26MAR Flashcards
After a month of studying in Australia, I’ve identified several drawbacks to its education system, despite appreciating the reduced academic pressure and the diversity of choices available.
Firstly, the system’s emphasis on fairness, while well-intentioned, significantly limits the availability of advanced content before Year 11. This, I argue, squanders the pivotal years when teenagers are most capable of absorbing complex and practical knowledge.
Moreover, even if students are capable of** progressing faster**, schools are constrained from accelerating their pace to maintain a veneer of equity.
虚饰 * a veneer of kindness 假装的好心
Consequently, this approach to equity, aimed at catering to the majority, often comes at the expense of stifling the potential of more gifted students.
Secondly, the teachers’ commitment appears diluted by the curriculum’s simplicity, students’ varying levels of engagement, and a lack of motivational incentives. Given that teachers often manage multiple classes, it’s understandable that they might invest less effort in non-senior classes. Coupled with **relatively modest salaries, **this situation dissuades many talented individuals from pursuing a teaching career.
However, this approach may disadvantage students as they transition to the more demanding and fast-paced environment of senior years, leaving them ill-prepared for the challenges ahead.