2nd Flashcards
Now Saul became the object of ______ but escaped ______ with help from his disciples.
As soon as _____ became a christian he began to proclaim that Jesus was the SON OF GOD in DAMASCUS.
Now Saul became the object of persecution, but escaped DAMASCUS with help from his disciples. Next he returned to _______ and initially faced skepticism from the apostles.
_______ defended Saul and preached boldly in the name of Jesus.
The church continued to grow ________. Witness to the ______________ of the earth.
Uttermost Part
___________ of the church to Syrian Antioch.
Extension of the Church to _____________.
Syrian Antioch
________’s ministry in Lydda and Joppa. He healed another lame man in Lydda which resulted in many hearing the gospel and believing in Jesus. He then raises a woman, Dorcas back to life in Joppa. Resulted in many in Joppa becoming believers.
Peter’s ministry in ______ and _____. He healed a lame man in (1st) which resulted in many hearing the gospel and believing in Jesus. Peter than raises a woman ____ back to life in (2nd)
Lydda and Joppa
The Conversion of _______.
This story specifically addressing the issue of how Christians were to carry out their mission in view of the obstacle of __________.
Gentile uncleanness
The Conversion of Cornelius
This story specifically addressing the issue of how Christians were to carry out their mission in view of the obstacle of Gentile uncleanness.
What are the 4 things stressed?
- the Christians INITIALLY RESISTED the idea of evangelizing the Gentiles and welcoming them into the church.
- God led the way in Gentile EVANGELISM and ACCEPTANCE
- it was PETER ,who God used, to open the door of the church to the Gentiles (not Paul)
- the JERUSALEM CHURCH accepted the conversion of the Gentiles
The conversion of ________.
-this story specifically addresses the issue of how Christians were to carry out their mission in view of the obstacle of _______.
Gentile uncleanness
The conversion of Cornelius
-this story specifically addresses the issue of how Christians were to carry out their mission in view of the obstacle of Gentile uncleanness.
What 4 things are stressed?
- the Christians initially resisted the idea of evangelizing the Gentiles and welcoming them into the church.
- God led the way in Gentile evangelism and acceptance.
- it was Peter, who God used, to open the door of the church to the Gentiles (not Paul).
- the Jerusalem church accepted the conversation of the Gentiles.
- centurion: non-commissioned officers of the Roman army. Commanded 100 soldiers.
- lived a mortal life because he “feared God” (Rom 3:11)
- generous
- God sets up another divine appointment: Peter and Cornelius through a VISION.
- God told Cornelius to send for Peter.
- Peter in a trance, is freed from regulations that might hinder his witness to Gentiles, since they are now “clean” too.
- The Holy Spirit convinced Peter to go with Cornelius messengers.
- the Gentiles hear the gospel.
- “God shows no partiality”. Favorism
What is/ who was a non-commissioned officer of the Roman army: commanded 100 soldiers. Lived a mortal life because he “feared God” he was also generous.
God sets up another divine appointment Peter and Cornelius through a ______. He told Cornelius to send for Peter. Peter, in a trance is freed from regulations that might hinder his witness to Gentiles, since they are now “ clean” too. The Holy Spirit convinced Peter to go with Cornelius messengers. The Gentiles hear the gospel. “God shows no partiality” (favoritism) Deut 10:17
God sets up another divine appointment: _____ and ____ through a vision.
God set up another divine appointment Peter and Cornelius through a vision. God told ____ to send for _____. Peter in a trance is freed from regulations that might hinder his witness to Gentiles, since they are now “clean too.
God sets up another divine appointment : Peter and Cornelius through a __. God told Cornelius to send for Peter. Peter in a ___, is freed from regulations that might hinder his witness to GENTILES since they are now “_____” too. The Holy Spirit convinced Peter to go with _______.
Vision Trance Gentiles Clean Cornelius messengers
The ______ hear the gospel. God shows ______________”
“God shows no partiality”
Jesus:”the judge of the living and the dead”
- the Gentiles received the Holy Spirit just like the Jews. They were ______ because the ______.
“The judge of the living and the dead”
Jesus:”The judge of the living and the dead”
-the Gentiles received the HOLY SPIRIT just like the Jews. They were BAPTIZED because they BELIEVED.
Peter reports to the church. He responds to the criticism of the __________: ___________. He explains the Spirit’s leading (his vision) and outpouring on Gentile convert. “Who was I to stand in God’s way?” His explanation satisfied his critics.
“Circumcision party” ( conservative Jewish Christians)
- ________: non commissioned officers of the Roman army. Commanded 100 soldiers. Lived a MORTAL LIFE because he “_______” he was also generous.
Feared God
Who was Jesus?
The judge of the living and the dead
The Gentiles received the Holy Spirit just like the Jews. They were BAPTIZED because they BELIEVED. Peter reports to the CHURCH. He responds to the criticism of the “___________________” (____________). He explains the Spirit’s leading (HIS VISION) and outpouring on Gentile convert. “Who was I to stand in God’s way?” His explanation satisfied his _______.
“Circumcision party” (Conservative Jewish Christians)
The \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ (11:19-30) -it was from here that the church launched its major missionary efforts to the "uttermost parts of the earth"
The Antioch (Syrian) church
The Antioch (Syrian) church.
It was from here that the church launched its major missionary efforts to the “uttermost parts of the earth”
The Lord blessed the witness of the ______-“the hands of the Lord… A great number turned to the Lord.
-Believers were first called _____ here. : those belonging to Christ’s party. Christ’s followers
Scattered Christians
What is the definition of Christian. Where were believers first called Christans?
Christians : those belonging to Christ's party, Christ followers The Antioch (Syrian) church.
Christians : those belonging to ___________, Christ ______
First called Christians in The Antioch (Syrian) church.
Christ’s party
Christ’s followers
Persecuting of the ________ church.
________ sought to please his subjects by mistreating some believers.
He executed the apostle James and arrested Peter. Again an “angel of the Lord” delivered him from prison. Note: THE IMPORTANCE OF PRAYER.
Persecuting of the Jerusalem church.
Herod sought to please his subjects by mistreating some believers.
He executed the apostle James and arrested Peter. Again an “angel of the Lord” delivered him from prison. Note: THE IMPORTANCE OF PRAYER. When the authorities found Peter’s cell empty Herod ordered the execution of the _______ responsible. Despite all this the word of God continued to grow and multiply. Extension of the church to Cyprus and Asia Minor
Roman guards
Persecuting of the Jerusalem church.
Herod sought to please his subjects by mistreating some believers.
He executed the __________ and arrested _______. Again an “___________“delivered him from prison. Note: THE IMPORTANCE OF PRAYER. When the authorities found Peter’s cell empty Herod ordered the execution of the roman guards responsible. Despite all this the word of God continued to grow and multiply. Extension of the church to Cyprus and Asia Minor
Apostle James
“Angel of the Lord”
Persecuting of the Jerusalem church.
Herod sought to please his subjects by mistreating some believers.
He executed the apostle James and arrested Peter. Again an “angel of the Lord” delivered him from prison. Note: THE IMPORTANCE OF PRAYER. When the authorities found Peter’s cell empty Herod ordered the execution of the Roman guards responsible. Despite all this the word of God continued to grow and multiply. EXTENSION of the church to _______ and _______.
Asia Minor
Persecuting of the Jerusalem church.
Herod sought to please his subjects by mistreating some believers.
He executed the apostle James and arrested Peter. Again an “angel of the Lord” delivered him from prison. Note: THE IMPORTANCE OF PRAYER. When the authorities found Peter’s cell empty Herod ordered the execution of the Roman guards responsible. Despite all this the word of God continued to grow and multiply. Extension of the church to _____ and ________.
Asia Minor
Extension of the church to CYPRUS and ASIA MINOR. The ______ called for ____ and ____ to be “SET APART” and SENT OUT. ___ was also sent out with them. This RELEASED them from their duties in Antioch.
The Holy Spirit
John Mark
Extension of the church to Cyprus and Asia Minor.The Holy Spirit called for SAUL and BARNABAS to be “__________” and _______. JOHN MARK would also go with them.
“Set apart”
Sent out
Extension of the church to CYPRUS and ASIA MINOR. The Holy Spirit called for SAUL and BARNABAS to be “SET APART” and SENT OUT. JOHN MARK was also sent out with them. This RELEASED them from their duties in Antioch. ______ (ISLAND) upon arrival they began to preach the gospel. They face opposition from a local ____. _______ filled with the Spirit announces a divine miracle designed to frustrate Satan’s work in hindering the process of the gospel.
Local magician (Cyprus)
Ministry of the _______.
The Mission to Asia Minor. Here we see a pattern of PAUL’s evangelism: in every town with a sizable JEWISH POPULATION , he 1st preached in the synagogue to Jews and God -fearing Gentiles. When the Jews refused to listen further went directly to the Gentiles with the Gospel . He reviews God leading in Israel in the OT. He then announces Jesus as “A SAVIOR”. Paul then asserts “EVERYONE WHO BELIEVES” has “FORGIVENESS OF SINS” and is “FREED” from all things THROUGH JESUS. The message created great interest in the hearts of many .
Holy Spirit
Ministry of the Holy Spirit.
The Mission to _________ . Here we see a pattern of PAUL’s evangelism: in every town with a sizable JEWISH POPULATION , he 1st preached in the synagogue to Jews and God -fearing Gentiles. When the Jews refused to listen further went directly to the Gentiles with the Gospel . He reviews God leading in Israel in the OT. He then announces Jesus as “A SAVIOR”. Paul then asserts “EVERYONE WHO BELIEVES” has “FORGIVENESS OF SINS” and is “FREED” from all things THROUGH JESUS. The message created great interest in the hearts of many .
Asia Minor
Ministry of the Holy Spirit.
The Mission to Asia Minor. Here we see a pattern of ______ evangelism: in every town with a sizable JEWISH POPULATION , he 1st preached in the synagogue to Jews and God -fearing Gentiles. When the Jews refused to listen further went directly to the Gentiles with the Gospel . He reviews God leading in Israel in the OT. He then announces Jesus as “A SAVIOR”. Paul then asserts “EVERYONE WHO BELIEVES” has “FORGIVENESS OF SINS” and is “FREED” from all things THROUGH JESUS. The message created great interest in the hearts of many .
Ministry of the Holy Spirit.
The Mission to Asia Minor. Here we see a pattern of Paul’s evangelism: in every town with a sizable __________ he 1st preached in the synagogue to Jews and God -fearing Gentiles. When the Jews refused to listen further went directly to the Gentiles with the Gospel . He reviews God leading in Israel in the OT. He then announces Jesus as “A SAVIOR”. Paul then asserts “EVERYONE WHO BELIEVES” has “FORGIVENESS OF SINS” and is “FREED” from all things THROUGH JESUS. The message created great interest in the hearts of many .
Jewish population
Ministry of the Holy Spirit.
The Mission to Asia Minor. Here we see a pattern of Paul’s evangelism: in every town with a sizable JEWISH POPULATION he 1st preached in the synagogue to Jews and God -fearing Gentiles. When the Jews refused to listen further went directly to the Gentiles with the Gospel . He reviews God leading in Israel in the OT. He then announces Jesus as “________”. Paul then asserts “__________” has “____________” and is “_______” from all things ________. The message created great interest in the hearts of many .
"A Savior" "Everyone who believes" "Forgiveness of sins" "Freed" Through Jesus
Ministry of the Holy Spirit.
The Mission to Asia Minor. Here we see a pattern of PAUL’s evangelism: in every town with a sizable JEWISH POPULATION , he 1st preached in the synagogue to Jews and God -fearing Gentiles. When the Jews refused to listen further went directly to the Gentiles with the Gospel . He reviews God leading in Israel in the OT. He then announces Jesus as “A SAVIOR”. Paul then asserts “EVERYONE WHO BELIEVES” has “FORGIVENESS OF SINS” and is “FREED” from all things THROUGH JESUS. The message created great interest in the hearts of many . _______: following the same pattern, Paul and Barnabas experienced the same result. Many conversions both Jews and Gentiles. Also rejection by some of the Jews.
Ministry in Iconium
Ministry of the Holy Spirit.
The Mission to Asia Minor. Here we see a pattern of PAUL’s evangelism: in every town with a sizable JEWISH POPULATION , he 1st preached in the synagogue to Jews and God -fearing Gentiles. When the Jews refused to listen further went directly to the Gentiles with the Gospel . He reviews God leading in Israel in the OT. He then announces Jesus as “A SAVIOR”. Paul then asserts “EVERYONE WHO BELIEVES” has “FORGIVENESS OF SINS” and is “FREED” from all things THROUGH JESUS. The message created great interest in the hearts of many . MINISTRY IN ICONIUM following the same pattern, _____ and ________ experienced the same result. Many conversions both Jews and Gentiles. Also rejection by some of the Jews.
Ministry of the Holy Spirit.
The Mission to Asia Minor. Here we see a pattern of PAUL’s evangelism: in every town with a sizable JEWISH POPULATION , he 1st preached in the synagogue to Jews and God -fearing Gentiles. When the Jews refused to listen further went directly to the Gentiles with the Gospel . He reviews God leading in Israel in the OT. He then announces Jesus as “A SAVIOR”. Paul then asserts “EVERYONE WHO BELIEVES” has “FORGIVENESS OF SINS” and is “FREED” from all things THROUGH JESUS. The message created great interest in the hearts of many . MINISTRY IN ICONIUM following the same pattern, Paul and Barnabas experienced the same result. Many conversions both ____ and _____ . Also rejection by some of the _____.
Ministry in ________. Following the same pattern Paul and Barnabas experienced the same result. Many conversions both Jews and Gentiles. Also rejection by some of the Jews.
Ministry in Iconium. Following the same pattern _____ and _______experienced the same result. Many conversions both Jews and Gentiles. Also rejection by some of the Jews.
Ministry in Iconium. Following the same pattern Paul and Barnabas experienced the same result. Many conversions both ______ and ______. Also rejection by some of the ______.
-the increasing number of Gentiles becoming Christians raised a problem within the church. Some conservative Jewish Christians taught that Gentile Christians needed to become a Jew first before they could be saved. This situation led to a heated debate, ending with a decision to move the discussions to Jerusalem for the apostles and elders to decide. At Jerusalem converted “Pharisees” objected Paul and Barnabas.
The Jerusalem Council
The Jerusalem Council
_____ and ________ gave testimony of the wonders that God did among the Gentiles. _____ the leading figure in the Jerusalem church, testified that the Gentiles salvation by faith was a fulfillment of prophecy.
The Jerusalem Council
PAUL and BARNABAS gave testimony of the wonders that God did among the Gentiles. JAMES the leading figure in the Jerusalem church, testified that the _________ salvation by _______ was a fulfillment of prophecy.
PAUL and BARNABAS gave testimony of the wonders that God did among the Gentiles. JAMES the leading figure in the Jerusalem church, testified that the Gentiles salvation by faith was a fulfillment of prophecy.
The Jerusalem Council
The Jerusalem Council
The decision: do not impose the requirements of a Jew or Gentiles- salvation is by _______.
Encourage them to avoid
- things associated with idolatry.
- fornication : all kinds of sexual sins.
- eating animals with blood not drained out.
- blood (the essence of life)
* these restrictions involved ethical and moral issues, and practices that offended Jews.
Faith alone
The Jerusalem Council
The decision: do not impose the requirements of a _____ or _________ –salvation is by faith alone.
Encourage them to avoid
- things associated with idolatry.
- fornication : all kinds of sexual sins.
- eating animals with blood not drained out.
- blood (the essence of life)
* these restrictions involved ethical and moral issues, and practices that offended Jews.
Jew or Gentiles
The Jerusalem Council
The decision: do not impose the requirements of a JEW or GENTILES.- salvation is by FAITH ALONE.
Encourage them to avoid
- things associated with ________.
- ________ : all kinds of sexual sins.
- eating animals with ______not drained out.
- _______(the essence of life)
* these restrictions involved _______ and _____ issues, and practices that offended Jews.
Idolatry Fornication Blood Ethical Moral
The Jerusalem Council
The decision: do not impose the requirements of a Jew or Gentiles- salvation is by FAITH ALONE.
Encourage them to avoid
- things associated with ______.
- fornication : all kinds of _______.
- eating animals with blood not drained out.
- blood (____________)
* these restrictions involved ethical and moral issues, and practices that offended ____.
(The essence of life)
Strengthening the Gentile Churches
____ and ______ sharply disagreed over bringing John Mark on this journey. They decide to go separate ways.
Paul and barnabas
The Jerusalem council
- the increasing number of ____becoming Christians raised a problem within the church. some conservative JEWISH CHRISTIANS taught that GENTILE CHRISTIANS needed to become a JEW 1st before they could be saved.
At Jerusalem, converted ________ objected Paul and Barnabas
Peter gives __________ reminding the hearts of God’s leading through his vision to witness to the GENTILES.
Paul and Barnabas give testimony of the wonders that God did among the Gentiles.
________ the leading figure in the ___________ testified that the Gentiles salvation by FAITH. Was a fulfillment of prophecy.
Jerusalem church
______ and _____ give testimony of the wonders that God did among the Gentiles. JAMES, the leading figure in the Jerusalem church testified that the Gentiles salvation BY FAITH was a fulfillment of prophecy.
Paul and Barnabas
The Jerusalem Council
Decision: do not impose the requirements of a Jew or Gentile. - salvation is by _________. Encourage them to avoid
- things associated with IDOLTRY
-FORNICATION - all kinds of sexual sins
-eating animals with BLOOD not drained out
- these. Restrictions involved ETHICAL and MORAL issues and practices that offended Jews
Faith alone
The Jerusalem Council
Decision: do not impose the requirements of a Jew or Gentile. - salvation is by FAITH ALONE Encourage them to avoid
- things associated with _______
-_________- all kinds of sexual sins
-eating animals with _______ not drained out
- blood (___________ )
- these. Restrictions involved ETHICAL and MORAL issues and practices that offended Jews
The essence of life
Who did Paul and Barnabas disagree over bringing with them?
John Mark
Paul and Barnabas sharply disagreed over bringing John Mark on this journey. They decided to go in separate ways.
____ and ____ went to Cyprus.
___ and ___ through Syria to Cilicia.
Barnabas and John Mark
Paul and Silas
Paul and Barnabas sharply disagreed over bringing John Mark on this journey. They decided to go in separate ways.
Barnabas and John Mark went to ___.
Paul and Silas through ____ to _____.
Syria to Cilicia
At Lystra Paul meets ________ - adopted son “son in the faith”. And believing he was useful has him come along. They inform the churches of the decision of the Jerusalem council.
At _______Paul meets Timothy adopted son “son in the faith”. And believing he was useful has him come along. They inform the churches of the decision of the Jerusalem council.
At Lystra Paul meets Timothy adopted son “_________” And believing he was useful has him come along. They inform the churches of the decision of the Jerusalem council.
Son in the faith”
5th progress report.16:5 daily growth.
Extension of the church to ___________.
The Macedonia call.
- the Holy Spirit prevented Paul from entering Asia and directed him to _________. Here Luke joins Paul and the others. (Troas) Luke stresses the leading of the triune God. Ministry in Macedonia
Aegean shores
5th progress report.16:5 daily growth.
Extension of the church to AGEAN SHORES
The Macedonia call.
- the Holy Spirit prevented Paul from entering Asia and directed him to MACEDONIA Here _____ joins Paul and the others. (Troas) He stresses the leading of the triune God. Ministry in Macedonia
5th progress report.16:5 daily growth.
Extension of the church to AGEAN SHORES
The Macedonia call.
- the Holy Spirit prevented Paul from entering ______ and directed him to MACEDONIA Here LUKE joins Paul and the others. (Troas) Luke stresses the leading of the triune God. Ministry in Macedonia
Ministry in Macedonia
At a place of prayer Paul reached to _____. The Lord opened the heart of Lydia and she was saved and baptized.
- next they cast out a demon spirit which lead to beating and imprisionment. Paul and Silas react to this by offering PRAYER and prayed to God.
Again God miraculously freed his servants while their jailor was about to commit suscide. Paul and Silas interupt him and deliver the gospel. “Believed in the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved.” The JAILOR and many others believed and were baptized.
Ministry in Macedonia
At a place of prayer Paul reached to WOMEM. The Lord opened the heart of _____ and she was saved and baptized.
- next they cast out a _______ which lead to beating and imprisionment. Paul and Silas react to this by offering PRAYER and prayed to God.
Again God miraculously freed his servants while their jailor was about to commit suscide. Paul and Silas interupt him and deliver the gospel. “Believed in the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved.” The JAILOR and many others believed and were baptized.
Demon spirit
Ministry in Macedonia
At a place of prayer Paul reached to WOMEN.The Lord opened the heart of LYDIA and she was ____and _____
- next they cast out a DEMON SPIRIT which lead to beating and imprisionment. Paul and Silas react to this by offering PRAYER and prayed to God.
Again God miraculously freed his servants while their jailor was about to commit suscide. Paul and Silas interupt him and deliver the gospel. “Believed in the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved.” The JAILOR and many others believed and were baptized.
Saved and baptized
Ministry in Macedonia
At a place of prayer Paul reached to WOMEN. The Lord opened the heart of LYDIA and she was SAVED and BAPTIZED
- next they cast out a demon spirit which lead to beating and imprisionment. ___ and _____react to this by offering PRAYER and prayed to God.
Again God miraculously freed his servants while their jailo was about to commit suscide. Paul and Silas interupt him and deliver the gospel. “Believed in the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved.” The JAILOR and many others believed and were baptized.
Ministry in Macedonia
At a place of prayer Paul reached to WOMEN. The Lord opened the heart of Lydia and she was saved and baptized.
- next they cast out a demon spirit which lead to beating and imprisionment. Paul and Silas react to this by offering PRAYER and prayed to God.
Again God miraculously ____his servants while their ___ was about to commit ____. Paul and Silas interupt him and deliver the gospel. “Believed in the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved.” The JAILOR and many others believed and were baptized.
Ministry in Macedonia
At a place of prayer Paul reached to WOMEN The Lord opened the heart of Lydia and she was saved and baptized.
- next they cast out a demon spirit which lead to beating and imprisionment. Paul and Silas react to this by offering PRAYER and prayed to God.
Again God miraculously freed his servants while their jailor was about to commit suscide. ___ and ___ interupt him and deliver the gospel. “Believed in the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved.” The _____ and many others believed and were baptized.
Ministry in ______.
- for 3 Sabbath days, Paul explained Jesus as “THE CHRIST”. It became noted of Christians “these men have turned the world upside down. This was a change against their revolutionary teaching
“another King Jesus “
Ministry in Thessalonia
- for ______ , Paul explained Jesus as “THE CHRIST”. It became noted of Christians “these men have turned the world upside down. This was a change against their revolutionary teaching
“another King Jesus “
3 Sabbath days
Ministry in ______.
- for 3 Sabbath days, Paul explained Jesus as “______ “. It became noted of Christians “these men have turned the world upside down. This was a change against their revolutionary teaching
“another King Jesus “
The Christ
Ministry in Thessalonia
- for 3 Sabbath days, Paul explained Jesus as “THE CHRIST”. It became noted of Christians “these men have turned the ____________This was a change against their revolutionary teaching
“another King Jesus “
World upside down
Ministry in ______.
- for 3 Sabbath days, Paul explained Jesus as “THE CHRIST”. It became noted of Christians “these men have turned the world upside down. This was a change against their revolutionary teaching
Another king Jesus
Ministry in Berea
There was a GREAT response to God’s work. Men from ______ arrived to stir up trouble.
Ministry in Achaia
Ministry in Athens
PAUL observed many temples and statues that the ____ regarded as holy. Paul discussed the gospel with anyone who wished to do so, Paul begins to explain YAHWEH as the UNKNOWN GOD. He created all things. He is the Lord of Heaven and earth. HUMAN TEMPLES cannot contain Him. He sustains all things needing nothing to sustain Him.
Ministry in Achaia
Ministry in Athens
PAUL observed many _____and _______ that the GREEKS regarded as holy. Paul discussed the gospel with anyone who wished to do so, Paul begins to explain YAHWEH as the UNKNOWN GOD. He created all things. He is the Lord of Heaven and earth. HUMAN TEMPLES cannot contain Him. He sustains all things needing nothing to sustain Him.
Ministry in Achaia
Ministry in Athens
PAUL observed many temples and statues that the Greeks regarded as holy. Paul discussed the gospel with anyone who wished to do so, Paul begins to explain _____ as the ______ He created all things. He is the Lord of Heaven and earth. HUMAN TEMPLES cannot contain Him. He sustains all things needing nothing to sustain Him.
Yahweh: unknown God
Ministry in CORINTH
Here Paul worked as a “_________” to meet his financial needs. Here he also recieved from God assuming success in his MINISTRY. So he stayed for 1 1/2 years. The Lord “I have many people in this city”
Ministry in _______
Here Paul worked as a “TENTMAKER”to meet his financial needs. Here he also recieved from God assuming success in his MINISTRY. So he stayed for ________ .”I have many people in this city”
1 1/2 year
Ministry in CORINTH
- here Paul worked as a “TENTMAKER” to meet his financial needs. Here he also recieved from God assuming Him of success in his ministry. So he stayed 1 1/2 years.
The Lord: “I have ____ people in this city.”
Ministry in CORinth
Here Paul worked as a “__________” to meet his financial needs. Here he also recieved from God assuming Him of success in his ministry. So he stayed for a year and a half. “I have many people in this city”
Beginning of ministry in Asia and results
- this time the Lord permitted Paul to go to ____.
Priscilla and Aquilla remain in ___ while Paul moved to Syria. Paul reference to God’s will reminds us that he continually subjected his plans to the Lord’s leading in his life. Paul starts his 3rd missionary journey following same route on 2nd misinterpret those churches.
Beginning of ministry in Asia and results
- this time the Lord permitted Paul to go to ASIA
Priscilla and Aquilla remain in EPHESUS while Paul moved to ____. Paul reference to God’s will remind us that he continually subjected his plans to the Lord’s leading in his life. Paul starts his 3rd ________ following same route on 2nd misinterpret those churches.
Missionary journey
Beginning of ministry in Asia and results
- this time the Lord permitted Paul to go to ASIA
______and _______ remain in EPHESUS while Paul moved to Syria. Paul reference to God’s will reminds us that he continually subjected his plans to the Lord’s leading in his life. Paul starts his 3rd missionary journey following same route on 2nd misinterpret those churches.
Ministry in ______.
Paul stayed 3MONTHS persuading people about “KINGDOM OF GOD”. Continue to teach 2 MORE YEARS. As a result local Christians preached the gospel established churches in ASIA. God continued to perform supernatural miracles through Paul.
This section emphasizes the spiritual darkness of Ephesus, but more specifically the power of Jesus Christ and the gospel
Ministry in EPHESUS
Paul stayed _______ persuading people about “KINGDOM OF GOD”. Continue to teach ______ As a result local Christians preached the gospel established churches in ASIA. God continued to perform supernatural miracles through Paul. This section emphasizes the spiritual darkness of Ephesus, but more specifically the power of Jesus Christ and the gospel.
3 months
2 more years
Ministry in EPHESUS
Paul stayed 3MONTHS persuading people about ___________ Continue to teach 2 MORE YEARS. As a result local Christians preached the gospel established churches in ____ God continued to perform supernatural miracles through Paul.
Kingdom of God
Ministry in Ephesus
Paul stayed 3MONTHS persuading people about “KINGDOM OF GOD”. Continue to teach 2 MORE YEARS. As a result ________ preached the gospel established churches in ASIA. God continued to perform supernatural miracles through Paul.
Local Christians
*Extension of the Church to ____
Christianity had such an influence in EPHESIAN SOCIETY that the local pagans worship suffered. After a riot Paul takes EPHESUS to return to JERUSALEM through MACEDONIA and ACHAIA.
-he arrived at GREECE and left after 3 MONTHS after a plot was made against him.
*Extension of the church to Rome
-Christianity had such an influence in ______ that the LOCAL PAGANS worship suffered.
-After a _____ PAUL takes EPHESUS to return to JERUSALEM through MACEDONIA and ACHAIA.
he arrived at GREECE and left after 3 MONTHS after a plot was made against him.
Ephesian Society
- Extension of the church to _____
- Christianity had such an influence in EPHESIAN SOCIETY that the LOCAL PAGANS worship suffered.
- After a RIOT PAUL takes EPHESUS to return to JERUSALEM through MACEDONIA and ACHAIA.
- Extension of the church to Rome
- Christianity had such an influence in EPHESIAN SOCIETY that the _____worship suffered.
- After a _____ PAUL takes EPHESUS to return to JERUSALEM through MACEDONIA and ACHAIA.
- he arrived at GREECE and left after 3 MONTHS after a plot was made against him.
Local pagans
- Extension of the church to Rome
- Christianity had such an influence in EPHESIAN SOCIETY that the LOCAL PAGANS worship suffered.
- After a riot PAUL takes _______to return to ________through MACEDONIA and ACHAIA.
- he arrived at GREECE and left after 3 MONTHS after a plot was made against him.
- Extension of the church to Rome
- Christianity had such an influence in EPHESIAN SOCIETY that the LOCAL PAGANS worship suffered.
- After a RIOT PAUL takes EPHESUS to return to JERUSALEM through _______and _____.
- he arrived at GREECE and left after 3 MONTHS after a plot was made against him.
- Extension of the church to Rome
- Christianity had such an influence in EPHESIAN SOCIETY that the LOCAL PAGANS worship suffered.
- After a RIOT PAUL takes EPHESUS to return to JERUSALEM through MACEDONIA and ACHAIA
- he arrived at ______ and left after 3 MONTHS after a plot was made against him.
- Extension of the church to Rome
- Christianity had such an influence in EPHESIAN SOCIETY that the LOCAL PAGANS worship suffered.
- After a RIOT PAUL takes EPHESUS to return to JERUSALEM through MACEDONIA and ACHAIA
- he arrived at GREECE and left after ________after a plot was made against him.
3 months