3 Flashcards
What are four functions of the kidney?
- Regulation: controls concentrations of key substances in ECF
- Excretion: excretes waste products
- Endocrine: synthesis of renin, erythropoietin, prostaglandins
- Metabolism: active form of vitamin D, catabolism of insulin, PTH calcitonin
What is the basic principle of kidney in terms of things that are filtered and recovered?
- over 99% of filtered water is recovered (blood)
- Overy 99% of filtered sodium and chloride ions recovered (ECF)
- 100% of bicarbonate recovered (mainly in PCT)
- 100% of glucose and AA recovered in PCT
- just a few waste products not recovered
- some substances (ex. H+ secreted, so lose more than filtered)
What is ultrafiltrate?
- filtered ECF
- contains water, ions all small molecules
How much fluid does the kidney filter?
180L/day: every L filtered over 10 times a day
- recovers nearly everything
- leaving on average about 1.5L per day of urine
- kidney directly affects ECF but not ICF
What is the predominant ion cation and anion in ECF?
- cation: sodium
- anion: chloride
- potassium is an important cation
What are the electrolyte compositions of the ICF and ECF?
-ICF: high K+, low Na+, many large organic anions
ECF: low K+, high Na+, main anion Cl- and HCO3-
How does water move during filtration?
- thrugh osmotic forces
- osmolality: solutes per kg of solvent
- osmolarity: number of osmole of solute per litre
- measured in milliosmoles
Describe the glomerulus as a filter
- each glomerulus in each neurone contains afferent and efferent arteriole
- found only in the cortex
- 20% of blood from renal artery is filtered at any one time
- 80% of blood arriving exits via efferent arteriole (unfiltered)
- small tuft of capillaries surrounded by several layers of fenestrated and leaky epithelium
- help to provide a selective filtration barrier and direct filtered fluids
Why is the diameter of the afferent arteriole slightly greater than the diameter of the efferent arteriole?
- hydrostatic pressure of blood inside glomerulus is increased due to the difference in diameter of the incoming and outgoing arterioles
- increased hydrostatic pressure helps to force certain components of the blood out of the glomerular capillaries
What is the filtration factor?
- represents the proportion of fluid reaching the kidneys that passes into the renal tubules
- normally about 20%
- GFR: about 125ml/min
Which type of nephron has autoregulation?
Cortical nephrons
What are the components of the renal corpuscle?
- Bowman’s capsule and Bowman’s space
- DCT and PCT
- JG apparatus
What is the renal afferent arteriole?
-arteriole through which blood enters the glomerular capillaries
What are the glomerular capillaries?
-small tuft of inter-connecting capillaries with a fenestrated endothelium and specialized basement membrane known as the glomerular basement membrane which is involved in selective filtration of blood
What are podocytes?
- specialized type of epithelial cell which directly invests the glomerular capillaries and are critical for the selectivity of glomerular filtration
- contacts the glomerular BM using thin outpouchings known as “foot processes” that are close to one another
- narrow spaces between the foot processes form a thin slit sometimes known as the “slit diaphragm” (filtration slits)
- foot processes wrap around the outside of the loop of the capillary
What are renal efferent arterioles?
-vessels through which blood exits the glomerular capillaries
What is Bowman’s capsule?
- layer of epithelial cells that surround the glomerular capillaries and is continuous with the epithelium of the proximal tubule
- fluid filtered through the glomerular capillaries is thus directed into the proximal tubule by the Bowman’s capsule
What is Bowman’s space?
- refers to the space between Bowman’s capsule and the glomerular tuft
- where the ultrafiltrate goes before it leaves the convoluted tubules
What is mesangium?
- basement membrane-like matrix in which the glomerular capillaries are embedded and which provides them structural support
- Mesangial cells live within the mesangium and maintain this matrix
Describe the juxtaglomerular apparatus
- endocrine structur consisting of macula densa
- macula densa located in DCT and are known as “salt sensors”, help to communicate with glomerulus, afferent and efferent arteriole
- macula densa affects renin release
- renin is secreted when NaCl concentration in the filtrate decreases
- Extraglomerular mesangial cells are connected to each other and to JG cells by gap junction
- process of filtration is metabolically very demanding so o2 consumption of kidneys is high, needs constant blood flow
- PCT has a brush border with narrow lumen while DCT has a very wide lumen
Describe the filtration barrier
- made of 3 layers
- from in to out
- endothelial layer: closest to capillaries, very fenestrated
- basement membrane: contains acellular gelatinous layer of glycoproteins which have a negative charge
- podocytes layer
How does size affect the perm-selectivity of the barrier
- if molecular weight is 5200 or greater, then it cannot fit into glomerulus
- ex: inulin, hb, and serum albumin are too big
- small molecular weight and effective radius less than 1.48nm will pass through
How does charge affect filtration?
- since BM has a negative charge, it will repel molecules with negative charge
- if molecule is large but has a positive charge it can get through barrier
- if molecule is small but has a negative charge then it will be unable to get through barrier (ex. Proteins)
What is proteinuria?
- when protein ends up in urine
- in many disease processes the negative charge on the filtration barrier is so lost so proteins are more readily filtered