2801 unit 8 Flashcards
quantitative research study
structured, numeric, “who, what, when, where”
qualitative research study
unstructured/semi-structured, “why and how”, opinion and perspective based
reality (realism and relativism)
knowledge (positivism and constructivism)
values (context free vs context bound)
4 theoretical paradigms (based on reality!!)
positivism, constructivism, critical theory, pragmatism
4 philosophical orientations
ontology, epistemology, axiology, methodology
methodology *
approach to data collection and analysis
assumes reality is knowable, the response should be logical (black and white - there is 1 answer),
this is quantitative because there is 1 answer
the relativist perspective (everything is relative), assumes each individuals reality is based on their own experiences.
this is clearly qualitative because it is perspective based
reality in the social world to be different from reality in the natural world
this is also qualitative
critical theory
reality is dependent on social historical construct (may use action research approach)
this is clearly qualitative because reality is dependent
reality is situational. the goal is to solve problems
(this is also clearly qualitative)
how people find meaning in their own experiences and feelings
4 qualitative methodologies
phenomenology, grounded theory, ethnography, case study
researcher sets aside their preconceived ideas to open their mind to the new meanings expressed by participants
grounded theory
uses observations to develop theories about human behaviour
theoretical sampling
data collection continues until saturation (you collect data until you make the conclusion for your theory)
study of people and cultures in their natural environment. researcher aims to develop an insiders view of a sociocultural group to understand their world
emic perspective
(e-MICKAELA) we are both Italian….
therefore emic = insiders perspective
etic perspective
(e-tiffany).. I dont know a single Italian named Tiffany
therefore etc = outsiders perspective
case study
uses multiple data sources to examine one group
ex. using surveys, in depth interviews, discussion groups, all to examine Italians
mixed methods
use of both qualitative and quantitative research methods… assume they use multiple data sources as well
exploratory research
DISCOVER new ideas
explanatory research
test EXISTING hypotheses
the key to qualitative data collection is…
2 issues with qualitative data
- hard to remain objective
- bias
semi structured interview
open ended questions as starting points to get responses from participants
probing technique
prompting interviewees to provide a more specific response
observing & recording technique
paying attention to body language, and expressions (any non-verbal communications)
focus group
small amount of people (8-10) encourages to interact with each other over 1-2 hours of discussion, with a moderator
4 observational methods
field notes
observing participants in their natural setting, they do not know they are being observed or studied (covert) = covered
study done in a lab setting, participants are aware they are being studied (overt) = openly
participant observation
researcher seeks to understand a population by immersing themselves in the practices in their community and natural environment
field notes
records, transcripts, documents recorded during the observational research process
qualitative observational data
makes inferences based on observations (inductive and flexible)
quantitative observational data
makes inferences based on facts (deductive and linear)
content analysis
categorize contextual data
1. analyst systematically codes the text using labels and categories derived from the text or from existing theories or previous research findings
2. The analyst determines which codes occur most often
3. analyst then uses that information to identify the most prominent patterns and themes in text
constant comparison
qualitative data is collected and analyzed simultaneously, they receive the data and analyze it. As opposed to beginning analysis after all data is collected
narrative analysis
seeks to understand personal stories (content, structure, communication)
discourse analysis
uses tools of linguistics to evaluate/assess the written and spoken language of participants
coding (indexing)
summarize content of each item
label attached to a word or phrase
goal of coding
describe participant characteristics, emotions, values, evaluations, judgments, processes, or actions
grouping related codes
identify trends and patterns and relationships
synthesizing codes
identify the concepts, meanings, and themes
construct that provides a systematic explanation about a phenomenon