26-09-23 - Structure and Function of the Brainstem - Interactive lecture Flashcards
Label these cranial nerves on the brain stem (in picture)
Practise question (in picture)
Label the function of each cranial nerve (in picture)
Describe the brainstem CN nuclei organisation.
- Brainstem CN nuclei organisation:
1) Medial – lateral transition from anteroposterior in spinal cord
2) Roughly cranial-caudal, starting from CNIII
3) Motor – Parasympathetic - Sensory
Label the different sensory and motor nuclei of the brainstem (in picture)
What 3 cranial nerves don’t have nuclei in the brainstem?
Where are their nuclei located?
- 3 cranial nerves don’t have nuclei in the brainstem:
1) Olfactory (CN1) – olfactory bulb, then tract directly to olfactory cortex
2) Optic (CN2) – lateral geniculate nucleus of thalamus
3) Spinal Accessory (CN11) – nucleus caudal to medulla, in spinal cord
What is a special visceral efferent (SVE)?
- The term special visceral efferents (SVE) refers to nerve fibers that innervate the voluntary striated muscles of the larynx and pharynx and the muscles of facial expression and mastication
- This is because these muscles are derived from branchial (pharyngeal arches)
Label the somatic and branchial motor nuclei of the brainstem (in picture)
Label the visceral motor (aka parasympathetic) nuclei of the brainstem (in picture)
What is the difference between visceral special sensory and somatic special sensory?
- Visceral special sensory means special sensory coming from a visceral organ e.g tongue for taste
- Somatic special sensory is sensory fibres for hearing, balance, and vision
Label the sensory nuclei of the brainstem (in picture)
What are the 4 cranial nerves with somatic motor components?
What are the 5 cranial nerves containing special visceral (branchiomotor) components?
What are the 4 cranial nerves containing parasympathetic (general visceral motor) components?
- 4 cranial nerves containing somatic motor components:
1) 3
2) 4
3) 6
4) 12 - 5 cranial nerves containing special visceral (branchiomotor) components:
1) 5
2) 7
3) 9
4) 10
5) 11 - 4 cranial nerves containing parasympathetic (general visceral motor) components:
1) 3
2) 7
3) 9
4) 10
What 4 cranial nerves have somatic sensory components?
What 4 cranial nerves contain special visceral sensory components for taste and smell?
What 2 cranial nerve contain general visceral sensory components?
What 2 cranial nerves contain special somatic sensory components?
- 4 cranial nerves that contain somatic sensory components:
1) 5
2) 7
3) 9
4) 10 - 4 cranial nerves that contain special visceral sensory components for taste and smell:
1) 7 (taste)
2) 9 (taste)
3) 10 (taste)
4) 1 (smell) - 2 cranial nerve that contain general visceral sensory components:
1) 9
2) 10 - 2 cranial nerves containing special somatic sensory components:
1) 2
2) 8
Describe the nuclei serving each cranial nerve (in picture)
Describe how to clinically test each clinical nerve
Describe which non-cranial nerve nuclei is responsible for each function (in picture)
Diagram of nuclei (in picture):
1) Medial geniculate
2) Red nucleus
3) Substantia nigra
4) Superior colliculus
Diagram of inferior colliculus (in picture)
Reticular formation nuclei diagram (in picture)
Pontine nuclei diagram (in picture)
Olivary nuclei diagram (in picture)
Vital centres nuclei diagram (in picture)
Complete the labels of the caudal midbrain (in picture)
Complete the labels of the pons (In picture)
Complete the labels for the upper (rostral) medulla
Complete the table for each tract (in picture)
Spinothalamic tract (in picture)
Spinocerebellar tract (in picture)
Sympathetic tract diagram (in picture)
Medial lemniscus pathway diagram (in picture)
Motor fibre (corticospinal and corticobulbar) pathway diagram (in picture)
Median longitudinal lemniscus (MLF) pathway diagram (in picture)
Describe the blood supply to the midbrain (in picture)
Describe the blood supply to the pons (in picture)
Describe the blood supply to the medulla (in picture)
Practise Question 1
Practise question 2
Describe the foramina associated with each cranial nerve (in picture)