3&4 Flashcards
An unlearned stimulus-response relation
stimulus (CS)
A stimulus that elicits a conditional response
because of respondent conditioning
Neutral stimulus (NS)
A stimulus that does not elicit a conditional
response in the absence of a learning history
Respondent Conditioning
A stimulus-stimulus pairing procedure
in which a NS is presented with an US
until the neutral becomes a CS
that elicits the CR
The waning of responsiveness to a US that is repeatedly presented
Respondent extinction
Repeatedly presenting a CS not accompanied by a US, which causes CR to cease occurring
Unconditioned Response (UR)
A response elicited by an US
Unconditioned Stimulus (US)
A biologically based stimulus that elicits an unlearned UR
High-Order Conditioning
Respondent conditioning in which a NS is paired with a CS, not an US
Behavior is reduced by failing to reinforce a previously reinforced response
Extinction burst
An increase in the frequency of responding when an extinction procedure is initially implemented
Resistance to Extinction
The relative frequency with which operant behavior is emitted during extinction
Spontaneous Recovery
A behavioral effect associated with extinction in which the behavior suddenly begins to occur after its frequency has decreased to its pre-reinforcement level or stopped entirely
Motivating Operation
An operation that modulated the reinforcing or punishing effectiveness of certain kinds of events and the likelihood of occurrence of operant responses relevant to those events
Negative Reinforcement
Behavior is strengthened as a function of the removal or prevention of an event that occurs contingent on a reponse
Positive Reinforcement
Behavior is strengthened as a function of the addition of an even that occurs contingent on a resonse
Reinforcing successive approximation to a target behavior