2.5.1 Causes of Growth Flashcards
What needs to happen for economic growth to occur?
An increase in the quality or quantity of one of the 4 factors of production.
There are other factors.
How do improvements in the quality and quantity of labour influence economic growth?
- Quantity - More people of working age = more economic growth.
- Quality - More important in the long run. Improved labour quality = more output per worker = less vulnerable to structural employment (Increased mobility of occupation as a result of higher skills.)
How can the government improve the quantity of labour?
- Looser immigration restrictions / encouraged immigration.
- Higher retirement age.
- Free childcare to encourage mothers to come back to work.
How can the government improve the quality of labour?
- Improved education
- Apprenticeships
- Healthcare improvements
How does land influence the growth of an economy?
Most developing countries develop through exploiting natural resources.
How can increased capital cause growth?
More sustained investment = more technology = more output.
However not all investment = higher GDP due to its nature (Like building houses)
How does efficiency cause growth
Efficiency = Less resources needed to create same amount of goods so more goods can be produced.
In order for there to be efficiency there needs to be competition and a solid market mechanism.
Distinction between actual and potential growth?
Actual - % change of GDP
Potential - Change in productive potential of an economy - LRAS / PPF shifts.