27-10-22 - End Of Life Care Flashcards
-Define Palliative Care
-Discuss the principles of delivering good end of life care
-Identify areas for discussion during advance and anticipatory care planning
-Develop a framework to assess the validity of advance care decisions
-Discuss the importance of good quality care in the last days or hours of life
-Recognition of Death
How many dead humans each year in Scotland
Over 54000 deaths each year
Define Palliative Care…
Palliative care is an approach that** improves the quality of
life** of patients and their families facing the problem
associated with life-threatening illness
through the prevention and relief of suffering by
means of** early identification** and impeccable assessment
and treatment of pain and other problems, physical,
psychosocial and spiritual
What’s the difference between the Old & New concept of Palliative care
Definitions for end of life
- “Approaching death”
-Likely to die within next 12 months - Those facing imminent death & those with:
-advanced, progressive, incurable conditions
-General fraility( likely to die in 12 months)
-life threatening conditions caused by sudden catastrophic events
Other than cancer, what other diseases require palliative care
- motor neurone disease
- end stage Cardiac failure
- End-stage COPD
- Advanced renal disease
Think about family
Principles of good end-of-life care
Open lines of communication
Anticipating care needs and encouraging discussion
Effective multidisciplinary team input
Symptom control – physical and psycho-spiritual
Preparing for death - patient & family
Providing support for relatives both before and after
Not really important but imagine who would be part of the multidisciplinary team for a dying geezer
This nurse had a modeling contract btw… For real
-Specialist nurses (community, hospice, other)
Palliative care doctors
Secondary care (non-palliative teams)
District nurses
Occupational therapists
Chaplain etc…
Outside drugs, what sort of complementary therapies are used for end-of-life?
-Pets (U~w~U)
What sort of physical symptoms are you looking to ameliorate?
-nausea / vomiting
Anorexia / weight loss
And many others!
Medical / surgical
Adrian gay lol
psycho: mind spiritual: soul
Pyscho-spiritual distress, dafaq is that?
Definitely nothing to do with American Psycho
**Exacerbates physical
symptoms **
Remember to consider:
– Uncontrolled physical
– Alcohol / drug withdrawal
– Depression
– Other medical causes e.g.