3-DVT and PE Flashcards
what is the DVT?
A thrombosis of the deep veins of the extremities that can lead to pulmonary embolism. Clinical signs of DVT include swelling, tenderness, and redness or discoloration. Risk factors include the Virchow triad: endothelial damage (surgery/intravascular instrumentation), venous stasis (immobilization, obesity), hypercoagulable state (undetected malignancy, thrombophilia).
what is PE?
an obstruction of the pulmonary artery and/or one of its branches by a thrombus that primarily arises from the deep vein system in the legs or pelvis and embolizes to the lungs via the inferior vena cava. Less commonly, the cause of obstruction is a fat or air embolus. Risk factors include stasis (e.g., immobility, surgery), hypercoagulable states (e.g., pregnancy and the puerperium), and endothelial dysfunction (e.g., trauma)
DVT most commonly involves what vein?
calf veins
DVT occurs in up to half of patients who:
- suffer major trauma (+ long periods of immobilization)
- suffer femoral and tibial fractures
- undergo major general surgical/orthopaedic procedures
what are the risk factors of DVT
- -History of DVT or PE (30x increased risk) [1]
- -Immobilization: e.g., post-surgery, long-distance flights, –trauma (20x increased risk)
- -Age > 60 years
- -Malignancy
- -Hereditary thrombophilia (especially factor V Leiden)
- -Pregnancy, estrogen use (oral contraceptives)
- -Obesity
- -Smoking
- -IV drug use
- -Nephrotic syndrome
- -Insufficient thrombosis prophylaxis, noncompliance with prophylaxis
what cancers particularly are associated with increased risk of VT?
Gastric, pancreatic, pulmonary, gynecological, and urological tumors are particularly associated with an increased risk for DVT because these types of tumors produce proteins and cytokines with thrombophilic effects.
what is the pathophysiology of DVT
- -The Virchow triad refers to the three main pathophysiological components of thrombus formation.
1) Hypercoagulability: increased platelet adhesion, increased clotting tendency (thrombophilia)
2) Endothelial damage: inflammatory, traumatic
3) Venous stasis: varicosis, external pressure on the extremity, immobilization, local application of heat
what is the classification of risk of developing DVT in post-surgery patients?
1) LOW
- -Age < 40
- -Surgery < 30minutes
- -Rapid postoperative mobilization
- -No major risk factors
- -age>40
- -Abdominal surgery under GA
- -Moderate obesity
- -One major risk factor
- -Age > 50
- -Pelvic surgery or trauma
- -Prolonged postoperative immobilization
what are the clinical features of DVT?
- -Swelling
- -Erythema
- -Pain
- -Tenderness
- -Homan’s sign
- -fever
what is the Homan sign?
calf pain on dorsal flexion of the foot
why DVT is more common in the left lower extremity
Due to compression of the left iliac vein by the overlying right iliac artery
what is the May-Thurner syndrome?
compression of the left iliac vein between the right iliac artery and a lumbar vertebral spur (occurs in > 20% of adults)
Affected individuals may be asymptomatic or present with left iliofemoral venous thrombosis.
what are the DVT investigations?
• Serum D-dimer levels • Byproduct of fibrin cross- linkage • Sensitive but not specific • Duplex ultrasonography - Investigation of choice • Contrast venography - Now less commonly used
what is the investigation of choice in DVT
duplex USG
what is the role of D-dimer testing in DVT?
- -High sensitivity (∼ 95%), low specificity (∼ 50%)
- -Useful for ruling out DVT (normal D-dimer levels rule out DVT)
- -Elevated D-dimers alone are not proof of DVT.