3 Alliteration, Assonance, And Allusion Flashcards
Descibe “Station”
One’s social rank or position
To “Curry” is to…
To seek to gain favour by flattery or attention
What is a “Peal”?
A loud repeated or reverberating sound of thunder or laughter
Being “Callous” is…
Showing or having an insensitive and cruel disregard for others
To be “Enigmatic” is…
Being difficult to interpret or understand; mysterious
To be “Dappled” is…
To be marked with spots or rounded patches
To be “Contemtuous”
Showing disdain; scornful
To “Assail” is to…
to make a concerted or violent attack on…
What is a “Spat?”
A petty quarrel
To “Muster” is to…
To collect or assemble
To “Defy” is to…
To openly resist or refuse to obey
To “Despise” is to…
To feel contempt or a deep repugnance for
To “Immortalize” is to…
To confer enduring fame upon
What is a “Litany?”
A series of petitions for use in church services or processions, usually recited by the clergy and responded to in a recurring formula by the people