26 Flashcards
As soon as I get home I will check e mails
Би гэртээ очингуутаа и -мэйлээ шалгана аа
As soon as the teacher gave a signal the children ran
Багшийг дохио өгмөгц хүүхдүүд гүйсэн
As soon as their director came the students met him
Захирлыгаа ирмэгц оюутанууд түүнтэй уулзсан
As soon as the lesson is over, please clean your classroom.
Хичээл дуусмагц ангиа цэвэрлээрэй
As soon as he starts to sing people are quiet
Түүнийг дуулмагц хүмүүс чимээгүй болдог
As soon as the thief saw the police man he hid
Дээрэмчин цагдааг харангуутаа нуугдсан
As soon as the boy gets home he turns on the TV
Хүү гэртээ оронгуутаа зурагт асаадаг
As soon as I get to the front of the wrestling palace I’ll call you
Бөхийн өргөөний урд очингуутаа би утасдана
Please tell me as soon as you hear from him
Түүнээс сонсонгуутаа надад хэлээрэй
As soon as the electric comes on please tell me
Цахилгаан ирмэгц надад хэлээрэй
Би гэртээ очингуутаа и -мэйлээ шалгана аа
As soon as I get home I will check e mails
Багшийг дохио өгмөгц хүүхдүүд гүйсэн
As soon as the teacher gave a signal the children ran
Захирлыгаа ирмэгц оюутанууд түүнтэй уулзсан
As soon as their director came the students met him
Хичээл дуусмагц ангиа цэвэрлээрэй
As soon as the lesson is over, please clean your classroom.
Түүнийг дуулмагц хүмүүс чимээгүй болдог
As soon as he starts to sing people are quiet