2.Take Off And Climb Performance Flashcards
Take off run available TORA
The declared length of the runway
Take off distance available TODA
Declared length of the runway plus declared clearway
Accelerate stop distance available ASDA
Declared length of the runway plus any declared stop way
Obstacle free area beyong the takeoff runway which can be used as part of the takeoff distance available. From centreline 75m jets, 45m turbo (less than 22 tonne)
Speed at which pilot must take first action. Maximum speed to apply braking, minimum speed in the take off following a failure of critical engine
Therefore a ‘go-no-go’ speed or an ‘action by’ speed
Three regulatory speeds that limit the selection of V1
Vmcg, Vr and Vmbe (maximum brake energy)
Maximum angle climb speed
Vref30+80, maximum climb thrust set
Maximum range speed
Vref30+80 + 60kt , Vref30+140! Until speed transition M0.82
Va, maneuver speed for 777
Same as Vx, Vref30+80 !