2a-c Aquinas’ Natural Law Flashcards
Is relativist or absolutist?
Is morality a priori or a posteriori?
A priori - judgments rather than empirical evidence
Who has it been adopted by?
The Catholic Church - normative ethic
What does it argue?
“It argues that there is a natural order to the universe which was created by God. Ethics fits into this natural order.”
Nicomachean Ethics - Quote
“That which is natural is unchangeable and has the same power everywhere, just as fire burns both here and in Persia.”
Aristotle - Everything in Universe cause
Efficient cause - how is something made
Final cause - what is its purple (telos)
Aquinas - fuller natural law
Deontological - rule/law centred
Believed that God had created the world (Efficient cause) with a purpose in mind.
Everything has a Final Cause with God’s ultimate purpose as that Final Cause
Aquinas’ Efficient Cause
Humans were made in the image of God (Genesis 2:7)
“Then the LORD God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living thing.”
Aquinas argued that our soul allowed us to reason. It is what set us apart from the animals
“Natural Law is the same for all men… there is a single standard of truth and right for everyone…which is known by everyone”
Aquinas’ Final Cause
- Aquinas agreed with Aristotle that it is more important to know the final cause because it allows us to perfect ourselves
- Our telos can be worked out from our reason which has been given by God
- Our final cause is to be as close to God as possible. This can be done by following God’s nature.
How do we know what God intends? AQUINAS
Aquinas believed that God is perfect
For something to be perfect it must be good
Therefore, God is good
We are in the image of God
Therefore, we are expected to be good
“Good is to be done and pursued and evil is to be avoided” - Aquinas
Primary Precepts
Put in place to do good and avoid evil for humans
- Worship God
- Live in Society
- Educate Children
- Self preservation/preservation of the innocent
- Continuation of the species through reproduction
Secondary precepts
Smaller, relativist actions that we can do to achieve the primary precepts.
In order to preserve lives, you may become a doctor.
Good is revealed in stages of laws: Eternal, Divine, Natural and Human
Eternal laws are principles by which God made the universe and only he understands completely
Divine laws are seen as a reflection of these - they are laws from the Bible that can only be understood by those who believe in God
Natural law refers to the moral law of God that has been built into human nature
The idea that you should do good and avoid evil, and so religious belief isn’t needed in order to follow it.
Based on?
Aristotle’s agent centred idea that all human beings have a purple, and that they need to achieve it in order to flourish and achieve eudaimonia
Aquinas beliefs towards humans
Believe that all human beings have natural reason given by God that we use in order to flourish and understand God’s plan
Doctrine of the Double Effect - Aquinas
States that when faced with a choice between two evils, you should choose the lesser. As long as the resulting negative action wasn’t deliberate then it is not immoral. We also need to use our reason in order to tell the difference between real and apparent goods.
Apparent good
Sometimes actions seem like they are good and the right thing to do, but they have negative consequences and don’t fit the human ideal
Two types of virtues which could help a human to live a good life and help us reach our final cause
Revealed Virtues
The Cardinal Virtues
The 3 virtues - Revealed Virtues
Mentioned throughout the Bible, and according to Aquinas, the main virtues we should strive for. He argued that we could not completely reach these virtues in our lifetime. But, they were a good aim for us to have as they allowed humans to become better humans.
Driving force behind wanting to become smarter as intellectual pursuits allow you to understand God better.
Hope is what guides us to do moral acts. By doing good acts we hope that it will eventually allow us to meet our final cause and be with God