#3- 17.09.07 Flashcards
字首:sur- (super- )
over, above
We teach students how to “survive” in the society.
The man “survived” the war and lived to be 90 years old.
survive (vi. vt.) 生存, 存活. / survival (n.)生存. / vitamin (n.) 維生素 (viv, vit=live, life)
This is a “survey” course on biology.
Engineers “surveyed” the land thoroughly before building a railroad.
survey (n./v.) 概論, 導論. 測量, 調查.
/video (n.)錄影, 電視節目
/ television (n.) 電視(ve, vis, vid=see)
The performance last night was “superb”.
superb (a.) 卓越的.
There are only “superficial” similarities between these very different species.
superficial (a.) 表面的, 膚淺的./ surface (n.)表面
The team leader “supervises” five people at work.
supervise(v.) 監督 / supervision(n.) 監督/ supervisor (n.) 監督者, 上司. (super=over;ve, vis, vid=see)
The US has enjoyed nuclear “supermacy” ever since the collapse of the USSR.
supremacy (a.)優勢, 霸主地位. / supreme(a.) 最高的./ market supremacy. (super-superior-supreme) / USSR 蘇聯
Japan enjoys huge amounts of the trade “surplus”.
The government sells “surplus” weapons abroad.
surplus (a./n.)盈餘. 過剩的./反: deficit (n.) 赤字, 不足額. / trade deficit 貿易赤字 /budget surplus 預算充足.(bud=bag) / plus (prep.) & minus (prep.) Three plus two equals five.
字首:sub- (suc-, sup-, sur- )
under, after
A “subcompact” is easy to park.
subcompact(n.)迷你車. /pack(v.)打包 /package(n.)包裹 / compact(a./v.)輕薄短小的. 壓縮 =compress / sedan (n.)轎車.(sed=sit)
The visitor us awed by the “sublime” beauty of Grand Canyon.
sublime (a.)宏偉的, 壯麗的. (v.)昇華. /awe(v.)產生敬畏的感覺 / Grand Canyon 大峽谷
The biologist is an expert on “submarine” plants.
A nuclear submarine is a powerful weapon of deterrence.
submarine (a./n.) 水下的=underwater. 潛水艇./ mermaid (n.)美人魚 (mar, mer=sea;maid=少女)
There are many “subterranean” caves in this area.
subterranean(a.)地下的=underground. / Mediterranean sea–>the Mediterranean (n.)地中海 / extraterrestrial (a.)外太空的=E.T.+matter, thing / meteorite(n.) 隕石 / meteor(n.)流星 (terra, terre=earth;medi=middle;extra=out)
Octavius was Caesar’s “successor.
successor (n.) 繼任者, 繼承人./ succeed(vt.) 繼任 (vi.) 成功. /predecessor(n.) (suc, sub= after;cess=go;pre=before;de=down;or=人)
The gymnast’s limbs are very “supple”.
supple (a.)彈性的, 柔軟的. /suppleness (n.)彈性/ gymnast(n.)體操選手 / gymnasium(n.) 體育館 (sup=under;ple, ble, plic=bend, fold)