3. Electoral Systems Flashcards
How does Supplementary Vote work? What type of party system does SV result in? - Electoral Systems
Supplementary Vote ensures that a candidate must win an absolute majority of votes across 2 preferences to be the winner. If a candidate doesn’t win across 1st preferences, then all but the top 2 candidates are eliminated, and 2nd preferences for those 2 candidates are added to their 1st preferences to produce an absolute majority. SV is likely to result in a 2 party system and promote a strong mandate for a single party leader.
Where is SV used? What was the result in the most recent election here? - Electoral Systems
SV is used in London, with the 2021 election going to voters’ second preferences. Sadiq Khan won in the 2nd round of counting 55.2% of the vote, compared to 44.8% for Shaun Bailey.
What was the result in the 2021 London Mayoral Election? - Electoral Systems
In the 2021 Mayoral Election, Sadiq Khan won 55.2% of the vote on second preferences, whereas Shaun Bailey won 44.8% on second preferences.
What was the result of the 2019 General Election? (Seats and turnout) - Electoral Systems
The 2019 General Election was won by the Conservative Party with 365 seats on 43% of the turnout, ahead of Labour on 202 seats with only 32.1% of the turnout.
When have nationwide referendums been held in the UK and over what issues? - Electoral Systems
1975 - Remaining in or leaving the EEC
2011 - Changing the electoral system to AV from FPTP
2016 - Remaining in or leaving the EU
What examples have there been of regional referendums in the UK? - Electoral Systems
1997 - Scottish Parliament Referendum
1998 - Northern Ireland Good Friday Agreement Referendum
1998 - Welsh Assembly Referendum
2004 - North East Regional Development Centre
What was the result of the 2016 Brexit Referendum? - Electoral Systems
The 2016 Brexit Referendum saw 52% voting in favour of Leave and 48% voting in favour of Remain. This has been incredibly divisive.
What was the result of the 2004 North East referendum on Regional Development? What was the turnout? - Electoral Systems
The 2004 North East devolution referendum saw 80% voting against the proposed change on a 50% turnout.
What was the result of the 2014 Scottish IndyRef? - Electoral Systems
The 2014 Scottish IndyRef saw 55% of voters voting to remain in the UK, with 45% voting to leave. This resulted in the extension of devolution to Scotland.
What was the result of the 2011 AV Referendum? What was the turnout? - Electoral Systems
The 2011 AV Referendum was rejected by 2/3 of voters on a 42% turnout.
How does AMS work at a local level? - Electoral Systems
At local level, AMS uses FPTP to elect its representatives, with the candidate winning the largest share of a vote in a constituency winning a seat in the legislature.
How does AMS work at a regional level? - Electoral Systems
Voters cast an extra vote for a party at a regional level, with these votes then scaled up or down by the D’Hondt formula to produce an overall proportional result by allocating a certain number of regional representatives to sit in the legislature.
What was the result of the 2021 Scottish Parliament election? (REGION/CONSTITUENCY SEATS) - Electoral Systems
The 2021 Scottish Parliament election saw the SNP win 64 seats/129, falling 1 seat short of a majority. 2 of these were regional seats, with 62 constituencies.
What was the result of the 2021 Welsh Assembly election? (REGIONAL/CONSTITUENCY SEATS) - Electoral Systems
The 2021 Welsh Assembly election saw Labour win 30 seats out of 60, exactly half of those available. 3 of these were regional votes, and 27 were constituencies.
What was the SNP’s % of the popular vote at constituency and regional level? How does this translate to their share of seats won? - Electoral Systems
The SNP won 47% of constituency votes and 40% of regional votes. This translated into 49% of the overall vote.
How does STV work? - Electoral Systems
Voters rank candidates based on preference on their ballot paper, with a quota calculated in each constituency based on number of ballots cast. If a candidate achieves the quota on first preference, they win a seat. If not, the lowest ranking candidates are eliminated and their votes redistributed, with this process repeated until candidates achieve the quota.
How are candidates for parties in STV elections different from FPTP elections? - Electoral Systems
STV elections have multiple different candidates from the same party within constituencies, whereas in FPTP, each party stands only a single candidate at constituency elections.
In the 2022 Northern Irish election, what % of seats did the DUP and Sinn Fein respectively win compared to their share of the popular vote? - Electoral Systems
In 2022, the DUP received 27% of all seats in the Assembly having won 21% of the vote, whereas Sinn Fein won 30% of the seats in the Assembly on 29% of the vote.
How many seats were won by a margin of < 5% in 2017? - Electoral Systems
97 seats were won by a margin of < 5% in 2017, indicating that marginal seats are still widely seen in the UK.
What was the UK’s safest seat in 2019? What was the % majority for the winning party here? - Electoral Systems
Liverpool Walton is the UK’s safest constituency, with Labour winning a 75% majority over the Conservative Party.
What was the Green Party’s average votes needed/winning candidate in 2017? What was the SNP’s? - Electoral Systems
On average, the Green Party needed 525,000 votes to win a single constituency, compared to only 28,500 for the SNP.
How many seats were estimated to have been safe seats in 2015? - Electoral Systems
In 2015, an estimated 368 seats/650 were safe seats.
In 2015, how many votes were calculated as being ‘wasted’ due to them having no chance of influencing the outcome of constituency contests? - Electoral Systems
In 2015, an estimated 22 million votes were estimated to have been wasted by FPTP.
What % of Scottish Parliament seats would the SNP have won on FPTP in 2016? What % of seats did they win on AMS? - Electoral Systems
The SNP would have won an estimated 81% of seats at Holyrood under FPTP in 2016, instead winning 48% under AMS.
How many seats did the SNP win in 2019 compared to the Lib Dems? How many votes did each party receive? - Electoral Systems
The SNP won 48 seats in 2019 compared to 11 by the Lib Dems. This was in light of the SNP taking 1.2 million votes compared to 3.7 million for the Lib Dems.
What example is there of a multi-member constituency with split representation in 2022? - Electoral Systems
North Antrim had 5 representatives from 5 different parties in 2022. These were Sinn Fein, the DUP, Alliance, UUP and TUV.