3 Flashcards
Epigastric pain - causative med from atenolol, baclofen, olanzapine, prednisolone?
prednisolone - decreases gastric secretions increasing risk of gastric ulceration
Discoloured patches on skin - bilateral and simultaneous. No change in texture. Affect areas around mouth, eyes, fingers, wrists, armpits, groin
Discoloured patches on skin - not symmetrical or simultaneous, slightly scaly or flaky. Affect chest, tummy, back and arms
Pityriasis versicolor
S/E of propranolol
Trimethoprim and MTX interaction
both folate antaganists - C/I to take both as may lead to bone marrow suppresion and neutropenic sepsis``
Why can carbimazole sometimes cause a sore throat?
bone marrow suppression -> agranulocytosis
How would you test for Cushing’s syndrome?
Large amounts of cortisol produced by adrenal glands
Overnight dexamethasone suppression test - take a dose and see how it affects the level of cortisol in the blood
16 month old - barking cough, cold symptoms, over 48 hours symptoms worsen, rasping noises on inhalation and overall strenuous breathing. What could be the diagnosis and treatment?
Croup, single dose of dexamethasone
When can clozapine be initiated?
When 2 antipsychotics have been tried and unsuccessful
Nature of tamoxifen interaction with warfarin
Tamoxifen increases efficacy of warfarin therefore increase INR
Risk of faecal impaction associated with which laxative (in opioid induced constipation)
isphaghula husk MHRA opioid learning module
COMT parkinsons meds - which is associated with fatal liver injury?
Tolcapone - usually women and in first 6 months. Test liver function 2 weekly for first year then 4 weekly for 6 months then 8 weekly thereafter
Prophylactic enoxaparin and stroke
Do statins affect risk of extravasation?
Levothyroxine risk of side effects
narrow therapeutic drug so increased risk of toxicity - tremor, tachycardia, weight loss and anxiety
Fun facts athlete’s foot
Cure not achievable in 20-40% of patients
Relapse in 20-25%
Treatment for severe flare up of crohns
IV steroids and IV fluids
Antibiotics only in inflammatory markers and fever.
IV dextrose not 1st line not appropriate to give over 24 hour period
IV hydrocortisone 100mg qds
treatment of rickets vitamin
s/e amiloride (electrolyte imbalance)
type of insulin - lispro, glulisine?
rapid (immediately before meals)
type of insulin - aspart?
rapid (immediately before meals)
type of insulin - glargine, degludec?
long 1x daily
type of insulin - detemir?
long 1x or 2x daily
human, bovine porcine - insulin type?
intermediate - similar to endogenous basal insulin (can be mixed with short acting (up to 15-50% short acting) shortly before a meal)
intermediate alone may be once a day or more
the most appropriate form of insulin for use in diabetic emergencies e.g. Diabetic ketoacidosis and peri-operatively.
Soluble insulin administered intravenously
soluble SC insulin
- time to action
- peak action
- duration of action
time to action 30-60 mins
peak 1-4 hours
duration 9 hours
rapid acting insulin
- time to action
- duration of action
- 15 mins
- 2-5 hours
Intermediate insulin
- time to action
- peak
- duration of action
- 1–2 hours
- 3–12 hours
- 11–24 hours.