluid (ECF) compartment
• ____ Plasma and ____ Interstitial Fluid
70 kg man
TBW = 70 x 0.6 = 42 L ICF = 42 x 2/3 = 28 L
ECF = 42 x 1/3 = 14 L Plasma =14x1/4=3.5L
• Plasma volume makes up \_\_\_\_ of the TBW ○ Keeps you alive ○ If not high enough > heart wont be able to pump sufficient blood to the organs • What's IF then of TBW?
2/3 1/3 1/4 3/4 1/12
Definitions: Osmolality and Tonicity:
• Osmolality = ratio of ____r
– Calculated Osmolality = 2 x [Na+] + Glu/18 + Urea/2.8 – Normally = 2x(140) + 100/18 + 10/2.8≈____ mOsm
– Osmolality can be directly measured by the ____
• Particles in water > has an osmolality ○ Important for osmotic shift ○ Large number of particles > traps \_\_\_\_ § Why starch exist > 20 glucoses, each is one particle > then link and make starch > one whole particle and store without the cell \_\_\_\_ • Take all the particles in serum that we measure > can calculate the osmolality ○ Euro's wouldn't need the divisions ○ Normal serum value: 140; normal glucose: 100; and a normal urea: 10 > 290 is a normal serum osmolality ○ Can \_\_\_\_, AND measure by the \_\_\_\_
• Tonically active osmoles are confined to one side of cell membrane or the other
• Also called “effective osmoles”
• Examples:
– Effective osmoles: ____, K, ____, Mannitol
– Ineffective osmoles: ____, Ethanol
– Glucose can behave as either effective or ineffective (depending on ____)
• Tonicity can NOT be directly measured by the ____
• TA osmoles have two properties ○ Osmotically \_\_\_\_ ○ Confined to one side of \_\_\_\_ or the other • Cl- ○ Anion of Na+ ○ Largely \_\_\_\_ • Mannitol ○ Artificial ○ Doesn't go into \_\_\_\_ ○ Used to suck fluid \_\_\_\_ of cells • Urea and ethanol distribute across the entire TBW • Glucose ○ Can behave as either depending on insulin ○ Tehcnically: \_\_\_\_, usually outsdie of cells § But in presence of insulin > pumps into cells > metabolized or changed into a starch • Tonicity CANNOT be directly measrued by lab; but you can do it for the \_\_\_\_ ○ Tonicity; have to see if cells \_\_\_\_ or swole ○ No \_\_\_\_ term! (unlike osmolality)
Na Cl urea insulin lab
• Since it cannot be measured, “best guess” is to calculated it:
• Calculated Tonicity= 2 x [Na+] + Glu/18
• This is the same as the calculated osmolality, except that the ____ term is removed
• Na+ is always partnered with something that is also tonically \_\_\_\_ ○ Double it ○ And then take glucose and divide by 18 § Because of unit to turn it into the same units as we have for the sodium
Why do we care about Tonicity?
Tonicity Dictates ____
K+ restricted to ____ and Na restricted to ____
• Water moves across ICF and ECF to maintain equal ____ across both compartments
• Water is moving in and out of cells to maintain \_\_\_\_ tonicity • Add tonically active osmole outside that cannot get into the cell ○ Like NaCl, and raise it > H2O will move inside to \_\_\_\_ in order (down it's own gradient) > shrink cell until cxn of \_\_\_\_ matches the cxn of Na+ outside ○ Tonicity: changes cause fluid shifts across membranes > cause shrink/swell > changes in \_\_\_\_
water distribution ICF ECF tonicity equal out K+ cell size
Why do we care about Tonicity?
• Add RBC into isotonic > looks \_\_\_\_ • Add into salt but hypotonic (not as high as isotonic) > water will go into cells > \_\_\_\_ • Add cells into solution that is hypertonic > water drawn out of cells > \_\_\_\_ up • Take RBC and drop into pure H2O > swell and explode > won't see any RBC > \_\_\_\_ • Disorder in tonicity (systemic) > never causes a problem in \_\_\_\_ function ○ Another organ will undergo changes that are lethal before the RBC gets messed up; the only organ that's entirely surrounded by bone > the \_\_\_\_ § Isotonic: nice \_\_\_\_ § Equivalent of swollen RBC > swell your brain > no sulci and get \_\_\_\_ of your brain outside the foramen magnum § Shrink brain > tear dura > \_\_\_\_
same swell shrivel hemolysis RBC brain
subdural hematoma
Basic physiology
• Tonicity
○ Regulate via is not via salt bc it would have big impacts on volume
§ Via ____
□ Has some impact on volume
□ Impact tonicity bc by def is by number of tonically active osmoms divided by water
§ Tonicity detected by ____ > two nuclei control thirst and ADH release
® Hormone released by post pit acts on kidney and tells to hang onto ____
® If off > urine volume will increase and it will be ____
§ ADH and thirst impact water balance
□ V thirsty and high ADH > will hang onto ____
□ ADH switched off, and thirst switched off > pee out a lot of ____
• Two circles are separate, but one can perturb the other
○ Tonicity circle decides that you’re ____, and says you need water (upreg water and ADH)
§ 1/3 of water goes into ECF (not great vol exapnder); if at this time, you’re at upper limit of what ECF circle thinks you’re at ____
□ As soon as extra water pushes you over limit > downregulat RAT > pee out ____ rich urine
○ Separate unless body has to choose which one is more important
§ Body in this situation; will always choose ____ over anything else
§ Significant intravascular volume depletion (>10%) > body will forget tonicity, hangs onto ____ no matter what > hang onto ADH and maybe thirst > try to retain water even though not a great volume expander (better than nothing) > so desperate, get whatever I can get
• Underpins thigns that are important:
○ Way the body works
○ Way we intervene when we need to change something (in problems of ECF volume and tonicity)
§ Importatn in disorders of tonicity
water hypothalamus water dilute water water hypertonic hypervolemia salt ECF volume water
Basic physiology
• Tonicity
○ Regulate via is not via salt bc it would have big impacts on volume
§ Via ____
□ Has some impact on volume
□ Impact tonicity bc by def is by number of tonically active osmoms divided by water
§ Tonicity detected by ____ > two nuclei control thirst and ADH release
® Hormone released by post pit acts on kidney and tells to hang onto ____
® If off > urine volume will increase and it will be ____
§ ADH and thirst impact water balance
□ V thirsty and high ADH > will hang onto ____
□ ADH switched off, and thirst switched off > pee out a lot of ____
• Two circles are separate, but one can perturb the other
○ Tonicity circle decides that you’re ____, and says you need water (upreg water and ADH)
§ 1/3 of water goes into ECF (not great vol exapnder); if at this time, you’re at upper limit of what ECF circle thinks you’re at ____
□ As soon as extra water pushes you over limit > downregulat RAT > pee out ____ rich urine
○ Separate unless body has to choose which one is more important
§ Body in this situation; will always choose ____ over anything else
§ Significant intravascular volume depletion (>10%) > body will forget tonicity, hangs onto ____ no matter what > hang onto ADH and maybe thirst > try to retain water even though not a great volume expander (better than nothing) > so desperate, get whatever I can get
• Underpins thigns that are important:
○ Way the body works
○ Way we intervene when we need to change something (in problems of ECF volume and tonicity)
§ Importatn in disorders of tonicity
water hypothalamus water dilute water water hypertonic hypervolemia salt ECF volume water
ECF Volume: Na Content
• Na is restricted to ____ compartment
• Na is the major osmole in ECF compartment
• Total body Na content determines ____
• Stable hemodynamics is dependent on ____
Stable ECF volume is maintained by Na balance ____ (dietary) = ____ (renal and extrarenal)
– ____ of Na is the major way of regulate Na content in body
– Extrarenal Na loss can outpace Na intake under certain conditions (diarrhea, burns, blood loss) leading to total body Na loss and abnormally low ____ (hypovolemia)
* ECF volume is equivalent to sodium content * Most common worldwide of extrarenal Na loss: \_\_\_\_
ECF compartment ECF volume stable ECF volume intake output renal excretion ECF volume
How Do We Evaluate Volume and Tonicity?
• Effective vascular volume: – Labs for this are \_\_\_\_ – This is a \_\_\_\_ evaluation • History • Physical Exam – \_\_\_\_, Lung Exam for Crackles, \_\_\_\_, Acute Change In Weight, \_\_\_\_.
• Tonicity:
– Clinical exam for this is ____
– This is a ____ evaluation
• Serum sodium and ____
• Clinical decision ○ Pattern that requires more than one piece of information, and requires seeing and examining the patient ○ Impossible - need to recognize a pattern of things to recognize one "animal" from another ○ Volume status - need a lot of things to determine ○ History § Puking and a lot of diarrhea □ Hypovolemia ○ Physical exams § Crackles - fluid in the \_\_\_\_; and may be volume overload § Peripheral edema □ Normal tissue should spring back out; but edematous feels like \_\_\_\_ § Very helpful: \_\_\_\_ change in weight □ Weigh patients daily □ Change weight by 2 kg > likely to be from \_\_\_\_ § Most specific finding: loss of \_\_\_\_ □ Someone's armpit > small amount of sweat; no sweat > \_\_\_\_ □ Can have ax sweat and can still be volume depleted; very \_\_\_\_ but not very \_\_\_\_ ® Ninja analogy • Tonicity ○ Clinical exam > nonspecific and unreliable ○ Lab diagnosis! § Key for this
unreliable clinical jugular venous pressure peripheral edema axillary sweat
memory foam
axillary sweat
Serum Sodium Concentration Does Not Asses Total Body Sodium
• Chem 7: ○ TL is sodium ○ K below ○ Cl next ○ Bicarbo below ○ BUN ○ Creatinine below ○ Glucose • Cations, anions, kidney • \_\_\_\_ is checked on daily basis on in-patients ○ Tells you nothing about \_\_\_\_ Na+ cxn • Effective intravascular volume is impacted by plasma volume, which in turn is impacted by \_\_\_\_, which then impacted by \_\_\_\_ • Tonicity is impacted osmolality, which is related to cxn of \_\_\_\_ • Check Na everyday; and people mistake that for how much Na in your body ○ Cxn doesn't tell you how big the \_\_\_\_ is
Na+ total body ECF volume total body Na Na volume
Volume Disorder = Abnormal Total Body Na Content
• Normal total body Na = \_\_\_\_ • Too much Na = Volume \_\_\_\_ • Too little Na = Volume \_\_\_\_ – Not the same as \_\_\_\_ – Dehydration implies too little water for the amount of solute in the body (\_\_\_\_)
• Dehydration is diff from volume depletion ○ Voluem depeletion > disorder in total Na+ body content ○ Dehydration > too little water > hypernatremia/hypertonicity
euvolemia overload depletion dehydration hypernatremia
Tonicity Disorder= Abnormal Ratio of Water to Solute
• In general: • Normal tonicity: – Normal Serum Sodium (\_\_\_\_) • Low tonicity: – Too much water relative to solute – \_\_\_\_ • High Tonicity: – Too little water relative to solute – \_\_\_\_
* High tonicity = dehydration * Can substitute for hyper/hypoaqeumia
ECF Volume Disorder=
Abnormalities in ____ Content
Too little sodium: Volume ____
Too much sodium: Volume ____
Osmolar Disorders= Abnormalities of ____ Balance
Too much water (relative to sodium): ____
Too little water (relative to sodium): ____
total body sodium depletion overload water hyponatremia hypernatremia
Types of IV Fluids
• IVF used to give NaCl > ____
– Often called “normal saline”
– Tonicity is comparable to the aqueous portion of ____
• IVF used to give water > 5mg/dl \_\_\_\_ – Often called “D5W” – Giving pure water IV would lyse \_\_\_\_s – 5mg/dl dextrose is close to iso-osmolar initially, but the dextrose gets \_\_\_\_ • This leaves behind \_\_\_\_
• Gave pure water > drop RBC into a beaker > explode; won't have any systemic problems in RBC with regards with tonicity bc brain will die first ○ Can have a problem \_\_\_\_ > pure water > locally RBC will explode > sterile water has a red label; but used to mix with other things; never inject by itself! ○ Add 5 mg/dl dextrose into the water > give pure water § Solution is \_\_\_\_ bc of the dextrose, and will get pumped into cells and metabolized and go away § Liter of D5W distributed over entire body > slight decrement in serum sodium; won't get a sudden drop that'll cause hemolysis • \_\_\_\_to give salt and volume expand • \_\_\_\_ fluid to give water
isotonic saline blood dextrose red cells metabolized water
Add 1.5 Liters Normal Saline
• What happens to tonicity? ○ Stay the \_\_\_\_ ○ Fluid is isotonic > no change in tonicity • What happens to ECF ○ \_\_\_\_ ○ Will icnrease by 1.5L § Bc of sodium containing and isotonic > 100% of it stays in ECF volume • What happens to ICF ○ Stays the \_\_\_\_ ○ Unchanged!
New Case
• Add 420 mEq Dry NaCl:
• Tonicity ○ Add tonically active osmom without any water > \_\_\_\_ ○ Ratio will \_\_\_\_ • ECF volume ○ \_\_\_\_ ○ Sodium is trapped EC; sucks water from IC • ICF volume ○ \_\_\_\_ ○ Pulling water from inside cell
New Case
• Add 1.5 D5W:
• Tonicity ○ \_\_\_\_ ○ Water without tonically active osmom > \_\_\_\_ the ratio (increase denominator without changing nominator) • ECF volume ○ Water by itself > nothing to trap it ○ \_\_\_\_; 40% of it will stay the same • ICF volume ○ \_\_\_\_ ○ 2/3 or 60% of water > will go into cells
Impact on ECF
• 1.5 L Normal Saline: 17 L > ____ L
• 1.5 L D5W: 17 L > ____ L
– But [Na] decr’d from 140mEq/L > ____ mEq/L
• 420mEq NaCl: 17 L > ____ L
– But [Na] incr’d from 140mEq/l > ____ mEq/L
• ECF ○ Normal saline § ECF goes up 1.5L ○ D5W § Goes up .6 L § But [Na] serum \_\_\_\_ ○ Dry salt § Goes up .9 L § But [Na] serum \_\_\_\_
ECF Volume ≠ ____
• In these three examples, note that extracellular volume ____ (albeit by a
different amount in each case) independently of changes in body fluid ____ (and the plasma sodium concentration).
• In fact, sodium concentration either increased, stayed the same, or decreased.
• Volume expanded all the patients; but \_\_\_\_ did different things every time
[Na concentration]
– A normal euvolemic person will ____ the salt
and water out in urine and go back to 17L
– [Na] 140mEq/L > 135 mEq/L, but:
– Normal person will pee the extra ____ out
–[Na] 140mEq/l > 145mEq/L, but:
– Normal person would drink and/or pee out the extra ____
* In the real world > the types of changes would only happen in someone without working * Normal kidneys > attenuated, because of peeing and drinking and maintaining homeostasis
Take Home Points:
• Body’s primary goal is to defend adequate ____
– Na handling is critical for this
• An important secondary goal is to defend ____
– Water handling is critical for this
• Water and Na Handling are typically ____
• ECF Volume ≠ [____ Concentration]
Final Summary
- GFR is the major metric of ____
- Reabsorption of Na by the kidney plays a major role in maintaining ____
- Reabsorption of Water by the kidney plays a major role in maintaining ____ and preventing brain ____
kidney function