2.5 Financial Economics Foundations Flashcards
What is informational market efficiency?
Extent to which asset prices reflect available information. Efficient market: Price = Value based on all available info, investors will not be able to use information to earn superior risk-adjusted returns.
What are the various forms of informational market efficiency, including efficient inefficiency?
- Weak: historical data price and volume. in this market, pure technical analysis can generate superior return
- Semistrong: all publicly available information, in this market, technical and fundamental analysis can generate superior return
- Strong: all public + private available information, in this market, insider trading can generate superior return
- Efficiently inefficient: amount of inefficiency balances the marginal costs of additional skill-based trading with the marginal revenues from the skill-based trades
Six factors driving informational market efficiency
- higher value = greater competition for profit
- greater trading frequency = lower bid/ask spread
- lower trading friction (e.g. fees) = encourages arbitrage
- fewer regulatory constraints = improved efficiency
- better information = better analysis
- better valuation model = better analysis
Factors influencing informational efficiency in alternative asset markets
Substantial nonpublic information and substantial uncertainty lead to less efficient pricing.
Three Primary Theories of the Term Structure of Interest Rates:
1. U___ E___
2. L___ P___
3. M___ S___
- Unbiased Expectations: all fixed income securities offer same expected return over same time period (no risk premium)
- Liquidity Preference: longer term rates must be higher
- Market Segmentation: differences in preference result in varying risk premiums and varying expected returns across maturity that are not eliminated by arbitrageurs
Binomial Tree
Projects possible outcomes in a variable such as a security price or interest rate by modeling uncertainty as two movements: an upward movement (multiply) and a downward movement (divide)
Elasticity of bond price with respect to change in bond’s yield. Continuously compounded
Challenges of Duration:
1. Rates are ____
- Discrete. Need Modified Duration.
- Shift in term structure of interest rates is not parallel, instant, infinitesimal
Single-factor asset pricing model
Explains return and risk using one risk factor
Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM)
Expected Return = Risk-free + Beta (Expected Return - Risk-free), where Beta (Expected Return - Risk-free) refer s to Asset Risk Premium which compensates you to bearing systematic risk
CAPM Assertions
- Only rewarded for bearing market risk
- Not be compensated for bearing any other risk.
Implications of ex-ante CAPM
- Exposed to same single risk
- Every investor holds all risky asset in proportion to size
- Investor allocation to market depends on risk aversion
- Investor does not try to outperform or time market
Assumptions of CAPM
- One trader cannot affect price
- Care only about mean return and variance
- Publicly traded
- Can short sell, borrow and lend at risk free rate
- No taxes
- Equal expectation about security return
Ex-post CAPM and its application
Ex-post: realised returns which differ from expected return due to unexpected systematic and idiosyncratic effect
What is the Fisher effect used to determine?
Real Interest Rate = Nominal Interest Rate - Inflation
Real Interest Rate: the annualized rate earned on default-free fixed-income instruments
How does Modified Fisher equation differ from Fisher
Modified includes taxes
Nominal Interest Rate = (Real Interest Rate + Expected Inflation) / ( 1 + Tax)
What is error term in the context of ex-post CAPM?
Portion of excess return due to IDIOSYNCRATIC risk
What differentiates a relative pricing model from an absolute pricing model?
Relative: relationship between two prices
Absolute: underlying economic factors
What are the carrying costs (and benefits) of physical inventory such as a commodity?
The carrying costs of physical inventory include interest (r) and storage (c), the benefit of physical inventory is the convenient yield.
What two spot interest rates imply the value of a six-month forward contract from a six-month Treasury bill?
current 6 month spot + 12 month spot
What is the relationship between a forward interest rate and its expected value at settlement under the unbiased expectations hypothesis and the liquidity premium hypothesis?
Forward bond prices (whether implied by spot rates or observed in the forward price of forward contracts) are unbiased predictors of subsequent spot or cash market prices.
What is maintenance margin?
A maintenance margin is collateral put up by the investor on an ongoing basis until the position is closed out.
What two assets form a long straddle?
Long call, long put, same strike price