3/30/15 Flashcards
What was the problem with anointing jesus with the expensive oil
The oil was expensive and they were mad that he didn’t sell it to help the poor
What is the significance of the 4th Sunday of lent
Late are Sunday. Priest wears red
What is Ecce homo
Behold the man
Who is the most catholic figure in the movie passion
What is the 1st Sunday of lent
The temptations of jesus in the desert
What is the second Sunday of lent
The transfiguration
What is the third Sunday of lent
Jesus chases the merchant out of the market
What is the fourth Sunday of lent
Jesus meets Nicodemus/ laetare Sunday
What is the fifth Sunday of lent
The Greeks wish to meet with jesus and jesus foretells his death
What is the sixth Sunday of lent
Palm Sunday or passion Sunday contained in all 4 gospels