3. Continental Clastic Environments Flashcards
What are examples of continental clastic environments?
1) Rivers - fluvial, alluvial
2) Lakes
- Lacustrine
3) Glacial - moraine, outwash
4) Desert - aeolian
5) Volcanic - Pyroclastic, debris flow
6) soils
7) Natural, urban and in-between
What is source to sink
- the complete sediment routing system
- a holistic approach
- intergration of multiple data sources
- focus on link between segments/depositional environments
- link between processes and stratigraphy
Why is source to sink usefull?
- improve understanding of landscapes and seascape evolution in 3D
- encourage thinking across disciplines
- improve predictability in ancient systems
Why are fluvial systems important?
- deliver vast majority of terrestrial sediment, organic carbon, and pollutants to the coast
- provide water
- flooding
- power generation
- fishing
define river
a ‘large’ conduit for the flow of water and sediment
define fluvial
processes and bedforms relating to rivers
define alluvial
processes and deposits related to rivers but occuring outside of the channel itself (floodplains, deltas)
What are the three modes of sediment transport in rivers?
1) Dissolved load
2) Suspended load
- Fine particles (sand,silt,clay)
- Turbulent eddies pick up, carry upward if vel. > settling vel.
3) Bedload
- On/near bed: rolling, bouncing (‘saltating’)
Suspended and bedload transport increase rapidly with flow strength (nonlinear relationship)
What are the two main types of rivers?
1) Bedrock rivers
- Part of the bed is bar rock, which the river has eroded into cutting down
- Generally in upper reaches of rivers
2) Alluvial rivers
- Bed consists of sediment (has a floodplain)
- Downstream reaches
Describe bedrock river
- Part of the bed is bar rock, which the river has eroded into cutting down
- Generally in upper reaches of rivers
- erosion rate depends on slope
- presence of sediment ‘tools’ (clasts) increases erosion
What is an alluvial fan depositional system?
They form at the exit of a drainage basin, has a radial sediment dispersal pattern and decreasing grain size and gradient downslope
Mix of sedimentary processes
- Debris flow
- Hyperconcentrated flows
- Fluvial channels
- Sheet floods
Fan is build of lobes and lobe-switching processes produces a composite cone
Describe a debris-flow dominated alluvial fan
- small and steep catchments
- High magnitude/low frequency events
- Common debrite lobe features
- big flash flood
describe a stream-flow drominated alluvial fan
- ‘Wet’ fan receive annual rains
- Avulsion and migration of rivers dominate
- Soil development
- better sorted
- finer grained
What is the recognition criteria for ancient alluvial fans
- Ancient fan deposits located adjacent to, and tilt towards, normal faults at basin margins
- Upward changes in grain-size and facies reflect cycles of growth/shrinkage(allogenic) and/or lobe switching(autogenic)
- Absence of marine fauna and immature texture
- Evidence of subaerial emergence: palaeosols and desiccation cracks
- Unidirectional to radial paleocurrents
Main types of (perennial) fluvial channel
- degree of channel subdivision by large migrating bedforms
- Planform description of channel deviation from straight
- More permanent distributive channel subdivision into smaller channels