25 Skeletal Muscles with Origin, Insertion, Innvervation Function Flashcards
O.) clavicle, acromion of scapula, spine of scapula
I.) tuberosity of humerus
N.) axillary nerve
A.)abduction, rotate, extension, flexion
latissimus dorsi
O.) spines T7-L5, crests of sacrum, ribs 9-12
I.) intertubercular sulus of humerus
N.)thoracodorsal nerve
A.) extension, adduction, rotate shoulder
O.) superior nuchal line of occiptal bone
I.) clavicle & acromion/spine of scapula
N.) C3-C5 Nerves
A.) extension of head
biceps brachii
O.) supraglenoid tubercle of scapula, coracoid process of scapula
I.)radial tuberosity
N.) musculocutaneous nerve
A.) flexes, supinates forearm
pectoralis major
O.) clavicle, sternum, costal cartilages
I.) intertubercular sulcus of humerus
N.) medial & lateral pectoral nerves
A.) adducts, rotates arm
serratus anterior
O.) ribs 1-9
I.) inferior angle of scapula & vertebral border
N.) long thoracic nerve
A.) horizontal arm movement
O.) long head : infragleniod tubercle of scapula, Medial head: lower posterior humerus lateral head: upper posterior humerus
I.) upper surface of olecranon
N.) radial nerve
A.) extends elbow
adductor magnus
O.) adductor: ischiopubic ramus, hamstring: posterior ischial tuberosity
I.) adductor: linea aspera hamstring: adductor tubercle
N.) addcutor: L2-4 hamstring: L4-S3
A.) adducts, rotates and extends hip
biceps femoris
O.) long head: ischial tuberosity short head: linea aspera & supracondylar ridge of femur
I.) styloid process head of fibula
N.) sciatic nerve
A.) flexes and rotates knee
O.) lateral head: lateral condyle of femur medial head: medial condyle above femur
I.) posterior aspect of calcaneous
N.) tibial nerve
A.) flexes foot and knee
gluteus maximus
O.) gluteal line, coccyx, sacrum, iliac crest,
I.) gluteal tuberosity of femur
N.) inferior gluteal nerve
A.) extends & laterally rotates hip
O.) ischiopubic ramus
I.) upper medial shaft of tibia
N.) L2, L3
A.) addcuts hip
rectus femoris
O.) straight head: anterior inferior iliac spine reflected head: ilium above acetabelum
I.) tubercle of tibia
N.) L3, L4
A.) extends leg & flexes thigh
O.) below anterior superior iliac spine
I.) upper medial shaft of tibia
N.) L3, L4
A.) flexes, abducts, laterally rotates hip & flexes, medially rotates knee
tibialis anterior
O.) zygomatic and maxilla arch
I.) ramus of mandible
N.)elevates mandible
A.) mandibular nerve V
orbicularis oculi
O.) Medial walls of orbit
I.) ciruclar path around orbit
N.) facial nerve VII
A.) close eyelids
orbicularis oris
O.)muscles surrounding mouth
I.) skin at corner of mouth
N.) helps with kissing and shapes lips during speech
A.) facial nerve VII
O.) mastoid process, nuchal line
I.) sternal head: manubrium clavicular head: clavicle
N.) C2, C3
A.) rotate, flex, extend head
O.) temporal bone
I.) cornoid process and ramus of mandible
N.) mandibular nerve V
A.) elevated and retracts the mandible
O.) alevolar process of maxilla
I.) angle of mouth
N.) facial nerve V
A. helps with whistling/blowing
external oblique abdominis
O.) ribs 5-12
I.) iliac crest and linea alba
N.) T7-T12 & iliohypgrastric nerve
A.) compress the abdomen and flexes lumbar vertebral column
interal oblique adbdominis
O.) cartilage of ribs 7-10 and thoracomlumbar fascia
I.) iliac crest, linea alba, inguinal ligament
N.) T8-T12 & iliohypogstric nerve & iliioginuinal nerve
A.) compress the abdomen, flex lumbar verterbal column
rectus abdominis
O.) xiphoid process & cartilage of ribs 5-7
I.) pubic crest and pubic symphysis
N.) T7-T12
A.) flexes vertebral column and compresses the abdomen
O.) central tendon
I.) xiphoid process, costal cartilages
N.) C3-C5 Nerves
A.) flatten the thoracic cavity