3/4- Linear regression with one regressor Flashcards
What 3 main things does linear regression allow us to do?
- Quantify different relationships (through correlations)
- Estimate causal effects under assumptions
- Carry out a predictive analysis
What does an error term summarise?
All the determinants of y besides x
What is the causal/treatment effect?
E(y|x=1) - E(y|x=0) = β1
Why will an experiment not give us the true value of β1 unless we can sample the entire population?
Randomisation ensures E(y|x=1) = E(y|x=0) in samples as n goes to infinity. But, in any sample, the sample average value of u may differ between small and large classes
What are the 2 main properties of ^β1 as an estimator of β1?
- ^β1 is an unbiased estimator of β1, if we did the experiment repeatedly on different samples, the average value of ^β1 would equal β1: E(^β1)=β1
- ^β1 is a consistent estimator of β1, as the sample size goes to infinity ^β1 gets closer to β1
What is the selection bias?
The difference between E(u|x=1) - E(u|x=0)
What does the slope of the population regression line (β1) give us?
The average change in Y for a unit change in x
What do beta coefficients with hats (^β) refer to, and what do those without (β) refer to?
- ^β refers to a sample
- β refers to population parameters
What is the line of best fit?
The best fit line is the closest to all the sample points, so to find it we have to minimize the distance between the line and the data points
What does the intercept (β0) of the OLS estimator tell us?
The predicted value when X = 0
What does the Total Sum of Squares (TSS) tell us?
TSS measures the variation in the dependent variable
What does the Explained Sum of Squares (ESS) tell us?
ESS represents variation explained by the regression
What does the Residual Sum of Squares (RSS) tell us?
RSS represents variation not explained by the regression
What does R^2 measure?
The fraction of the variance of Y that is explained by the regression. It measures how well the regression line fits the data
How does TSS relate to ESS and RSS?
What are the range of values R^2 can take?
Between 0 and 1, 0 implies no fit and 1 implies perfect fit
How does the interpretation of β1 change when regression is in semi-logarithmic form?
A one unit change in x produces a β1*100 percent change in Y
How can you calculate the error term/residual (u)?
Find the difference between the actual results for a given parameter and the result the model would predict given that parameter
What is a key feature of OLS residuals?
They all add up to 0
What is the relationship between the predicted/fitted value of y and the residual?
The sample covariance between them is 0
What is an advantage of using a semi-logarithmic regression?
If we just had the dependent variable then the value of an extra unit of the independent variable would be constant
What is a constant elasticity model?
When both the dependent and independent variable are logarithmic
What is the relationship between y and β1 in the constant elasticity model?
a 1% increase in y leads to a β1% increase in x
What does the expected value of the OLS estimator tell us?
Tells us if the estimator gets it right on average, it is the average outcome across all possible random samples
What does the standard error of the OLS estimator tell us?
Tells us how reliable our results are
What are the 4 main assumptions for the unbiasedness of SLR?
- Linear in parameters: can have log(y) but not log(β)
- Random sampling
- Sample variation in the explanatory variable: sample outcomes on xi are not all the same value
- Zero conditional mean: E(u|x)=0
What happens to the parameters if the OLS is unbiased? i.e all 4 assumptions hold