250 Civil Disorder Flashcards
All informal communications, such as radio transmissions, emails, etc., this procedure shall be referred to as
“Operation guardian”
Maybe one or a group of isolated emergencies involving civil disorder where JFRD personnel have become involved.
Condition “yellow”
JFRD Units and Personnel are becoming more involved in the identified critical areas
Condition “orange”
Situations have deteriorated to a degree that involvement of a majority of fire stations imminent or has occurred
Condition “red”
Under condition red operations, rescue units assigned to task force group shall staff with a minimum of
Three personnel
The Task Force Group Chief will identify a tactical channel for operations. ____ is the preferred channel as it is encrypted.
A hot zone boundary will be established by the ____ ____ ____ ____ And promptly relayed to FRCC
Task Force Group Chief
All personnel will don ballistic vests prior 
To entering the hot zone
Units will transmit their situation status along with their unit destination every,___ minutes while units are on scene.
declared so that all assigned apparatus are logged to a single call and CCR number. 
Mass Casualty Event (MCE)
Senior level staff member code located with JSO in a ____ ____ ____ position.
Formal unified command