3-13 Flashcards
3- how does the game of jenga relate to ecology
at the start it’s a healthy ecosystem. the blocks represent each animal, insect, bugs, reptiles etc. if you remove one block by mistake and the jenga tower falls. it’s trying to tell you that if a species goes extinct or becomes endangered then it can topple down the entire tower. everything depends on another.
4- what is ecology?
the study of how living things interact with each other & the environment.
4- another word for living things
biotic factors
4- another word for non-living things
abiotic factors
5- what’s the first level in ecology”?
5- what is a community?
all of the populations of different species that live in the same area and interact with one another.
5- what does an ecosystem include that is not in a community?
an ecosystem includes abiotic factors which is not included in a community.
5- list the levels of organization.
organism, population, community, ecosystem, biome, biosphere
6- define habitat
the natural home or environment of a living organism.
6- define niche
the role a species plays in the ecosystem.
8- define a limiting factor
the part of the environment that keeps a population’s size at a level below its full potential.
9- define natural selection
organisms that are suited for their environment are more likely to survive, reproduce, and pass on their traits.
10- what does competition mean in ecology?
the interactions of organisms that fight for a common resource that is a limited supply
10- true or false- every organism possesses a variety of adaptations that allow it to live in any kind of environment.
10- define predator
organism that kills & eats the other
10- define prey
the victim; the one being hunted/eaten
10- true or false- if a prey population decreases then its predator population will also decrease.
13- what does interdependence mean?
organisms depending on each other
13- what other examples of interdependence can you identify in the habitat?
because the biotic factors depend on each other in a food chain.
13- what could humans do to increase the biodiversity in this habitat?
plant trees, ride a bike, walk, take pictures instead of taking nature, leaving nature in nature, recycle, and any other things that don’t include harming or polluting the environment.
quizizz- how quickly do animals develop adaptations?
over generations
quizizz- how does the long neck help the saddleback tortoise to survive?
helps it reach vegetation.
quizizz- what part of hummingbird is adapted to help it eat?
long beak
quizizz- which is not an adaptation of an echidna?
a tail that breaks off.
quizizz- how do bears adapt to harsh winters?
they hibernated.
quizizz- which of these birds has a beak adapted to scoop up fish?
quizizz- when the environment changes some animals die, some move, and others
develop adaptations.
quizizz- those best suited for their environment are more likely to survive, reproduce, and pass on their
quizizz- how does the black tip of a giraffe’s tongue help it survive?
prevents sunburn
quizizz- who was the famous naturalist that coined the phrase “survival for the fittest”?
charles darwin
quizizz- what adaption does the marine iguana have that helps it to swim?
flat tail
quizizz- which adaptions help protect a sloth from predators?
quizizz- how does the waxy covering protect a cactus?
helps keep water in.
quizizz- how do the armadillo’s armored plates help it survive?
protected from predators.