2nd Class Written Exam Prep Flashcards
What are the three types of standpipe systems?
o Class 1 - 65mm hose connections. For use by fire dpt.
o Class 2 - 38mm hoselines. Used by trained building occupants
o Class 3 - Combination. 38mm hose for occupants. 65mm connections for fire dpt.
What are 45mm nozzles set to?
550 lpm
What are 65mm nozzles set to?
750 lpm
Indicators of Possible Roof Collapse (short answer list 5)
o spongy roof
o melting asphalt
o smoke coming from roof
o fire coming from roof
o HVAC units sagging or leaning
5-10-12-18-20 Rule
o 5” from side impact airbags
o 10” from driver airbag
o 12-18” from side impact curtains
o 20” from passenger airbags
Steps of Auto Extrication (7)
- Scene Size Up – Downed power lines, # of vehicles, # of patients, Additional resources needed
- Scene Safety – Position of apparatus, oncoming traffic weather conditions, ice, glass, spills, etc.
- Reading the Wreck – Vehicle position, patient condition(s), vehicle type (electric?), vehicle condition
- Secure Vehicle – Disable battery, put in park & remove keys if possible, PPE, charged 45mm hose line, step chocks
- Patient Assessment – MOI, entrapment?, patient condition, C-Spine needed?
- Peel & Peak – Remove coverings of A,B,C posts, airbag placement, seatbelt cutting
- Stabilize Vehicle – Cribbing, deflate tires, chocks, etc.
What Classifies a High-Rise?
Any building over 18m or 6 stories, including any hospitals, schools, and nursing homes 3 stories and over
Elevator Phases
o Phase 1 Recall – initiated from outside the elevator
o Phase 2 Recall – initiated from inside the elevator
HVAC Systems and How They May Impact a Fire
o They move large qty’s of air in, out and around the inside of the building. (POS / NEG)
o Often designed w/ fire in mind using built-in overrides (POS)
o Can help to ventilate rooms (POS)
o Helps with pressurizing stairwells to vent smoke out of building (POS)
o Can spread fire and smoke throughout a building (NEG)
o Usually found on roof and very heavy which could cause possible collapse (NEG)
Building Construction - Matching Types 1-5
Type 1 - Fire Resistive: Can withhold/contain fire for a specified period of time. Schools, Hospitals, High-Rises
o Type 2 – Non-Combustible: Made with non-combustible materials (steel). Single story warehouses, factory’s
o Type 3 - Ordinary Construction: Masonry exteriors which support floor and roof, the rest is made from wood. Strip Malls, Small Apartments
o Type 4 - Heavy Timber: Usually brick or masonry exteriors, with everything else inside made from wood. Old Buildings like Churches with vaulted ceilings
o Type 5 - Wood Frame: Balloon style (1830’s – 1940’s). Exterior walls connect floors with no barriers in between. This allows fire to spread rapidly. Usually outdoor windows are same size and align vertically.1 and 2 family dwellings, small commercial buildings
What is it called when a charged wire touches the ground?
Ground Gradient
Techniques for coaching victim away from downed wires
- Explain to occupant that contacting the vehicle and ground at the same time can kill them
- Instruct them to jump out of the vehicle and move away using a hop / shuffle.
- Verbalize “Keep both feet together and jump clear of vehicle. Avoid touching the car as your feet encounter ground. Take short shuffle steps keeping both feet as close together as possible”.
- Move in this manner asway from the vehicle for at least 6m
- Instruct the occupants to jump when they’re ready
Nozzle setting for electrical safety?
set nozzle to FOG pattern at 30 degrees. Power line equipment fires, use 30 degree FOG at 700kpa
What is the voltage of LRT lines?
750 DC
Backdraft Definition
Instantaneous explosion or rapid burning of superheated gases that occurs when oxygen is introduced into an oxygen - depleted confined space. The stalled combustion resumes with explosive force.
Flashover Definition
Rapid transition from growth stage to fully developed stage
Rollover Definition
Condition in which the unburned fire gasses that have accumulated at the top of a compartment ignite and flames propagate through the hot gas layer or across the ceiling
Flow Path Definition
The space between at least one intake and exhaust outlet. The difference in pressure determines the direction of the flow of gases through this space. Heat and smoke in a high-pressure area will flow toward areas of lower pressure.
Conduction Definition
Physical flow or transfer of heat energy from one body to another, through direct contact or an intervening medium, from point where heat is produced to another location. High temp to low temp.
Convection Definition
Transfer of heat by the movement of heated fluids or gases, usually in an upwards direction
Radiation Definition
Transmission or transfer of heat energy from one body to another body at a lower temperature through intervening space by electromagnetic waves. (no intervening medium
Temperature Definition
Measure of the average kinetic energy of the particles in a sample of matter, expressed in terms of units or degrees designated on a standard scale
Heat Definition
Form of energy associated with the motion of atoms or molecules within a fuel which is transferred from one body to another as a result of a temperature difference between the bodies such as from the sun to the earth. To signify its intensity, it is measured in degrees of temperature
Heat Transfer Definition
Energy within fuel that’s transferred from one body to another as a result of temperature differences
Neutral Planes Definition
The interface between the hot gas layer and the cooler layer of air
4 stages of fire development
Incipient, Growth, Fully Developed, Decay
Incipient stage - Starts with ignition when the three elements of the fire triangle come together, and the combustion process begins. At this point, the fire is small and confined to a small portion of the fuel first ignited.
Growth stage- As the fire transitions from incipient to growth stage, more of the initial fuel package becomes involved in the production of heat and smoke increases.
Fully developed stage- Occurs when all combustible materials in the compartment are burning at their peak heat release rate based on the available oxygen.
Decay stage- As the fire consumes the available fuel or oxygen and the heat release rate begins to decline. The fire enters the decay stage. Fuel limited fires may self extinguish in this phase or be reduced to smoldering fires. Ventilation limits of fires may also extinguish. However, if oxygen becomes available during the decay stage before complete extinguishment, these fires are likely to reenter the growth stage and rapidly become more fully developed
Fire Tetrahedron
heat + oxygen + fuel + chemical chain reaction
When to call a Personnel Accountability Report (PAR) (4)
o Every 20 mins on scene
o Change in strategy - offensive to defensive
o After significant event like collapse, flashover, explosion etc.
o Any time IC asks
Who is the accountability officer?
Accountability officer is always 1st in pump driver, until other officer designated by command
Difference Between a Sprain & Strain
o Sprain is to do with the joint, overstretching or tearing a ligament – BONE TO BONE
o Strain is overstretching or tearing a muscle or tendon – MUSCLES OR TENDONS
Rule of Nines – Burn %’s
18% chest
18% back
9% head
9% each arm (18% total)
18% each leg (36% total)
1% dem nutz
What is Shock? (EMR)
A life-threatening condition that occurs when the circulatory system fails to provide adequate oxygen rich blood to all parts of the body. It’s caused by a decrease in blood circulating the body
5 different types of shock? (EMR)
Hypovoemic – Insufficient volume of blood circulating the body
Hemorrhagic – Vascular system loses a large quantity of blood
Neurogenic – Relative to hypovolemic, nervous system loses its ability to control the constriction of the body’s blood vessels causing them to dilate usually occurs when injury to brain or spine
Phychogenic – Results from emotional stress, blood vessels dilate, pooling blood in extremities
Septic – Occurs from a bad infection, releases toxins in the blood
Signs of Shock? (EMR)
o Restless or irritable (change in LOC)
o Pale, cool, moist skin
o Rapid breathing
o Rapid, weak pulse
How to care for shock? (EMR)
o ABC’s, Deadly Bleeds etc.
o Care for specific conditions
o Make comfortable
o Maintain temp
o O2 if needed
o No food or water
5 obvious signs of death?
o Gross rigor mortis
o Decapitation
o Lividity/ pooling
o Transection
o Obvious decomposition
LUNAR Acronym
Resources Needed
What is the optimal angle for setting up a ladder for additional egress for interior crews?
60 degrees
What temperature does bunker gear char at?
575 degrees Celsius
What are two things to do during search and rescue?
close doors to limit fire spread, mark doors you have searched
What is fast attack mode?
this mode is applied when quick immediate action can prevent the loss of life or injury
Evidence at Fire Scene, how to preserve it? (4)
o Do not tamper with it
o Never remove items
o Document and inform officer
o Protect it, cover it
Ladder placement for rescue?
tip of ladder should be just below the sill
If the nozzle man shuts down his line, what happens to the discharge gauge on that line?
should be higher
Smooth bore vs Fog Nozzle
Smooth bore requires less pressure than a fog nozzle but more volume
When flowing water over 1400 LPM, what is your friction loss?
175 kpa
At a fire scene, you come across a dead body. What do you do?
cover body and protect it as evidence
SLICERS acronym
Size up
Locate the fire
Isolate flow path
Cool from safe distance
When working around power lines that are 1,000 volts or more, how far away should a ladder be kept?
3m (10ft) away
How many anchors in a life support system?
OATH Acronym
OK (1 tugs)
Advance (2 tugs)
Take-up Slack (3 tugs)
Help (4+ tugs)
In a haul system, which pully gives you the mechanical advantage?
Travel Pulley
How many hi-pressure airbags can you stack?
In a fuel based fire, what stage does gas have an effect on it?
growth stage
What is the flap in your throat that covers your trachea called?
What triggers your breathing reflex?
high levels of CO2 in your blood
What do you have to stabilize a broken bone?
Soft – folded blankets
Rigid – metal strips, cardboard
Anatomical – use of their own body
Traction – special device
Rehab stages how many floors below the fire floor?
3 floors below
How long should a drivers inspection MTO Inspection be kept on the truck?
3 months
When should the driver submit MTO Inspection?
by 0900 hrs each day
Positioning fire apparatus considerations
· Rescue operations
· Exposures
· Water supply
· Method of attack
· Hoseline deployment
· Wind direction
· Terrain
· Roadway response
· Structural collapse
What is tandem pumping?
short relay operation in which the pumper taking water from the supply source pumps into the intake of the second pump
Advantages and disadvantages of water
Advantages of water;
· Good heat absorbing capacity
· Large amount of heat required to change water to steam
· Water converted to steam at 1700:1 ratio
· Water is inexpensive and readily available
Disadvantages of water;
· Water has high surface tension
· Can be reactive with certain fuels
· Water can freeze
· Good conductor of electricity
· Heavy : 8.3lb/gallon (1kg/L)
Reducing Friction Loss (3 ways)
hose length
hose diameter
removing kinks in hose
Principles of Friction Loss (4)
- If all other conditions are the same; friction loss varies directly with the length of the hose or pipe
- Velocity is proportional to flow
-When hoses are the same size, friction loss varies approximately with the square of the increase in velocity of the flow - For the discharge, friction loss varies inversely as the fifth power of the diameter of hose
- Bigger hose = less friction loss - For a given velocity, friction loss is approximately the same regardless of the pressure on the water
Water Hammer Definition
force created by the rapid deceleration of water; causes a violent increase in pressure that can be powerful enough to rupture piping or damage fixture
Pressure loss for master stream
175kpa unless otherwise posted
Pressure loss in the standpipe system
KFD Hi-Rise Pressure Loss
350kpa smooth bore nozzle + 50kpa per 50’ length 65mm
condition in which vacuum pockets form due to localized regions of low pressure at the vanes in the impeller of a centrifugal pump causing vibrations, loss of efficiency, and possibly damage to the impeller
Maximum pressure to draft
100kpa or 14.7psi
3 common drafting problems
- Air leak on the intake side of pump
- Whirlpool allowing air to enter pump
- Air leakage due to defective pump packing
Centrifugal pump
pump with one or more impellers that rotate and utilize centrifugal force to move the water
Priming device
used to exhaust the air from inside a centrifugal pump and attached hard suction hose; this creates a partial vacuum
Venturi effect
physical law stating that when a fluid is forced under pressure through a restricted orifice, there is an increase in the velocity of the fluid passing through the orifice and a corresponding decrease in the pressure exerted against the sides of the constriction
2 goals of foam application
· Fire Suppression - use foam as “Wetting Agent” to reduce water surface tension for Class A, B, D, K fire suppression.
· Vapor Suppression – use foam as “Liquid Foam Concentrate” to create a blanket for Class B Hydrocarbon vapor suppression.
How does foam work?
separation of fuel and fire
suppression / smothering
4 types of foam application
How often should life safety rope be inspected?
Monthly & after each use
LAST Acronym
Locate victim
Assess victim
Stabilize victim
Transfer care
What is the hot zone?
– anywhere a rescue or action will take place
- minimum 3m (10’) from shore
Whistle Blast Communication
1- OK
Anchor Angles
0-60 degrees= ideal
60-90= OK
never over 120 degrees
signs & symptoms of musculoskeletal injury
· Pain
· Swelling
· Deformity
· Discoloration of skin
· Inability to use affected area
Femur break – injured leg may appear shorter than other leg
types of musculoskeletal injuries
· Sprain (tearing of ligaments)
· Strain (tearing of tendons)
· Fracture
· Dislocation
What is a tendon?
a flexible but inelastic cord of strong fibrous collagen tissue attaching a muscle to a bone
What is a ligament?
a short band of tough, flexible fibrous connective tissue which connects two bones or cartilages or holds together a joint
bleeding into the pleural space
air entering the pleural space
When would you suspect a head or spinal injury?
- Fall from height
- Helmet broken
- Unconscious
- Lightning strike
3 types of brain bleeds
- Epidural Hematoma – arterial bleed between the skull and dura matter
- Loss/decline of consciousness
- Pupils may become sluggish, dilated, or non reactive - Subdural Hematoma – Venus bleed in the subdural space
- Effects may be delayed
- Personality changes
- Difficulty speaking
- Deficit in motor function - Intracerebral Hematoma
- damage to the blood vessels in the brain itself
Care for head and spinal injuries?
· minimize movement
· Maintain airway
· Control any external bleed
· Provide ongoing assurance and care
· Administer oxygen if required
Which statement about the characteristics of water is MOST accurate? (167)
A. Water is compressible at all temperatures while its weight varies at different temperatures.
B. Water is considered to be virtually incompressible and its weight varies at different temperatures.
C. Water is compressible at very low temperatures while its weight remains constant at all temperatures.
D. Water is considered virtually incompressible and its weight remains constant at different temperatures.
B. Water is considered to be virtually incompressible and its weight varies at different temperatures.
Which statement about the ability of water to extinguish fire is MOST accurate? (168)
A. Water extinguishes fire by cooling objects it is applied to.
B. Water can cool or absorb heat from a fire as well as smother fires.
C. Water breaks the chain reaction of a fire by disrupting the fuel source.
D. Water must be combined with some other extinguishing agent in order to extinguish fires.
B. Water can cool or absorb heat from a fire as well as smother fires.
At 212°F (100°C), water converted to steam occupies approximately: (169)
A. 170 times its original volume.
B. 700 times its original volume.
C. 1,700 times its original volume.
D. 7,000 times its original volume.
C. 1,700 times its original volume
Atmospheric pressure at sea level is considered to be: (174)
A. 10 psi (70 kPa).
B. 12.2 psi (85 kPa).
C. 14.7 psi (100 kPa).
D. 16.4 psi (115 kPa).
C. 14.7 psi (100 kPa).
The forward velocity pressure while water is flowing from a discharge opening is considered: (176)
A. flow pressure.
B. head pressure.
C. residual pressure.
D. normal operating pressure.
A. flow pressure.
Which term refers to a fire hydrant that receives water from two or more directions? (184)
A. Dead-end hydrant
B. Multiple inlet hydrant
C. Circulating feed or looped line
D. Multiple source circular supply
C. Circulating feed or looped line
What are two purposes of private water supply systems?
- to provide water strictly for fire protection services
- to provide water for sanitary and fire protection purposes
- to provide water for fire protection and manufacturing processes
Why must protected properties maintain two completely separate systems when potable and nonportable water systems are both used?
to prevent cross contamination
If a fire conditions are evident upon arrival at an incident, the driver operator should place the apparatus: (136)
A. as physically close to the scene as possible.
B. in a safe position that offers the best tactical advantage.
C. at the first available position that offers a view of the incident scene.
D. in a position that is in the middle of the incident scene for easy access.
B. in a safe position that offers the best tactical advantage.
If no fire is evident upon arrival at an incident, the driver/operator should: (136)
A. pull the apparatus past the front of the building.
B. pull the apparatus directly in the front of the building.
C. stop the apparatus well before approaching the building.
D. drive the apparatus all the way around the building and back.
A. pull the apparatus past the front of the building.
In which situation would a tandem pumping operation MOST likely be used? (144)
A. When the first engine is more than five years old
B. When additional personnel are requested for the scene
C. When a single engine is capable of supplying required pressures
D. When it is necessary to supply a high rise sprinkler or standpipe system
D. When it is necessary to supply a high rise sprinkler or standpipe system
Which staging would be implemented when numerous units are responding to operate at the same incident, particularly those that require mutual aid or result in transmittal of multiple alarms? (150)
A. Level I Staging
B. Level II Staging
C. Primary Staging
D. Secondary Staging
B. Level II Staging
Driver/operators are MOST likely to stage apparatus in the: (154)
A. hot zone.
B. cold zone.
C. warm zone.
D. buffer zone.
B. cold zone.
Describe basic guidelines when positioning apparatus for rescue situations, exposures, wind direction and terrain.
Rescue—If there is an indication of a rescue situation, position the apparatus to facilitate the most efficient deployment of ground ladders (or aerial device if so equipped)·
Exposures—Position so fire streams can be deployed to protect exposures; consider apparatus as a potential exposure; avoid placing apparatus in a location that may subject it to high levels of radiant heat, falling embers, or other products of combustion·
Wind direction—Attempt to position apparatus upwind of incident whenever possible·
Terrain—Park apparatus on hard surfaces whenever practical; eliminate chance of getting stuck
List two examples of static water supply sources used for drafting.
- Dry hydrant
- Storage tank
- Lake
- Stream
Which factor MOST determines the flow and reach of a solid stream? (194)
A. Water source
B. Fire conditions
C. Length of hose lay
D. Size of the discharge orifice
D. Size of the discharge orifice
A constant flow fog nozzle is designed to: (197)
A. provide a relatively low volume of water delivery.
B. change patterns while also changing nozzle pressure.
C. allow the firefighter operating the handline to select flow rate to suit the fire and operating conditions.
D. flow a specific volume of water on all stream patterns at a specific nozzle discharge pressure.
D. flow a specific volume of water on all stream patterns at a specific nozzle discharge pressure.
An automatic fog nozzle is designed to: (198)
A. provide a relatively low volume of water delivery.
B. change patterns while maintaining the same nozzle pressure.
C. flow a specific volume of water on all stream patterns at a specific nozzle discharge pressure.
D. allow the firefighter operating the handline to select flow rate to suit the fire and operating conditions.
B. change patterns while maintaining the same nozzle pressure.
A nozzle that is commonly used in aircraft fire fighting or to apply water to voids, attics, or other areas inaccessible to standard fire streams is called a: (201)
A. cellar nozzle.
B. piercing nozzle.
C. impinging nozzle.
D. combination nozzle.
B. piercing nozzle.
The primary consideration for friction loss is the: (210)
A. diameter of the hose.
B. type of nozzle used.
C. length of the hose lay.
D. volume of water flowing per minute.
D. volume of water flowing per minute.
What are the methods used to determine friction loss
- using calculations
- performing tests for more precise calculations
What effect will a kink or a partially closed valve in the hose layout have on the flowmeter? (283)
A. Will have no effect on the flowmeter’s reading
B. Will cause the flowmeter to immediately shut down
C. Will cause the flowmeter to malfunction, giving incorrect readings
D. Will cause the flowmeter to register a change in the meter’s reading
D. Will cause the flowmeter to register a change in the meter’s reading
List two items of information that may be provided by a monitoring device when an apparatus is equipped with a flowmeter. (282-283)
· Flow through any specific discharge
· Total water flow through pump in “real time”
· Total water flowed through pump for duration of incident
· Amount of foam being flowed
Explain how a driver/operator would use a pump chart. (285)
· Locate the nozzle or the layout in question on the chart
· Account for the number of feet (meters) in the layout
· Plot where each column intersects to find the required pump discharge pressure
The positive displacement pump that consists of two gears that rotate in a tightly meshed pattern inside a watertight case is the: (296)
A. rotary vane pump.
B. rotary gear pump.
C. piston gear pump.
D. piston vane pump.
B. rotary gear pump.
Which statement about centrifugal pumps is MOST accurate? (298)
A. The centrifugal pump is classified as a positive displacement pump.
B. The centrifugal pump is a secondary pump on most modern fire apparatus.
C. The centrifugal pump moves a definite amount of water with each revolution.
D. Nearly all modern fire apparatus feature a centrifugal pump as the main pump.
D. Nearly all modern fire apparatus feature a centrifugal pump as the main pump.
In a centrifugal pump, what dictates the volume capacity of the pump? (299)
A. Water pressure
B. Age of the pump
C. Size of the impeller
D. Experience of operators
C. Size of the impeller
When multiple attack lines that require different pressures are being operated, the driver/operator must set the engine discharge pressure to the: (314)
A. lowest level needed.
B. highest level needed.
C. average level needed.
D. difference between highest and lowest levels
B. highest level needed.
What is the purpose of automatic pressure regulation? (318)
A. Ensure ease of operation for fire fighting personnel
B. Ensure the safety of personnel operating hoselines
C. Regulate timing of water volume so supply is not depleted
D. Allow firefighters to focus on operational tactics, not equipment
B. Ensure the safety of personnel operating hoselines
What is the purpose of intake pressure relief valves? (320)
A. Regulate inadequate pressure within the pump discharge
B. Relieve responsibility of firefighters in monitoring pressure
C. Reduce the possibility of excessive water damage to property
D. Reduce the possibility of damage to the pump and discharge hoselines caused by water hammer
D. Reduce the possibility of damage to the pump and discharge hoselines caused by water hammer
In modern centrifugal fire pumps, a priming device: (322)
A. is not necessary in order to draft.
B. is required only on larger fire pumps.
C. makes drafting easier, but is not a necessity.
D. is needed to create a vacuum that makes drafting possible.
D. is needed to create a vacuum that makes drafting possible.
Which piece of equipment provides a reading of the vacuum present at the intake of the pump during priming or when the pump is operating from draft? (324)
A. Tachometer
B. Master intake gauge
C. Master discharge gauge
D. Pumping engine throttle
B. Master intake gauge
What are the three main factors that influence a centrifugal fire pump’s discharge pressure? (300)
· Amount of water being discharged
· Speed at which the impeller is turning
· Pressure of water when it enters the pump from a pressurized source
What are the two primary gauges used by the driver/operator to determine water pressure entering and leaving the pump? (324)
Master intake gauge and discharge gauge
What residual pressure should be maintained on the master intake gauge during pumping operations when operating from a pressurized supply source? (340)
A. At least 10 psi (70 kPa)
B. At least 20 psi (140 kPa)
C. At least 30 psi (210 kPa)
D. At least 40 psi (140 kPa)
B. At least 20 psi (140 kPa)
When is residual pressure shown on the intake gauge of a pumper that is connected to a hydrant? (347)
A. When a pumper is discharging water
B. When a pumper is totally shut down
C. When a pumper is not discharging water
D. When a pumper is transitioning to another water source
A. When a pumper is discharging water
One indication that a pump is cavitating is that: (354)
A. the pressure gauge will rise suddenly and continue rising.
B. increases in the throttle cause significant reaction on the pressure gauge.
C. the pump itself will become extremely quiet with no apparent sounds at all.
D. the pump itself may make noises described as sounding like gravel passing through the pump.
D. the pump itself may make noises described as sounding like gravel passing through the pump.
An inability to prime is MOST likely caused by: (359)
A. lift that is too low.
B. inexperienced personnel.
C. engine speed (rpm) that is too high.
D. insufficient fluid in the priming reservoir.
D. insufficient fluid in the priming reservoir.
Which standpipe system must be charged with water from a source such as the fire department pumper? (364)
A. Dry pipe systems
B. Wet pipe systems
C. Combination pipe systems
D. Any type of pipe system in an occupancy
A. Dry pipe systems
Explain the difference between a forward lay and a reverse lay. (341-344)
A forward lay involves laying the hose from the fire hydrant to the fire location and a reverse lay involves laying the hose from the fire scene to the water source.
During drafting operations, what are the three primary factors that determine friction loss in the intake hose? (352)
· Diameter and length of the hose
· Intake strainer
· Any adapters in use
Who should a driver/operator notify if there is an indication that the water supply or pumping ability may be unattainable or interrupted? (366)
Officer or Incident Commander
When a supply line that has been charged suddenly loses water during drafting operations, what are some possible causes? (366)
· Supply line may have burst
· A vehicle may have parked on it
· A hydrant or water main may have failed
· A portable folding tank or tender may need to be replenished
During the process of drafting, the pressure in the intake hose and pump: (404)
A. equalizes.
B. rises above atmospheric pressure.
C. drops lower than atmospheric pressure.
D. varies both above and below atmospheric pressure.
C. drops lower than atmospheric pressure.
The pumper that takes water from a hydrant or static source at the beginning of a relay operation is the: (426)
A. fill pumper.
B. relay pumper.
C. initial pumper.
D. water supply pumper.
D. water supply pumper.
The pumper that receives water from the source pumper, raises the pressure, and then supplies water to the next apparatus is the: (427)
A. fill pumper.
B. relay pumper.
C. initial pumper.
D. secondary pumper.
B. relay pumper.
The factor that MOST determines the need for relay operations is: (427)
A. the number of pumpers needed for the scene.
B. whether the fire is likely to increase significantly.
C. the value of the property involved in the incident.
D. the distance between the incident scene and the water source.
D. the distance between the incident scene and the water source.
Which should be the first apparatus discontinued when relay operations are no longer needed? (434)
A. Pumpers at the fire scene
B. Pumpers at the water supply
C. Relay pumpers that are first in line
D. Relay pumpers that are last in line
A. Pumpers at the fire scene
What three items directly affect friction loss in a relay system? (428)
· Amount of water being flowed
· Diameter of the hose
· Distance between the pumpers
What determines the overall capacity of a relay system? (432)
The smallest pump and the smallest diameter of hose used in the relay
What is the function of bleeder valves? (435)
Allow air to bleed off as the incoming supply hose is charged
The device that injects the correct amount of foam concentrate into the water stream to make the foam solution is called a foam: (480)
A. aerator.
B. eductor.
C. solutioner.
D. proportioner.
D. proportioner.
Which statement about Class A foam is MOST accurate? (487)
A. It can only be used with aerating nozzles.
B. It is not economical because it has such a short shelf life.
C. Because the product is used in small amounts, it is typically not a major environmental concern.
D. Using it in conjunction with compressed air foam systems (CAFS) decreases its insulation qualities.
C. Because the product is used in small amounts, it is typically not a major environmental concern.
Which statement about Class B foam is MOST accurate? (489)
A. Class B concentrates should be stored in a warm area to maximize shelf life.
B. Concentrates that are manufactured to U.S. Military specifications may be mixed at any time.
C. This foam is most commonly used to extinguish ordinary combustibles such as wood and paper.
D. The differences in type of concentrate, method of aeration, and proportioning of the foam will not affect its expansion.
B. Concentrates that are manufactured to U.S. Military specifications may be mixed at any time.
Studies by the U.S. Forest Service have shown that release of Class A foam into a natural water source can be lethal to: (508)
A. fish.
B. humans.
C. livestock.
D. aquatic birds.
A. fish.
What are the two tips on/in our high-rise kits?
28mm smooth bore tip on the hose, 22mm smooth bore tip in the kit
Pressure Govenor
Pressure control device that controls engine speed, eliminating hazardous conditions that result that result from excessive.
Valve installed at standpipe connection designed to reduce water pressure at that discharge to a specific pressure, usually 700kpa.
Class A foam percent
0.1%- 1% (class A fires, structure & wildland fires)
Class B foam percent
1%- 6%
hydrocarbon fuels:
1%- 3%
polar solvent fuels: 3%- 6%
Para-Tech Multi-Force Lift bag max lift weight, lift height, and insertion height?
Max Lift Weight 31 US Tons / 28.1 Metric Tons
Max Lift Height 26” / 66 cm
insertion Height 4.5” / 11.4 cm
Mechanism Of Injury (MOI) three events (collision within a collision)
- The vehicle impact with another
2. The occupant impact with the vehicle 3. The occupant’s organs impacting solid structures of the body
General Rules for Struts
-Place strut between 45 and 60 degrees
-When lifting 45 degrees is optimum
-At 60 degrees load is completely transferred to base
-Connect strap to anchor ring, not handle
-Stabilize most unstable first
-When using chains to lift, they must be gauge 80 and the bases of the struts must be connected with gauge 80 chain
Photovoltaic roof
solar energy panels on roofs. Even when power is shut off the panels retain a significant amount of electricity.
Green roof
involves the use of the roof surface of a building for a rooftop garden
Electric/hybrid vehicles can carry as much as ____ volts DC
650 volts DC
The chemical decomposition of a solid material by heating. Pyrolysis precedes combustion of a solid fuel. In solids. Off gassing is a chemical change known as pyrolysis.
the minimum temperature at which a liquid gives off sufficient vapors to ignite, but not sustained combustion in the presence of a piloted ignition source.
Indications of flashover
Building indicators- Interior configuration, fuel load, thermal properties and ventilation.
Smoke indicators: Rapidly increasing volume, turbulence, darkening color, optical density and lowering of the hot gas layer and or neutral plane.
Heat indicators: rapidly increasing temperature in the compartment, paralysis of contents or fuel packages located some distance away from the fire or hot surfaces.
Flame indicators: isolated flames, or rollover in the hot gas layers or near the ceiling.
High neutral plane: may indicate that the fire is in the early stages of development. Remember that high ceilings can hide a fire that has reached a later development stage. A higher neutral plane can also indicate a fire above your level.
Mid-level neutral plane: could indicate that the compartment has not yet Ventilated or that flashover is approaching.
Very low-level neutral plane: may indicate that the fire is reaching backdraft conditions occurrence could also mean that a fire is below you.
Backdraft Indicators
Building indicators: Interior configuration, fuel load, thermal properties, amount of trap, fuel, gases, and ventilation.
Smoke indicators: Pulsing smoke movement around small openings in the building. Smoke-stained windows.
Heat indicators: high heat, crackling or breaking sounds.
Flame indicators: Little or no visible flame.
Instantaneous explosive or rapid burning of super-heated gases that occurs when oxygen is introduced into an oxygen depleted confined space. The stalled combustion resumes with explosive force; may occur because of inadequate or improper ventilation procedures.
Rapid transition from the growth stage to the fully developed stage in known as flash power. When flashover occurs, the combustible materials and fuel gases in the compartment ignite almost simultaneously. The result Is full room fire involvement. Flash over typically occurs during the fire’s growth stage but may occur during the fully developed stage as the result of change in ventilation.
What is the minimum residual pressure you must maintain when working off a pressurized source?
140 kpa
Maximum flow of water occurs at what discharge pressure?
1000 kpa
Max volume (100%) of water can be obtained at a draft of what height?
How long should a prime under normal operating conditions take?
10-15 seconds, no more than 30
Appliance friction loss is NOT a factor until you flow over _____ L/M?
1400 L/M
If exceeding the flow rate of 1400 L/M, what is the additional friction loss in kpa per appliance?
1 hydraulic length is ______ meters.
Friction loss or gain per meter of height?
10 kpa
What are the 4 types of drownings?
3 types of rope rescue cinches
simple, vector, loop
Contents of Red Rope Kit
300’ 13mm red rope
anchor plate
Petzl I.D. 20
Petzl single pulley
six 4” steel carabineers
short black prussic
long orange prussic
black anchor strap
two 20’ lengths of 1” webbing
Contents of Black Rope Kit
300’ 13mm white rope
anchor plate
Petzl single pulley
six 4” steel carabineers
short black prussic
long orange prussic
black anchor strap
two 20’ lengths of 1” webbing
Contents of Rescuer Kit
Black or Red PMI Bag
Petzl harness
Petzl helmet
four 4” steel carabiners
three short black prussic
two long orange prussic
When drafting, what is the max lift, dependable lift, and optimal lift for pumpers?
Max lift- 25ft
Dependable lift- 20ft
Optimal lift- 10ft
Contents of Small Black Rope Technician Kit (RESCUE ONLY)
Aztec (set of fours) in small tan fanny pack
large anchor plate
ID 20
two double pulley’s
two pick off straps
two 30’ black prussic loop
Bermude evacuation triangle (the diaper)
Kootney pulley
What level of CO should a firefighter wear SCBA?
25 PPM
Explain how the centrifugal pump works?
Water enters through the eye to the impellers, vanes, and then out through the volute
What role does the impeller play in the centrifugal pump?
vaned, circulating member of the centrifugal pump that transmits motion to the water
What role does the volute play in the centrifugal pump?
spiral, divergent chamber of a centrifugal pump in which the velocity energy given to water by the impeller blades is converted into pressure
What are the 3 main factors that influence a centrifugal fire pump’s discharge pressure?
amount of water being discharged
speed at which the impeller is turning
pressure of water when it enters the pump from a pressurized source (hydrant)
What are the 7 systems of the body?