261_review Flashcards
Concept of database and database management systems
DB=an integrated collection of stored data that is centrally mannaged and controlled. Mgm-system software that manages and controls access tdb
What is a relational database system (RDBMS)?
a db mgm system that stores data in tables
a description of the structure-content-and access controls of a physical data store or database
2D data structure containing rows and columns alscalled a relation
portion of table containing data that describes one entity-relationship or object-alscalled tuple or record
a column of a relational database table alscalled an attribute
Primary key
a key used tuniquely identify a row of a relation db table
Foreign key
a field value stored in one relational db table that alsexists as a primary key value in another table
Representing relationship
are represented within a relatikon db by foreign keys
Enforcing referential integrity
a consistent relational db state in which every foreign key value alsexists as a primary key value
a technique that ensures relational db schema quality by minimizing data redundancy
Functional dependency
a 1-1 correspondence between 2 field values
a relational db table structure that has nrepeating fields or groups of fields
a relational db table structure in which every non-key field is functionally dependent on the primary key
a relational db table structure in which nnon-key field is functionally dependent on any other non-key field
Distributed Databases Architecture
organizations typically store data in many different databases-often under the control of many different dmbss
Single database server
Clients on one or more LANS share a single database locatedn a single computer system
Replicated database server
Each server stores a separate copy of the needed data. Clients interact with the db server on their own LAN
Partitioned database server
minimize need for db synchronization by partitioning db contents among multiple db servers
Federated database server
is commonly used taccess data stored in dbs with incompatible storage models or dbmss.
What is UML? What type of modeling is it used for?
uml is the accepted standard Omodeling language of the industry.
Use case model
A collection of models that can be used tcapture system requirements based on use cases with the object-oriented approach
The objective of an use case model
is tidentify and define all of the elementary business processes that the system must support.
Use cases
a diagram tshow the various user roles and how these roles use the system
stick figure that represents a user outside the system
Automation boundary
the boundary seperating the user/actor from the system
<> relationship
adiditional use case that other use cases may need tuse tperform their function-i.e. validate customer
Activity Diagram
is an easily understood diagram tdocument the workflows of the business processes (swimlanes)
Use activity diagram tdescribe use cases
stick-figure-ovals-lines connecting
Understand the notation of an activity diagram
black circle starts flow-oval boxes-black bar indicates repitition-double circle indicates end-swimlane for system-clerkactor-sometimescustomer
Know how tconstruct an activity diagram
swimlanes-oval boxes-etc.
System Sequence Diagram (SSD)
Contains an actor-the system and twparallel dashed lines below
The purpose of a SSD
is used tdescribe the flow of information intand out of the automated sytem.
Understand the notation of SSD
input message on solid line inquireOnitem(catalogID-prodID-size)-return value on dashed line -item information
Know how tconstruct a SSD
rectangle for loops OR *[another item] description-price-extendedprice on top line. := additem(itemID-quantity)-under the line
State Machine Diagram
used tallow analysts tidentify and document which domain objects require status checking
The purpose of a state machine diagram
sometimes it is important tknow the status of a problem domain objects-i.e. state of an order
Understand the terminologies of state machine diagram
state-transition-pseudostate-destination state-origin state-message event-guard condition-path
A condition during an object’s life when it satisifies some criterion-performs some action-or waits for an event
the movement of an object from one state tanother state
the starting point of a state machine diagram indicated by a black dot
Destination sate
for a particular transition-the state twhich an object moves after the completion of the transition
Origin sate
for a particular transition-the original state of an object from which the transition occurs
Message event
the trigger for a transition which causes the object tleave the origin state
a true/false test tsee whether a transition can fire
a sequential set of connected states and transitions
What are the composite states?
a state containing other states and transitions (that is a path)
Know how tconstruct a state machine diagram
psuedostate black dot starts-oval/square state-arrow path with message fill()-lowMsg().