3日目 Flashcards
[頭] うつむく
cast one’s eyes down
[頭] うなずく
[目] まばたきをする
blink one’s eyes
[目] つぶる
close one’s eyes
[口] 一言つふやく
mutter a little
[口] 歌を口ずさむ
croon a song
[口] 煙にむせる
choke on the smoke
[口] 食べ物でむせる
swallow food the wrong way
choke on food
[手] ほっぺたをつねる
pinch one’s cheek
[手] 草をむしる
pull weeds
turn over the page of the calendar
[手] 塩をつまむ
take a pinch of salt
[手] 鼻をつまむ
pinch one’s nose
[手] 花を摘む
pick flowers
[手] 才能の芽を摘む
ruin a person’s talent
[手] 足をさする
rub one’s legs
[手] 髪の毛をいじる
play with one’s hair
[手] 庭をいじる
tend the garden
[手] 家具のほこりをはたく
dust the furniture
[手] 水をすくう
scoop up water
[手] 杖を突く
use a cane
[手] 赤ちゃんをバスタオルでくるむ
wrap a baby in a towel
[手] 紙を丸める
crumple up a piece of paper
[手] 体を丸める
curl up
[手] マッチを擦す
strike a match
[手] 指をさす
point a finger
[体] 横になる
lie down
[体] うつ伏せになる
lie on one’s stomach
[体] 仰向けになる
lie on one’s back
[体] 体を反らす
bend backwards
[体] 体を曲げる
bend forwards
[体] 馬にまたがる
sit astride a horse
a three-year-long project
[体] 湯につかる
soak in hot water
[体] 門をくぐる
go through the gate
avoid a puddle of water
[体] 水中でもがく/あがく
struggle in the water
[体] 山中をさまよう
get lost and wander about in the mountains