24 - Urea Cycle Flashcards
What is the fate of urea?
Synthesized in the liver by enzymes of the urea cycle. Secreted into the bloodstream and then sequestered in the kidneys for excretion in the urine.
What is the overall urea cycle reaction?
Using 3 ATP to convert aspartate to urea and fumarate
How do aquatic animals, terrestrial animals and mammals deal with ammonia in the body?
Aquatic animals: Simply excrete NH3
Terrestrial animals: N is removed as uric acid (insoluble white precipitate)
Mammals: N is removed as soluble urea (except in dalmatians)
Describe the glucose-alanine cycle
Alanine serves as a carrier of ammonia and of the carbon skeleton of pyruvate (converted to alanine in blood) from skeletal muscle to the liver where:
Alanine + alpha-ketoglutarate -> pyruvate + glutamate
Glutamate is converted to NH4 and the ammonia is excreted through urea cycle and the pyruvate is used to produce glucose, which returned to the muscle.
How is the glucose-alanine cycle broken?
During starvation, glucose formed in the liver is also used by peripheral tissues, breaking the cycle.
Muscle is not a gluconeogenic tissue. But during starvation both the amino group and pyruvate come from muscle protein degradation, providing a pathway yielding glucose for other tissues.
How is the glucose-alanine cycle broken?
During starvation, glucose formed in the liver is also used by peripheral tissues, breaking the cycle.
Muscle is not a gluconeogenic tissue. But during starvation both the amino group and pyruvate come from muscle protein degradation, providing a pathway yielding glucose for other tissues.
How are amino acids broken down in body tissues?
- Glutamate converted to glutamine by glutamine synthetase. Glutamine goes to liver.
- Glutamine hydrolyzed back to glutamate via glutaminase
- Amino acids are converted to glutamate via glutamate dehydrogenase and the addition of NH4 and alpha ketoglutarate
- Glutamate is converted to alanine with pyruvate and transaminase enzyme
- AND/OR glucose is converted to pyruvate (which feeds into alanine) through glycolysis
- Alanine goes to liver through blood
- Alanine is converted to glutamate and pyruvate with aKG
- Glutamate converted to urea
How are amino acids broken down in body tissues?
- Glutamate converted to glutamine by glutamine synthetase. Glutamine goes to liver.
- Glutamine hydrolyzed back to glutamate via glutaminase
- Amino acids are converted to glutamate via glutamate dehydrogenase and the addition of NH4 and alpha ketoglutarate
- Glutamate is converted to alanine with pyruvate and transaminase enzyme
- AND/OR glucose is converted to pyruvate (which feeds into alanine) through glycolysis
- Alanine goes to liver through blood
- Alanine is converted to glutamate and pyruvate with aKG
- Glutamate converted to urea
What are the two nitrogen acquiring reactions in urea synthesis?
- Carbamoyl phosphate synthetase (CPS)
- Activation of HCO3 by ATP
- 1st intermediate carboxyphosphate
- Nucleophilic attack by NH3
- 2nd intermediate carbamate
- Phosphorylation of carbamate by ATP
- Product: carbamoyl phosphate
- CPSI uses NH2 in mitochondria and CPSII uses glutamine in cytosol for pyrimidine biosynthesis - Argininosuccinate synthetase (ASS)
- activation of ureido oxygen of citrulline by ATP
- Intermediate citrullyl-AMP
- displacement of MAP by alpha amino group of aspartate
- Product: arginosuccinate
Recall the three active sites of E coli carbamoyl phosphate synthetase (CPS)
Active site 1
- Generation of NH3 from glutamine
Active site 2
- NH3 + activated HCO3 to carbamate
Active site 3
- Carbamate and ATP to carbamoyl phosphate and ADP
What is the purpose of the tunnel in carbamoyl phosphate synthetase (CPS)?
- Prevents loss and concentrates NH3
- NH3 transfer, tunnel lined with polar groups that form H-bonds with NH3
- Protects highly reactive carbamate and carboxyphosphate
Carbamate transfer: backbone atoms, no charged groups that may hydrolyze carbamate
Review the urea cycle
How well do you know it?
What does the 1st amino group enter the urea cycle as? 2nd amino acid?
1st: Carbamoyl phosphate, formed in the mitochondria.
2nd: amino group enters as aspartate, formed in the mitochondria by transamination of oxaloacetate and glutamate, catalyzed by aspartate aminotransferase
List the four steps of the urea cycle
- Formation of citrulline in mitochondria, citrulline passes into cytosol
- Formation of arginosucinate through citrullyl-AMP intermediate; entry of second amino group.
- Formation of arginine; releases fumarate, which enters citric acid cycle.
- Formation of urea, regenerates ornithine.
List the four steps of the urea cycle
- Formation of citrulline in mitochondria, citrulline passes into cytosol
- Formation of arginosucinate through citrullyl-AMP intermediate; entry of second amino group.
- Formation of arginine; releases fumarate, which enters citric acid cycle.
- Formation of urea, regenerates ornithine.
What is ‘Kreb’s bicycle?’
A link between the urea cycle and citric acid cycle
- Aspartate-argininosuccinate shunt effectively links the fates of the amino groups and C skeletons of the two cycles
- Patients with kidney disease have impaired urea excretion and will have to restrict their protein intake.
How is the urea cycle regulated (at two levels)?
Nitrogen flux through the urea cycle varies with diet
- Allosteric regulation of CPS1
- Enzyme levels
How does the urea cycle respond to the diet?
Protein rich diet
- Carbon skeletons of amino acids become fuel
- Excess amino groups becomes urea
Prolonged starvation
- Breakdown of muscle protein for metabolic energy, urea production also greatly increases
Describe allosteric regulation of the urea cycle
Allosteric regulation of CPS1
- CPS1 is activated by N-acetylglutamate, which increases CPS’ affinity for ATP
- N-acetylglutamate is synthesized from acetyl-CoA and glutamate. Thus, when amino acid breakdown increases, N-acetylglutamate level increases and urea production increases.
This gives protection against ammonia toxicity
How is the urea cycle regulated by enzyme levels?
- Major changes in diet can alter levels of urea cycle enzymes
- During starvation, enzyme level increase 10-20x in animal models. This permits the organism to cope with the increased ammonia produced during increases breakdown of proteins. During starvation, insulin is low, glucagon is high.
Enzyme levels are increased by glucagon!
- Steps 2, 3, and 4 are activated by substrate concentration increase
Inherited deficiency of specific urea cycle enzymes can lead to hyperammonemia and toxicity
Genetic defects in the urea cycle can be life threatening and humans cannot live on a protein-free diet.
What is the consequence of excess amino acid ingestion?
Amino acids ingested in excess of the minimum daily requirements for protein synthesis are deaminated in the liver, producing free ammonia that cannot be converted to urea. Ammonia is toxic.
An individual with genetic defects in any enzyme of the urea cycle cannot tolerate protein-rich diets.
Genetic defects in the urea cycle can be life threatening and humans cannot live on a protein-free diet.
What is the consequence of excess amino acid ingestion?
Amino acids ingested in excess of the minimum daily requirements for protein synthesis are deaminated in the liver, producing free ammonia that cannot be converted to urea. Ammonia is toxic.
An individual with genetic defects in any enzyme of the urea cycle cannot tolerate protein-rich diets.
Give four treatments for deficiencies in urea cycle enzymes
- Aromatic acids
- Benzoate + glycine to hippurate
- phenylacetate + glutamine to phenylacetylglutamine
- Hippurate and phenylacetylglutamine are non-toxic and are excreted in the urine
- Further synthesis of glycine by glycine synthase removes ammonia
Give four treatments for deficiencies in urea cycle enzymes
- Aromatic acids
- Benzoate + glycine to hippurate
- phenylacetate + glutamine to phenylacetylglutamine
- Hippurate and phenylacetylglutamine are non-toxic and are excreted in the urine
- Further synthesis of glycine by glycine synthase removes ammonia - Carbamoyl glutamate (analog of N-acetylglutamate) to activate CPS1 during N-acetylglutamate deficiency
- Supplementing diet with arginine
- Total protein intake restricted to yield arginosuccinate (substitute for urea, excreted)
- In case of arginase deficiency, arginine must be excluded. - Conjugate glycine and glutamine
- Treatment for deficiencies of CPS1 or OTC
- Formation of citrulline and arginosuccinate is blocked, excess nitrogen accumulates in glycine and glutamine. Thus, treat with aromatic acids. That is, protein-restricted diet + benzoate + phenylacetate
What will blockage of CPS1 or any of the 4 urea cycle enzymes cause?
- Increased glutamine
- Reduced aKG
- TCA cycle inhibited
- ATP production down
Most gangerous urea cycle enzyme deficiency is OTC (ornithine transcarbamoylase) , which is also the most common in males (X-linked). Apparent after birth in severe cases, increased glutamine leads to brain swelling.
Give the seven approaches to treating urea cycle enzyme deficiency
- Remove ammonia (eg hemodialysis)
- Low protein diet
- Conjugate glycine and glutamine with benzoate and phenylacetate
- Activate CPS1 with carbamoyl glutamate (if deficient in N-acetylglutamate synthase)
- Add arginine to promote arginosuccinate excretion (if deficient in arginosuccinase)
- Add arginine or citrulline to provide substrate to stimulate residual urea cycle enzyme activity (if not arginase deficient)
- Treatments are usually combined (eg. conjugation + arginine + citrulline)