#29 Cancer 1 Flashcards
Where is Apoptosis most obvious?
Nervous system
What is apoptosis charcterized by?
morpholoical changes and cleavage of DNA to short fragments
What kind of specific anti0apoptotic genes can lead to ertain ancers (lymphoma) if not properly carried out?
what kind of apoptosis-inducing proteins
portein casacades?
What is the difference in cell culture/growth between neonatal cells and embryonic cells?
Neonatal cells (fibroblast)increase at phase I, and grow and constant rate for 50 generaltions then growth slows, and cell death occurs (phase III)
Embryonic cells- initial cell death coupled with emergence of healthy gorwing cells; lost growth potential and most cels die (crisis); very rare cells dont kdie but continue gorwing until progeny overgrows contulure –> IMMORTAL CELLS (with proper nutrients)
Are neonatal or embroynic cells immortal (potnetial)?
what is primary cell culture
a few days until they day
What is cell strain?
limited life
specied differences
dnumber of doublings before death
Senescence- at least partly due to telomerase
What is cell line?
selected or trasnfeted
Variant ell takes over (difference in chromosome number?
what are pluripotent stem cells
may differentiate into various types of mature cells
what are exmbryonic stem cells
most flexible, most type so fdifferent cells
Cancer stem cells
possibiltiy of stem cells in tumors–> may be reasn why they are hard to tell
iPS = induced pluripotent stem cells
derived from differentiated or paritally differentiated adult celsl (may or may not be immortal)
What are the advantags of using cultured cells ?
- growth of environment can be readily controlled and maniputlaed
- cultures cesl provide a homogenous poplualation
- cultured cells can be manipulated genetically
what are the charccterisitcs of normal cells grown in culture
What is the usual source of growth factors?
- substrate dependence for growth (collagen,ECM, polysine)
- serum dependence (growth factors) for growth (PDGF- platelet derived growth factors , EGF, epidermal growth factors , factors)
cell adhesion molecules (CAMs), fibronectin, integrin - Contact inhibition of growth
monolayer on plates (compare discrete tissue formation)
- Serum ! ; growth factors are peptdie growth factors
What did the experiement that shows the dependence of cell growth on serum concentration
Experimetn shows that factors rather than cell contacts control cell growth b/c cells are already touching one another in 20 percent serum
Differences in growth of cultures of normal and transformed cells revealed by studies with epidermal growth factor (EGF)
Equal numbers of normal and transformed cells were plated into a defined medium with or without EGF at day 0. Cell nubmers were determiend daily. T
Transformed cells in teh complete medium grew after normal cells had ceased growth. Transforemd cells grew even in teh medium without EGF]]
EGF added to some dishes of normal cellstaht were intially lacking it
cultures repsonded to teh addition of EGF by growtin, it is evident that without EGF, normal cell can remiain vialb ein the G0 state
What is the total cell cycle: How is it determined
determined by counting the number of cells present and recording the number of hours it takes for teh total number to double
How to determine if cell in S phase
Cells are incubated with H-Thymidine for a brief period. The cells are then prepared for autoradiogrpahy.
Cells wiht labeled nucleus (implies that cell was in S phase during albeling)
Once nubmer of cells with labeled nuclei is known, this value can be used to determine the length of S phase.
What is mitotic shake off?
procedure to synchornize cells
for measuremtn of M-phase or synchorizianto of culture
cells that are undergoing mitosies are rounded up adn adhere poorl to tissue culture disehs and aare easily washed off
What hapens when mitotic cells that are shaken off are transferred to a new dish?
they immediately enterd G1 phase and continue through their cycles in synchorny
Lenght of G1 is determiend b measuring the leanght of time betweent eh clletion and the first incorporatino of H-htymidine into DNA
How does FLOW Cytometer (fluoresence-actiated cell analyzer) work?
To determine cell cycle times an asynchronnously growing cell population is treated with fixative and then stianed with dye that beocmes fluoresene when it binds to DNA. Thus the intenstiy at whiha cell fluoresces is proportinal to teh amt of DNA that the cell contains
How can you tell results of DNA with Flow cytometry
Cells with the
leasg DNA are in G1,
those with double this amt are in G2, and M, those with an intermediate amt are in S
e in S phase
Do cells ahve to be in syncronized or asynchronzied state to determine length of G1 and G2?
HO wcan you tell lenght of G1 phase
- Shake off mitotic cells and transfer to new dish -> immediately enter G1 phase
- measure length of time between collection and first incorporation of 3H-thymidine in DNA (which is start of S phase)
How can you detemrine lenght of M phase?
cells in mitosis shake off- b/c they are round and less sticky
plate them onto new cuture and count?
How do you determine lengh of S phase?
By autoradiograpy using labeled 3-H Thymidine. Thymidine will only be incorproated into htose ells that were currently in DNA sysntehsis at the time of staining
How can you calculate G2 phase>
Lenght of G2 phase by time elaspsed for label form S phase to appear in mitotic cells
- in an asynchronously growing cell poulation, brief pulse to label cells in autoradiography
- ; M-phase cells collected by mitoti “shake off” every 2 hours,
- time at which radioactibely lableed DNA is first found in tehse mitotic cells i determined
The “delay time” is equal to length of G2 phase
what phase of the cell cycle willl be fluoresced the lease in flow cytometer (which will have the least DNA)
G1 phase
Which phase will it be in if doulbe the amount of DNA than in G1
G2 phase and M phase
What about that with intermediate amount of fluoresence (immediate amount of DNA)
S phase
what is the intensity of fluoresence correpsond with>
The intensity at which a cell luoresces is proportional to the amt of DNA that the celll contains
G1 phase the lease DNA
G2 and M phase have double G1 phase
S phase hs intermedaite
What does FACS stand for?
Fluoresence Activeted Cell Sorter
Whihc phase has most cells? What does it mean?
G1 phase has much greater than G2
this indicateds that lenght of G1 is longer than G2
What are Soluble cytplasmic ffactors S-phase activator (START kinase) in yeast and M-phase promotoing factor (MPF),?
made up of proteins related to cdc2 kinase (p34 and cyclin) Thses factors interact in a cyclic fasion to control cell cycle
What are major players in teh regulation fo cell cycle (4)
- S-phase activator (start kinase)
- M-phase promoting factor (MPF)
- Cyclin
- Cyclin dependent kinase (CDK)
What can Cell diision e slowed or stopped by? (3)
- limiting nutritents
- depriving cells of essential growth factors (serum)
- adding certain durgs
What phases are cells in if inhibited by something?
G1 or in special cases G0 (quiescent phase)
What factors shift cells out o fG0 and G1 into S phase
What is the deterministic hypothesis?
Once cells pass a certain point in the cell cycle they are committed to continue through the cycle. This is only true to a point. There are several check points thatcells will not proceed through unless the cell and its environemtn are suitable to continue
What is the Restriction point (R)?
cells normally stop deviding when they reach a point late in G2 c (called START in yeast), unless signaled to go through another whole cycle
What is the restirction point in late G1 in yeast called?
What parts of cell cycle are there checkpoints?
- At end of G1 phase, is environemtnt favorable for S hase)
- end of G phase, in DNA all replicated, is environmental favorable?
- Metaphase checkpoint Aer all chrocomeoms atached to spindle
What are reasons that G1/S arrest?
cells arrest at checkpoints unless all needs are present. Arrest b/c of
- limiting nutritents, lack of growth fators, certain drugs