29 12 13 Flashcards
short supply, limited, scarce
The limes are in short supply this year.
Los limones son escaso este año.
We enjoy being together.
to enjoy, take earn
Gozamos estar juntos.
tightwad, money grubber
Mr. Scrooge is a tightwad.
un avaro
Señor Scrooge es un avaro.
The bowl is underneath cabinet.
El tazón está debajo la mesa.
famous, notorious, celebrated
The most notorious outlaw was Jesse James.
Èl ladrón más celebré fue Jessie James.
unexpectantly, sudden
It happened so unexpectantly.
inesperadamente, de repente
Lo sucedió tan ineeradamente.
to oppress, oppressed
The government of Guatemala oppressed their citizens for many years.
opirimir, oprimido
El gobierno de Guatemala oprimía sus ciudadanos por muchas años.
to witness
I witnessed the accident happen.
Presencié la accidente ocurrió.
a member of a crew
He was a member of Captian Nemo’s crew.
Él era un tripulante del Capitán Nemo.
Have you visited the plains of Africa?
¿Has visitado las llanuras de África?
to prosecute, to pursue
You should pursue a career in medicine.
Debes proseguir una carretera de medicina.
small village, villager
Dena visited a small village in the mountains, and ate dinner with the villagers.
aldea, aldeano
Dena visitó una aldea en las montañas, y cenó con los aldeanos.
The book of Exodus has many stories.
El libro de éxodo tiene muchas cuentas.
sports field or court
He threw the ball from the middle of the court.
la cancha
Él lanzó la pelota de la mitad de la cancha.
junction, intersection
The accident happened at the intersection of 1st and Pine avenues.
El accidente sucedió al entronque de 1 y pina avenidas.
plateau, staircase landing
Put the flowers on the table on the staircase landing.
la meseta
Pon las flores sobre la mesa en la meseta.