3 Flashcards
What particle is emitted in alpha radiation? electron photon helium nucleus hydrogen nucleus
helium nucleus
Radioactivity results from the decay of unstable: electrons nuclei alpha particles photons
When a beta particle is emitted from the nucleus, which of the following happens to the mass of the parent element? The mass decreases The mass splits in half The mass increases The mass remains the same
The mass remains the same
Which particle is considered dangerous? proton alpha particle beta particle gamma particle
gamma particle
Radioactive decay can be defined as
The formation of new elements by bombarding the nucleus of an element with subatomic particles
Process where a heavy nucleus divides to form smaller nuclei of intermediate mass.
Combining of nuclei into larger ones.
The disintegration of a radioactive nucleus in a sequence of nuclear reactions that ultimately yields a stable isotope.
The disintegration of a radioactive nucleus in a sequence of nuclear reactions that ultimately yields a stable isotope.
Which of the following processes increase the atomic number by 1? gamma-ray production beta-particle production positron production alpha-particle production
beta-particle production
What particle can pass through metal but not lead? β γ α Ω
Which of the following types of radiation is composed of particles with a charge and mass identical to that of an electron? alpha particles beta particles gamma radiation X-rays
beta particles
Which of the following statements concerning the penetrating power into matter of various types of radiation is correct?
Alpha and beta particles penetrate equally.
Alpha particles penetrate deeper than beta particles.
Alpha particles penetrate deeper than beta particles.
Gamma radiation penetrates deeper than alpha particles.
Gamma radiation penetrates deeper than alpha particles.
Fission occurs when a neutron strikes the nucleus of a uranium-235 atom, causing the atom to split apart.
During fission, two new smaller atoms, two or three neutrons, and a lot of energy (mostly as heat) are released.
If the neutrons that were released hit other uranium-235 atoms, these atoms may fission.
Within seconds, millions of atoms can be fissioning. This sequence of events is called a nuclear chain reaction.
Which of the following particles would not be able to pass through paper? alpha particle beta partice gamma ray x-ray
alpha particle
Nuclear fusion \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_. takes place in the Sun occurs at low temperatures can be controlled in a nuclear reactor is used in medicine
takes place in the Sun
Nuclear fission \_\_\_\_\_\_\_. takes place in the Sun occurs at low temperatures can be controlled in a nuclear reactor is used in medicine
can be controlled in a nuclear reactor
Which of these atoms has the most stable nuclei? Ra Po Rn Au
Which of the following processes increase the atomic number by 1? gamma-ray production electron capture beta-particle production alpha-particle production
beta-particle production
A beta particle is essentially: an electron a positron a proton a helium nucleus
an electron
Critical mass can be defined as:
Mass critical to start a nuclear reaction.
Mass necessary to detect radiation.
Mass necessary to avoid an atomic explosion.
Mass required to generate a self-sustaining nuclear reaction.
Mass required to generate a self-sustaining nuclear reaction.
Radioactive decay can be defined as:
The formation of new elements by bombarding the nucleus of an element with subatomic particles.
Process where a heavy nucleus divides to form smaller nuclei of intermediate mass.
Combining of nuclei into larger ones.
The disintegration of a radioactive nucleus in a sequence of nuclear reactions that ultimately yields a stable isotope.
The disintegration of a radioactive nucleus in a sequence of nuclear reactions that ultimately yields a stable isotope.
Which of the following statements concerning the nature of emissions from naturally radioactive materials is incorrect?
Alpha particles carry a negative charge.
Beta particles have a mass less than that of alpha particles.
Gamma rays have no charge
All the above are correct.
Alpha particles carry a negative charge.
Which of the following is not a characteristic of a nuclear reaction?
Isotopes of elements are converted to other isotopes of elements.
Reaction rates are not affected by temperature, pressure, or catalysts.
Only electrons are involved in the breaking and forming of bonds.
Reactions have the release and absorption of great amounts of energy.
Only electrons are involved in the breaking and forming of bonds.
Cm-248 undergoes spontaneous radioactive decay by alpha submission. What is the resulting nuclide? Answer using the original isotope notation you learned (C-14, Ba-137, etc..)
Iodine-131 undergoes "beta decay". What other particle is produced? Xe-131 Te-131 I-130 Sb-127