3 Flashcards
Performance-based payments are the government’s [1] means of contrct financing under most negotiated, fixed-price contracts and their use is [2] unless deemed impractical.
- Preferred
2. Required
Unless another date is specified in the contract, the government’s due date for making a payment is ____ days after the government receives a proper invoice for the amount due.
If a contractor fails to make payments to itws subcontractors or suppliers, the Contracting Officer can __________________________________ progress payments.
suspend or reduce
The bases for making performance-based payments may be either specific events (i.e. milestones) or some _________________ ________________ of performance.
measurable criterion
Government employees are expected to conduct public business in a manner that avoids even the ______________ of ethical impropriety.
The civil False Claims Act (FCA) permits the government to recover ___________ _____________ and penalties from someone who submits a false claim to a federal agency
treble damages
Under the FCA a person acts knowlingly if she has actual knowledge of the information or acts in _______________ _____________ of the truth or falsity of the information.
deliberate ignorance
In a qui tam action, the _________ initiates the process by filing a complaint in the name of the United States under seal.
The Supreme Court has supported _____________ interpretations of the FCA, so it is considered available as an alternative charge when more narrow statutes could also be applied.
Each civilian agency and the Department of Defense have a designated ___________________________________ supported by the Department of Justice which has responsibility for enforcing the various procurement integrity statutues mentioned in this chapter.
Inspector General