2nd Session: Anatomy of the TMJ (1-15, Astorga) Flashcards
What is the Masticatory System responsible for?
Chewing, speaking, swallowing
Masticatory system: name the skeletal components (MMT)
Mandible Maxilla Temporal
Masticatory system: name the muscle components (6)
Masseter Temporalis Superior Lateral Pterygoid Inferior Lateral Pterygoid Medial Pterygoid Digastric
Masticatory system: name the ligament components (CCTSS)
Collateral Capsular Temporomandibular Sphenomandibular Stylomandibular
Name the main parts of the mandible bone:
Condyle, Coronoid Process, Ramus, Mandibular Notch, Mental Foramen, Body
Name the anatomy on the temporal bone:
Mastoid Process
External Acousitc Meatus
Styloid Process
Glenoid fossa
Articular Eminence
Zygomatic Process
Squamous Portion
Name the main anatomy of the maxilla bone:
Frontal Process,
Infraorbital Foramen,
Anterior Nasal Spine,
Alveolar Process, Body,
Infratemporal Surface,
Zygomatic Process
Name the Origin, Insertion, Function, Vascularity, and Innervation of the masseter muscle.
O: Zygomatic process of the maxilla
I: Angle of the mandible
F: Elevation of the mandible & protrusive
Vas: masseteric artery
Innerv: Masseteric branch of CNV (Trigeminal)
Name the Origin, Insertion, Function, Vascularity, and Innervation of the temporalis muscle.
O: Temporal fossa
I: coronoid process and anterior border of the ascending ramus
F: elevation of the mandible and retrusion
Vas: anterior, posterior, and superficial temproal arteries
Innerv: Deep temporal nerve from the mandibular branch of CNV (trigem)
Name the Origin, Insertion, Function, Vascularity, and Innervation of the lateral superior pterigoid muscle.
O: Lower part of the lateral surface of the great wing of the sphenoid and from the intratemporal crest.
I: The neck of the condyle and the anterior margine of the DISC!
Function: stabilizes the condyle and disk curing mandible loading (unilateral chewing)
Vas: Pterygoid branch of the maxillary artery
Innerv: mandibular branch of the CNV (trigem)
Name the Origin, Insertion, Function, Vascularity, and Innervation of the inferior lateral pterigoid muscle.
O: lateral surface of the lateral pterygoid plate
I: neck of the condyle
function: protrudes the mandible, contributes to the lateral movements and mouth opening
vas: pterygoid branch of the maxillary artery
Inn: mandibular branch of the CNV (trigem)
Name the Origin, Insertion, Function, Vascularity, and Innervation of the medial pterygoid:
O: medial surface of lateral ptrygoid plate and the pyramidal process of the palatine bone.
I: inferior and posterior of the medial surface of the ramus and angle of the mandible
Function: elevation of the mandibl and contributes of protrusion
Vas: pterygoid branch of the maxillary artery
Innerv: mandibular branch of the CNV (trigem)
Name the Origin, Insertion, Function, Vascularity, and Innervation of the anterior digastric muscle:
O: digastric fossa
I: Hyoid bone
Function: depression of the mandible and elevation of the hyoid bone
Vas: submental artery
Innerv: Mandibular branch of the CNV
Name the Origin, Insertion, Function, Vascularity, and Innervation of the posterior digastric muscle:
O: mastoid notch
I: hyoid bone
function: depression and elevation of the hyoid bone
vas: lingual and facial artery
Innerv: digastric branch of the CNVII (facial)
Do ligaments stretch?
Nope! But they can elongate over time, which compromises their function.