3 - EPI Flashcards


EPI Fundamentals and Sequences:
1. Explain the basic concept of Echo Planar Imaging (EPI) and how it differs from traditional imaging sequences.
2. Why was EPI not feasible in common systems for a long time? How did advancements in technology overcome these limitations?
3. Describe the original EPI scheme and its limitations. How does the blipped EPI scheme improve upon the original?
4. Compare and contrast Gradient-Echo EPI (GE-EPI) and Spin-Echo EPI (SE-EPI) in terms of their applications and contrast mechanisms.


EPI Fundamentals and Sequences:
1. Echo Planar Imaging (EPI) is a fast magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technique that samples the entire k-space under a single free induction decay (FID) or echo. Unlike traditional sequences, EPI acquires data in a single shot, enabling rapid imaging. The original EPI scheme used a constant gradient in the phase-encoding direction, but blipped EPI schemes with stepped or blipped phase-encoding gradients are now preferred for better image quality and uniform k-space sampling.
2. EPI was not initially possible in common systems due to the high demands on the strength and speed of magnetic field gradient switching required for rapid data acquisition. Advancements in gradient technology and hardware allowed for the development of EPI sequences that could meet these demands.
3. The original EPI scheme sampled the signal uniformly in time, resulting in unevenly spaced data points in k-space. This caused image artifacts and reduced image quality. Blipped EPI schemes involve moving backward and forward along lines in k-space, leading to more uniform data sampling and improved image quality.
4. Gradient-Echo EPI (GE-EPI) is commonly used in functional MRI (fMRI) and relies on T2-weighted contrast. The TE (echo time) affects both functional contrast and signal dropout due to T2 decay. In contrast, Spin-Echo EPI (SE-EPI) generates a spin-echo and is efficient at high field strengths. It relies on T2-contrast, and the TE determines the contrast and signal characteristics.

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EPI Sequence Parameters: 5. What are the salient parameters that govern the behavior of the EPI sequence? How do these parameters influence image contrast and quality?
6. Explain the concept of Echo Train Length (ETL) in EPI and how it affects the image quality and signal-to-noise ratio.
7. Discuss the relationship between bandwidth, acquisition matrix size, and signal-to-noise ratio in EPI. How does increasing bandwidth affect image quality and acquisition time?
8. Discuss the significance of repetition time (TR) and flip angle in EPI imaging, particularly in relation to BOLD response and time resolution.


EPI Sequence Parameters: 5. The salient parameters of the EPI sequence include the echo time (TE), echo train length (ETL), volume repetition time (volume TR), inter-slice TR, and flip angle (α). TE influences functional contrast, but a long TE can lead to signal loss. ETL affects signal-to-noise ratio and image quality. Increasing volume TR and flip angle influence imaging characteristics.
6. Echo Train Length (ETL) represents the duration over which signal is acquired and is affected by the number of lines acquired in the phase-encoding direction and the echo spacing. Longer ETL can result in distorted images and decreased image quality.
7. EPI requires high bandwidth due to its rapid data acquisition. Bandwidth impacts noise and image quality. Increasing the acquisition matrix size or bandwidth results in longer ETL, affecting signal-to-noise ratio and image quality. Increasing bandwidth can also cause higher noise levels.
8. Repetition time (TR) determines time resolution and volume coverage. Short TRs can lead to motion artifacts. The inter-slice TR must not be shorter than TE plus half of ETL. Short TRs can limit volume coverage. TR comparable to T1 affects magnetization recovery. Flip angle (α) adjustment depends on the desired TR and BOLD response.

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Artifacts and Image Distortion: 9. What are the challenges posed by susceptibility artifacts in EPI? How can these artifacts be mitigated or minimized?
10. Describe the impact of frequency offset, fat suppression, and susceptibility gradients on EPI image quality.
11. Explain the concepts of signal distortion and dropout in EPI. How can these issues be addressed during data acquisition and image reconstruction?
12. Discuss the challenges and techniques for dealing with signal dropout and distortion in EPI images, including the use of segmented acquisition and dynamic compensation.


Artifacts and Image Distortion: 9. Susceptibility artifacts arise due to differences in magnetic susceptibility between tissues, leading to local magnetic field gradients. These gradients cause signal dropout and distortion in EPI images. They can be addressed by improving shimming, changing slice orientation, or using thinner slices.
10. Frequency offsets from inhomogeneities and fat-water differences cause phase shifts and signal displacement. Fat suppression is employed to mitigate fat-related artifacts. Larger susceptibility gradients along the phase-encoding direction result in more significant distortion.
11. Signal dropout occurs when susceptibility gradients introduce phase shifts that cause signal cancellation. Distortion arises from susceptibility gradients in the read and phase-encoding directions. Distortion is inversely proportional to the bandwidth per pixel in the phase-encoding direction.
12. Dealing with signal dropout involves techniques such as using spin-echo EPI, improving local shimming, changing slice orientation, and using thinner slices. Distortion can be mitigated by increasing acquisition bandwidth, employing parallel imaging, and using segmented acquisition

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Advanced EPI Concepts: 13. Explain the spin history effect and its impact on signal saturation and partial volume effects in EPI imaging.
14. How do inflow effects and draining veins influence EPI image quality and interpretation? How can these effects be distinguished from BOLD response?
15. Describe the process of EPI image reconstruction, including the correction of zeroth-order and first-order phase errors.
16. Explain the role of susceptibility-induced gradients in causing susceptibility artifacts. Provide examples of how these artifacts manifest in EPI images.


Advanced EPI Concepts: 13. The spin history effect results in partial saturation of spins within slices, leading to signal loss. This effect is caused by spins not fully recovering to thermal equilibrium between excitations.
14. Inflow effects occur due to increased blood flow during brain activation, leading to increased signal. Draining veins, although far from the site of activation, can also affect signal due to changes in deoxyhemoglobin content.
15. EPI image reconstruction requires accounting for positions in k-space where data were acquired. Correction of zeroth-order and first-order phase errors is necessary to produce accurate images.
16. Susceptibility-induced gradients cause image artifacts by introducing shifts and distortions. These gradients arise from differences in magnetic susceptibility between tissues. They lead to signal dropout and shearing/rescaling effects in EPI images.

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Artifact Mitigation and Techniques: 17. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of increasing acquisition bandwidth, using parallel imaging, and changing slice orientation to address EPI-related artifacts.
18. Describe the impact of using different EPI sequence schemes on susceptibility-induced artifacts and image quality.
19. Discuss the benefits and limitations of various methods to compensate for susceptibility-induced artifacts in EPI imaging.


Artifact Mitigation and Techniques: 17. Increasing acquisition bandwidth, using parallel imaging, and changing slice orientation can mitigate artifacts. Increasing bandwidth reduces distortion but can increase noise. Parallel imaging and segmented acquisition allow for faster data acquisition.
18. Different EPI sequence schemes have varying susceptibility-induced artifact patterns. Some schemes might lead to more severe susceptibility-related issues than others.
19. Dealing with susceptibility-induced artifacts requires a combination of methods, including improving shimming, changing slice orientation, and using specialized acquisition techniques to compensate for the unwanted gradient effects.

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NOTESQ. Can you think of a situation in which spin history effects lead to a decrease in signal?

  • Answer: Yes, for example if a previously excited slice moves to the position of current slice

Spin history effects can lead to a decrease in signal in situations where there is motion or displacement of the imaged object between different excitations. This effect is particularly relevant in multi-slice imaging, such as in the case of fMRI, where multiple slices are acquired in rapid succession.

In multi-slice imaging, different slices are excited sequentially, one after the other, within a relatively short time frame. However, due to physiological motion or subject movement, the position of the imaged object can change between successive excitations. When a previously excited slice undergoes motion and moves to the position of the current slice being excited, it can lead to a decrease in signal for the following reasons:

  1. Incomplete Recovery of Magnetization: After excitation, spins within a tissue need time to recover their longitudinal magnetization (z-component of magnetization) and reach a steady-state. If a slice experiences motion and moves before it reaches this steady-state, the signal contribution from that slice can be reduced.
  2. Phase Inconsistencies: Movement can introduce phase inconsistencies between the spins within the tissue. This phase discrepancy can result in signal cancellation when the spins’ contributions are combined during data acquisition.
  3. Gradient Imperfections: Inaccuracies in gradient fields during motion can cause unwanted phase shifts in the acquired signal. These phase shifts can negatively impact the signal when combined with signals from other slices.
  4. T2* Decay: If the imaged object has short T2* values, such as in regions with susceptibility variations, motion-induced changes in magnetic field gradients or local susceptibility differences can lead to rapid signal decay due to T2* effects.

These effects are collectively referred to as spin history effects because they are influenced by the recent history of spin evolution within the imaged tissue. When slices undergo motion, their magnetization history changes, and this can result in signal loss or distortions in the acquired images. These challenges need to be carefully considered in order to minimize motion artifacts and ensure accurate image reconstruction, particularly in fast imaging techniques like multi-slice EPI.

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NOTESQ. In an EPI imaging experiment of your neighbors’s head it comes out shaped like a rugby ball. You are not sure whether the phase-encoding gradient has been programmed with the wrong value or if there is a massive inhomogeneity gradient across the head. You are allowed a single experiment (i.e. acquisition of another image) to test which of these explanations is correct. What do you do?

  • Answer: I would repeat the acquisition but with the direction of the phase-encoding reversed. If phase-encoding gradient was incorrectly calculated then the head would still be the wrong shape, but if inhomogeneity gradients were at fault then the distortion would be reversed

Certainly, let’s break down the explanation:

In an EPI (Echo-Planar Imaging) imaging experiment, the shape of the resulting image can be distorted due to factors such as incorrect phase-encoding gradients or inhomogeneity gradients across the object being imaged. To determine whether the distortion is due to an incorrect phase-encoding gradient or inhomogeneity gradients, you can perform a simple experiment:

Experiment: Reversed Phase-Encoding Direction

  1. Acquire a new EPI image of your neighbor’s head, but this time reverse the direction of the phase-encoding gradient. This means that the phase-encoding gradient will now be applied in the opposite direction compared to the original image acquisition.


  • If the distortion remains the same (rugby ball shape): This suggests that the distortion is likely caused by inhomogeneity gradients across the head. In this case, reversing the phase-encoding direction wouldn’t affect the distortion pattern, as it is a result of magnetic field inhomogeneities.
  • If the distortion is reversed (returns to a normal head shape): This indicates that the original distortion was likely due to an incorrectly programmed phase-encoding gradient. Reversing the phase-encoding gradient direction essentially cancels out the effect of the initial error, resulting in a corrected image shape.


When you reverse the direction of the phase-encoding gradient, you effectively reverse the direction of the spatial distortion caused by the gradient. If the distortion is due to an incorrect phase-encoding gradient value, then reversing the gradient direction will maintain the same distortion pattern. On the other hand, if the distortion is primarily caused by inhomogeneity gradients, reversing the phase-encoding gradient direction will reverse the direction of the distortion.

By performing this single experiment, you can distinguish between these two potential causes of distortion and determine whether the distortion is due to an equipment error (incorrect phase-encoding gradient) or an inherent property of the imaged object (inhomogeneity gradients).

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NOTESQ. Will a spin-echo EPI sequence show both distortion and signal drop-out?

  • Answer: No. It will show distortion, but no dropout

Certainly, let’s explain the concept:

A spin-echo EPI (Echo-Planar Imaging) sequence is a type of MRI sequence that is commonly used to acquire rapid images, such as in functional MRI (fMRI) studies. This sequence involves the use of a 180-degree refocusing pulse, which helps to correct for the magnetic field inhomogeneities that cause distortion in the images acquired using the standard gradient-echo EPI sequence.

Distortion in MRI images, especially in EPI sequences, occurs due to magnetic field inhomogeneities caused by susceptibility differences between tissues. Gradient-echo EPI sequences are more susceptible to distortion because they do not involve a refocusing pulse to correct these inhomogeneities. In spin-echo EPI, the 180-degree refocusing pulse mitigates the effects of field inhomogeneities, reducing distortion in the resulting images. As a result, spin-echo EPI sequences are preferred when distortion is a concern.

Signal Drop-Out:
Signal drop-out is another phenomenon that can occur in MRI images, particularly in areas with susceptibility differences or at tissue boundaries. It happens when the magnetic field gradients cause dephasing of the spins, leading to signal loss in certain regions. Signal drop-out is more common in gradient-echo EPI sequences because the absence of a refocusing pulse leaves the signal more vulnerable to susceptibility effects.

In a spin-echo EPI sequence, the 180-degree refocusing pulse effectively rephases the spins, reducing the likelihood of signal drop-out. The refocusing pulse helps to recover lost signal due to dephasing, resulting in more consistent signal intensity across the image.

So, in summary, while both distortion and signal drop-out can be problematic in MRI images acquired using gradient-echo EPI sequences, a spin-echo EPI sequence is designed to primarily address distortion through the use of a refocusing pulse. This makes spin-echo EPI sequences more suitable for scenarios where distortion is a concern, while also minimizing the effects of signal drop-out.

The answer provided seems to be incorrect. In certain cases, a spin-echo Echo-Planar Imaging (EPI) sequence can indeed show both distortion and signal drop-out.

Let’s break down the concepts:

Distortion: Distortion occurs in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) when there are inconsistencies in the magnetic field, leading to differences in the spatial location of the imaged structures. In EPI sequences, distortion can arise due to field inhomogeneities caused by various factors such as susceptibility differences between tissues, air-tissue interfaces, and metal implants. Distorted images can display anatomical structures in incorrect positions or shapes.

Signal Drop-Out: Signal drop-out is the phenomenon where the MRI signal from a particular region is significantly reduced or completely lost. This can happen when the magnetic field inhomogeneities are severe enough that the signal from a certain area of interest is dephased or canceled out. Signal drop-out is often seen at tissue interfaces with significantly different magnetic susceptibilities, such as at the skull-base or near air-filled cavities.

Now, applying this to a spin-echo EPI sequence:

A spin-echo EPI sequence is a fast imaging technique used to acquire images quickly, making it especially useful for functional MRI (fMRI). However, due to the rapid acquisition process, it is more susceptible to susceptibility-induced distortions and signal drop-out than traditional spin-echo sequences.

In areas with strong magnetic field variations, such as near air-tissue interfaces, both distortion and signal drop-out can occur in a spin-echo EPI sequence. The distortions can lead to misalignment of structures, while the signal drop-out can result in areas with no visible signal at all. This is particularly problematic when imaging the brain, as areas near the sinuses or skull base can experience both distortion and signal drop-out in a spin-echo EPI sequence.

In summary, while the provided answer suggests that a spin-echo EPI sequence would show only distortion but no signal drop-out, this is not accurate. A spin-echo EPI sequence can indeed exhibit both distortion and signal drop-out, particularly in regions with susceptibility variations or air-tissue interfaces.

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NOTESQ. Consider an EPI experiment where for the sake of simplicity we sample the signal during all gradient switching. If the sampling frequency is 100 kHz then how long is the ETL for a data matrix of 64x64 and 128x128? In each case what would be the bandwidth in the phase- encoding direction and the bandwidth per pixel.

  • Answer: ETL 40.96 ms (64x64) 163.84 ms (128 x 128) bandwidth in phase encoding direction; Bandwidth (64) = 1/(64x10us)=1562Hz bandwidth per pixel 1562/64=24.4 Hz Bandwidth 128=781Hz. BW/pixel =781/128=6.1Hz

Certainly, let’s break down the calculation and explanation step by step:

1. Calculation of Echo Train Length (ETL):
The Echo Train Length (ETL) is the number of echoes acquired during one RF excitation pulse. It can be calculated using the formula:

ETL = Number of phase-encoding steps × Sampling time per step

For a data matrix of 64x64:
ETL = 64 × (1 / 100,000) seconds = 0.00064 seconds (or 640 microseconds)

For a data matrix of 128x128:
ETL = 128 × (1 / 100,000) seconds = 0.00128 seconds (or 1280 microseconds)

2. Calculation of Bandwidth in the Phase-Encoding Direction:
The bandwidth in the phase-encoding direction can be calculated using the formula:

Bandwidth = 1 / (ETL × Sampling interval)

Where the sampling interval is the inverse of the sampling frequency.

For 64x64 matrix:
Bandwidth = 1 / (0.00064 seconds × 100,000) Hz = 1562 Hz

For 128x128 matrix:
Bandwidth = 1 / (0.00128 seconds × 100,000) Hz = 781 Hz

3. Calculation of Bandwidth per Pixel:
The bandwidth per pixel can be calculated by dividing the bandwidth by the number of pixels in the phase-encoding direction.

For 64x64 matrix:
Bandwidth per pixel = 1562 Hz / 64 = 24.4 Hz

For 128x128 matrix:
Bandwidth per pixel = 781 Hz / 128 = 6.1 Hz

In an EPI experiment, each gradient switching period (TR) contributes to the echo train length (ETL). The ETL determines how many echoes are acquired within one RF excitation. A larger ETL allows for the acquisition of more data, potentially improving signal quality but also extending the overall imaging time.

The bandwidth in the phase-encoding direction is related to the ETL and sampling frequency. It represents the range of spatial frequencies that can be encoded along the phase-encoding direction. A larger bandwidth allows for better spatial resolution but may also lead to increased susceptibility to artifacts.

The bandwidth per pixel reflects the portion of bandwidth allocated to each pixel in the phase-encoding direction. It provides insight into how well the spatial details can be captured within individual pixels.

In the provided answers, for a larger data matrix (128x128), the ETL, bandwidth, and bandwidth per pixel are higher compared to the smaller data matrix (64x64). This reflects the trade-off between spatial resolution and acquisition time, as well as the impact on the signal characteristics and potential artifacts in the resulting images.

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NOTESQ. In a 2D imaging experiment phase-encoding is used to spatially resolve spins along the second dimension. The increment of the phase-encoding gradient corresponds to a step in k-space of k = ggt where g is the gradient strength and t is the duration of the phase-encoding gradient. As no filter is applied in the phase-encoding direction, objects outside the field of view (FOV) will alias back into the image. By considering the Nyquist/Shannon sampling theorem what phase change will the weakest phase-encoding gradient (g) induce at the extremities of the FOV (i.e. at +FOV/2 and -FOV/2)? What is then the phase step for the magnetization between successive phase-encoding steps at the extremes of the FOV? (in other words how does the phase change between applying g and applying 2g?) In an EPI experiment data for successive phase-encoding steps are acquired sequentially, so that if spins are off-resonance they will appear as shifted along the phase-encoding direction. What is the phase difference between each successive line of k-space that will result in the off-resonance spins being shifted by a quarter of the FOV?

  • Answer: You need a p change at the edges of the FOV to satisfy the Nyquist theorem. Each phase-encoding increment will increase the phase at the edge of the FOV by a further factor of p. If you alternate the phase of successive lines by a factor of p then you will shift the image by FOV/2, so to get an FOV/4 shift you need phase steps of p=2

Certainly, let’s break down the explanation step by step:

1. Phase Change for Nyquist Sampling:
In order to satisfy the Nyquist-Shannon sampling theorem, which prevents aliasing, the phase change induced by the weakest phase-encoding gradient (g) at the extremities of the field of view (FOV) needs to be at least π radians (180 degrees). This is because a phase shift of π radians corresponds to a shift of half the FOV, ensuring that the spatial frequencies are properly sampled. Therefore, a phase change of π radians is necessary at both +FOV/2 and -FOV/2.

2. Phase Step for Magnetization:
The phase step for the magnetization between successive phase-encoding steps at the extremes of the FOV is determined by the incremental change in the phase due to the phase-encoding gradient. Since the phase change at the edges of the FOV is π radians for Nyquist sampling, the phase step for the magnetization will also be π radians between successive phase-encoding steps at the edges of the FOV. This means that the phase will increase by π radians with each phase-encoding step.

3. Phase Difference for Off-Resonance Spins:
In an Echo-Planar Imaging (EPI) experiment, data for successive phase-encoding steps are acquired sequentially. If spins are off-resonance (experiencing a frequency shift), they will appear as shifted along the phase-encoding direction in k-space. To achieve a shift of a quarter of the FOV (FOV/4), you would need a phase difference of π/2 radians between each successive line of k-space. This phase difference of π/2 corresponds to a quarter of the Nyquist interval and results in the desired spatial shift of FOV/4 in the final image.

In summary:
- To prevent aliasing, you need a phase change of π radians (180 degrees) induced by the weakest phase-encoding gradient at the FOV edges.
- The phase step for the magnetization between successive phase-encoding steps at the FOV edges is π radians, reflecting the incremental phase change due to the gradient.
- To shift off-resonance spins by a quarter of the FOV, a phase difference of π/2 radians between successive lines of k-space is required.

These principles are crucial for understanding how phase encoding, sampling, and image shifts are managed in MRI experiments, particularly in the context of EPI and spatial encoding.

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