2.6 Foundations of Financial Economics Flashcards
- single risk factor asset pricing model —> market risk factor E(Ri) = Rf + β[E(Rm) - Rf] - asserts that expected return on an asset is determined by its systematic risk (beta) -asserts that no additional return will be earned by bearing non-systematic (idiosyncratic, or investment specific) risks
Ex-post CAPM
Ri,t - Rf = β(Rm,t - Rf) + εi,t Where εi,t is the unexplained return due to idiosyncratic risk at time t
Fama-French 3 Factor Empirical Model
- 3 factors: market beta, market capitalization, book to market ratio E(Ri) - Rf = β1(Rm - Rf) + β2E(SMB) + β3E(HML) SMB —> small minus big HML —> high minus low
Fama-French 4 factor model
Add +β4E(UMD) UMD —> up minus down, or momentum factor
Commodity Cost of Carry
- cost in holding asset until expiration of the forward contract F(T) = S + carrying costs
Financial Forwards Cost of Carry
- have costs for financing, coupon payments or dividends ** forward contracts on financial assets do not entitle the holder to dividends or coupons F(T) = S * e^((r - d) * T) or S = F(T) * e^(-(r - d) * T)
Binomial call option price
C/S = Cu / Su C= Option price today S= stock price in time zero Cu= option price upper node Su= stock price upper node
Four Cost of Carry models for financial securities
- No interest and no dividends - simplifies to F(T) = S 2. Interest rate equals dividend rate - r - d equals 0 - F(T) = S 3. Interest rate greater than dividend rate (r>d) - forward price must exceed the spot price - term structure upward sloping 4. Dividend rate greater than interest rate - forward price is less than the spot price - dividends and distributions lower the value of the security in the spot market
Options structure
C. P L _____/ _______ S. ——-. /———- Time ————->————->
Long Call
- own the right to buy - for strike price x
Long Put
Short Call
Short Put
Straddle and Strangle
Covered Call and Protective Put
Bull and Bear Spread
Risk Reversal
Put Call Parity
call - put + bond = underlying asset C - P + Pv(x) = S
Option Greeks
S is asset price —> delta = sensitivity to change in price of underlying security σs is volatility of the asset —-> Vega = sensitivity of the option price to changes in price volatility (think ‘v’ for volatility) Rf is risk free interest rate —-> Rho = sensitivity of option price to changes in risk free rate T is time to expiration —-> theta = sensitivity of option price to changes in time to expiration Gamma = rate of change in delta compared to changes in price of underlying security