2.5-Making human resource decisions Flashcards
What’s the advantages and disadvantages of hierarchical and flat structures?
Hierarchical (pyramid shape) \+ -Small span of control which is effective — -Slow communication
Flat (very few layer) \+ -Communication is fast — -Large span of control which puts a lot of pressure on managers
What are the features of a centralised business?
- The businesses activities are focused
- The vision of the organisation is clear
- Performance of employees is tracked and managed
- There are high levels of control
- The accountability of members of staff is clear
What are the features of a decentralised business?
- Senior managers focus on important stuff, whilst local managers can make their own decisions
- Inspires creativity
- Fewer mistakes due to high efficiency
- Employees feel more empowered
What are the communication problems of an expanding business?
- Businesses communicate too little
- Businesses communicate too much
- Other information gets in the way of communication
What are the effects of poor communication?
- Employees are unaware of what is happening in the business
- Email overload from managers creates stress
- Filling out forms (a form of communication with affiliated businesses) is time consuming
What are the main barriers to communication?
- Written (illegible handwriting)
- Verbal (different accents)
- General (cultural differences, slang)
What are the different working hours?
- Full time (9-5, 35 hours a week)
- Part time
- Flexible hours (certain number of hours that can be worked whenever)
What are the different types of contracts?
- Permananet contract
- Temporary contract
- Freelance contract (employed when needed, to do a job, but they are self employed)
What are the advantages of technology on ways of working?
- Lower costs due to less travel requirements
- Happy staff due to flexible hours
What are the 4 key job roles and what are their responsibilities?
- Director (ensure the business is running correctly
- Senior managers (ensure that all lower levels of management work well together)
- Supervisors & team leaders (ensure that employees work effectively
- Operational and support staff (carry out the operations of the business, basic employees)
What are the main recruitment documents that are used in the recruitment process?
- Person specification (includes desirable characteristics of the job)
- Job description
- Application form
- Curriculum vitae (cv)
What are the two recruitment methods?
- Internal recruitment
- External recruitment
What are the ways in which a business trains employees (with examples)?
-Formal training (Webinars,Online training, Conferences, exams and tests)
-Infromal training (shadowing,talking to employees of other business)
-self learning
-ongoing training
Uses target setting and performance reviews to see if training was effective
Why do businesses train and develop employees?
- Enable employees to do their job well
- Show employees that the business values them
- Ensure that employees are up to date with changes in the industry
- To improve soft skills
- New Legislation requires training
What is retention?
-Retention is the amount of employees that stay with a business at the end of each year
What are the benefits of having motivated staff?
- Employee attendance is higher
- Reputation amongst potential employees improves
- Employees productivity is higher
- Employees are more loyal to the business
What are the financial methods of motivation?
- Remuneration (paying employees enough)
- Bonuses (extra money for reaching a goal’
- Commission (extra money for doing more)
- Promotion
- Fringe benefits (company car)
- Holiday
What are the non-financial methods of motivation?
- Job rotation (prevents boredom)
- Job enrichment (making work more interesting)
- Autonomy (allowing employees to make their own decisions)
What are different payment methods (Remuneration)?
- Time rates (payed for the time they are at work)
- Overtime (payed for extra work)
- Piece rate (Staff are paid for the number of items produced)
- Commission ( staff are paid for the number of sales they make)
- Performance related pay
- Profit sharing (staff receive a cut from profits made by the business)
- Salary (fixed monthly pay)
- Fringe benefits (company cars)