27 - Biomechanics III Flashcards
Qualitative vs quantitative evaluation
Qualitative = using observation only
Quantitative = using measurements, may vary by 3 degrees
Example of quantitative = one observes that the RCSP is everted and then measures it to be 5°
Advantages of qualitative evaluation
o Quick
o Lines not required
o Manipulation of goniometer eliminated
o Method used most often by practitioners
Disadvantages of qualitative evaluation
o Compensation of deformities may not be easily interpreted
o Data relies on clinical experience to evaluate and write orthosis prescription
o Intra-rater reliability is only adequate
Advantages of quantitative evaluation
o Provides tool in which end ranges of motion and compensations can be discussed
o Understanding the biomechanical in teaching situations is readily identified
Disadvantages of quantitative evaluation
o Drawn lines and goniometer use have high error rate
o Time consuming
o Intra-rater reliability is only adequate
Step 1 to the biomechanical exam
Measure STJ inversion and eversion
o 10° eversion and 25° inversion
Measure STJ neutral position
o STJ neutral=2° varus – USE THIS ONE (because then you only need one measurement)
Can also calculate by the equation :
o STJ neutral=1/3 of total STJ ROM – maximum eversion (1/3 of 35°)-10°=+2° (varus)
Step 2 to the biomechanical exam
Measure tibial stance position (tibial influence)
o Tibial stance position=REARFOOT deformity (varus or valgus)
If the normal range of tibial stance is 0 to 7 degrees of varus, then we can assume that 7/8 of patients will have a rearfoot varus deformity even without measuring them
o 3° varus for our example
Step 3 to the biomechanical exam
The foot always accommodates for the rearfoot varus before any forefoot pathology (varus or valgus) by everting the heel through the STJ
o A fully compensated rearfoot varus moves to heel vertical **
o A partially compensated rearfoot varus moves some degree of eversion, but does not get to heel vertical
o An uncompensated rearfoot varus has no STJ eversion available
Example of biomechanical exam
- 10° of eversion at the STJ
- 3° of rearfoot varus deformity
- Need 3° of eversion to get the heel vertical, and we have 10° available
- So, we get to heel vertical and we have a fully compensated RF varus deformity
- we can use another 7° of eversion if we need the heel to evert past vertical to accommodate for any additional deformities (like FF varus, equinus, genu valgum, etc.) we may measure
- If there is no other deformity, our RCSP will then be heel vertical***
- The RCSP is the position of the heel in stance (represents position of entire foot) that it assumes once the foot has compensated for all the deformities in the foot (rearfoot varus, forefoot varus, forefoot valgus) and above the foot (ankle equinus, knee deformities, hip rotational deformities, and limb length inequality)
Step 4 in the biomechanical exam
Measure NCSP (unnecessary – don’t need to do this ) o 5° varus (weightbearing – measure heel to the ground) o Recall, tibial stance is weightbearing – measure leg to heel
Can also calculate by the equation:
o NCSP=tibial stance position + STJ neutral (not on this exam, maybe boards)
o NCSP=3° varus + 2°varus = 5 °varus
Step 5 in the biomechanical exam
- Determine forefoot position (forefoot varus or forefoot valgus)
- So far (steps 1-4) are generally unnecessary, but step 5 (forefoot) is important to visualize
Example continued…
Assume our patient had a forefoot varus of 3°
o Forefoot varus compensates by everting the heel past vertical the same number of degrees as we measure for the forefoot varus deformity
o So, the RCSP would be 3° valgus
o Called osseous forefoot varus and is the most common of the three types of FF varus
o When you see a forefoot varus, automatically assume that if they have enough motion, when they stand on the ground, their heel will be everted in valgus
Explain the deformity of forefoot varus 2-5 with a flexible plantarflexed 1st ray
There is a second type of forefoot varus called forefoot varus 2 through 5 with a flexible plantarflexed 1st ray
o The lesser metatarsals are in varus from the second through the fifth
o The first metatarsal is at least to the level of the second, and can reach the ground. If it reaches the ground, the RCSP will be vertical since the STJ does not have to evert past vertical (the plantarflexion of the 1st metatarsal has allowed the medial forefoot to reach the ground)
o Plantar surface of 1st reaches at least the plantar surface of 2nd when you push it dorsally
o We see this in kids who have forefoot varus and don’t want to wait for the talar head to derotate – want first ray down to the ground before age 6
o In this case, the heel will be vertical in RCSP whereas in the previous forefoot varus, they will have an everted heel
What happens when there is a larger degree of forefoot varus?
Assume our patient had a forefoot varus of 5° (this is beyond the “tipping point”)
o The RCSP would be between 5° and 7° of valgus
o The heel has passed the tipping point of 3° valgus, and therefore, can theoretically tip until it uses up all its available amount of STJ eversion or until it gets to 13° of valgus when the navicular hits the ground and no further STJ eversion can occur
o It has 10° available
o It used 3° to compensate for the 3° of rearfoot varus, which leaves it 7 more degrees of eversion past heel vertical or a RCSP of 7° valgus***
What happens whenever the heel everts further than the amount of osseous forefoot varus?
Whenever the heel everts further than the amount of osseous forefoot varus, it will create forefoot supinatus or soft tissue forefoot varus
o No need to determine if it exists, but it often does
o Can, therefore, assume that your forefoot varus measurement includes both the osseous and soft tissue components
o You still post your orthotic the same number degrees as your measured forefoot varus
Forefoot valgus
- Assume a forefoot valgus of 5° (flexible forefoot valgus)
o Most common type of FF valgus
o Compensation for a FF valgus of 7° or less will occur around the long axis of the MTJ (the STJ does NOT move)
o So, we can compensate with MTJ supination completely, and our RCSP will be heel vertical***
Larger forefoot valgus
Assume a forefoot valgus of 9° (rigid forefoot valgus)
o Compensation for a FF valgus of 7° or greater will occur by STJ supination followed by supination of oblique axis of MTJ
o So, our patient will have a varus RCSP*** (cannot determine the exact amount)
Forefoot valgus with rigid plantarflexed 1st ray
Third type of forefoot valgus is a rigid plantarflexed 1st ray (compensates like a rigid forefoot valgus)
o The lesser metatarsals are all on the same plane
o The first metatarsal cannot be dorsiflexed to the level of the second metatarsal
o The RCSP will be varus***
o Plantar surface of 1st CANNOT reach plantar surface of 2nd when you push it dorsally
How would you surgically address a forefoot valgus with rigid plantarflexed 1st ray?
For surgical correction of this deformity, you would address the 1st ray, not the heel because the pathology is in the 1st ray and the heel is just a compensatory mechanism
o This is what the Coleman block test is… A good thing to remember
What is the next step in the biomechanical exam?
- We have now evaluated all possible levels of pathology in the foot
- We need to consider pathologies above the level of the foot
Step 6 in the biomechanical exam
Evaluate for ankle equinus [whether gastroc equinus (more common), gastroc-soleus equinus, or osseous equinus]
How does compensation for ankle equinus occur?
Compensation will occur:
o By knee extension
o By knee flexion and hip flexion
o By STJ pronation to unlock the oblique axis of the MTJ to attempt to gain ankle dorsiflexion MOST COMMON COMPENSATION (in order to unlock MPJ for motion)
What can you assume about the STJ in equinus?
- Cannot determine the amount of pronation at the STJ, but can assume that it will be additional to whatever we determined our RCSP to be based on foot pathology alone
What is step 7 in the biomechanical exam?
Measure knee position (genu varum or valgum)
Genu valgum
Genu valgum (more common) can potentially lead to RCSP of increased valgus
Genu varum
Genu varum (or distal tibia varum) will lead to a RCSP of increased varus
- However, the foot will be medial to the midline of the leg and, hence, will be in a relatively pronated position to the leg even if the heel is vertical or in varus
- This medial position will cause symptoms of pronation in spite of heel’s position
Step 8 in the biomechanical exam
Measure limb length inequality
How can you compensate for a limb length inequality?
o Supination of the foot on the long leg side and pronation of the foot on the short leg side, IF the pelvis tilts down on the short side (most common)
o Supination of the foot on the short side and pronation of the foot on the long side, IF the pelvis does NOT compensate
o Cannot determine the exact amount of RCSP change
What is the most common compensation for limb length inequality?
The most common compensation is in the pelvis – hip and shoulder are lower on the short side
o As the pelvis drops down, it also rotates anteriorly
o As it does this, the short side foot will pronate and the long side foot will supinate
If there is no pelvic compensation, the short side foot will supinate, long side foot will pronate
- What are the possible common compensations for a short leg?
o Pelvis tilts down on the short side
o Pelvis tilts down on the long side
o Shoulder tilts down on the short side
o Shoulder tilts down on the long side
o Foot pronates on the long side if there is no pelvic compensation, and on the short side if there is pelvic compensation
o Foot supinates on the short side if there is no pelvic compensation, and on the long side if there is pelvic compensation
Answer: 1, 4, 5, 6 – the key word is common – you will see every compensation possible
Step 10 of the biomechanical exam
- Measure the RCSP
- It should approximate your estimation based on all the previous measurements
- If it does not, re-evaluate
Step 11 of the biomechanical exam
- Gait analysis
- RCSP should approximate your estimation based on all the previous measurements
- Also, observe toe position (abducted or adducted) knee position (varum or valgus), pelvic level, shoulder level
- If any discrepancies seen, re-evaluate
What are the “nuts and bolts” of a biomechanical exam?
- ROM of ankle, STJ, 1st MPJ
- Muscle power (rare for weakness enough to effect gait)
- Forefoot position
- Knee position
- Hip ROM
- Limb length
- Stance evaluation
- Gait evaluation
After a patient has fully compensated for a rearfoot varus deformity, there is 6° of calcaneal eversion left. The patient has 4° of forefoot varus. The resting calcaneal position is most likely to be: o Vertical o 4° of valgus o 4° of varus o 6° of valgus o 10° of valgus
Answer: 2, 4
Determine the resting calcaneal stance position of the following patient who has:
o 5° of rearfoot varus
o 10° of STJ eversion
o 5° of forefoot valgus
- Answer: First correct rearfoot (5° of compensation remain if needed) – RCSP is VERTICAL
- Forefoot valgus is corrected bay LASSO – longitudinal axis supination (nothing to do with STJ)