3. Commencing Proceedings Flashcards
Personal Injury claims, when can they START in the high court?
value of 50 000 or more
General claims: when can they be started in the high court?
Claims for over 100 000, claimant can CHOOSE to start in high court
When should C choose to issue proceedings in the high court
Advantageous to use HC when claim is complex (facts, legal issues, remedy or procedures) or outcome is important to the public at general
Can a matter issued in the high court by TRANSFERREd to the county court?
Jurisdiction of the Civil National Business Centre (CNBC)
- all money only claims
- including specified and unspecified
If a case sent to CNBC is contested, what happens?
Matter transferred to county court hearing centre close to the defendant
Which claims can be made via Money Claim Online (MCOL)
Online claims for debt up to 100k
High Court: Three Divisions
- Chancery
- Family
When do proceedings ‘commence’
When claimant / their solicitor sends a claim form / other documents to the relevant court to be ISSUED and a file is opened
What must the claimant file with the relevant court to ‘issue’ proceedings there
- Claim Form (n1)
- Particulars of claim
- documents required by CPR (ie. copy of any contract)
When is a claim ‘brought’ for limitation purposes
When the claim form is received in the court office
Claim Form: Statement of Value, what must claimant put for an unspecified claim in the county court
Whether they expect to recover in damages:
- not more than 10 000
- more than 10 000 but not more than 25 000
- more than 25 000 but not more than 100 000
- more than 100 000
Who can sign a statement of truth if the party is a partnership
any of partners or people with control or management of business may sign for partnership
Who can sign a statement of truth if the party is a company
person holding senior position like director, secretary, chief executive or treasurer may sign on behalf of the company
If an individual signs on behalf of another party in the statement of truth, what must be included
a statement that they are ‘duly authorised’ to sign
If a solicitor signs a statement of truth on behalf of a client, do they sign in the firm’s name or their own
Their own name, stating capacity in which they sign and adding firm name if appropriate