2.4 TN Policy Flashcards
Which model provides ELL’s with access to grade level content while supporting their need for ongoing language instruction? They do NOT attend classes with English Speaking students but they do the same content curriculum. Taught both content and language skills by an ESL teacher in a self contained classroom.
Sheltered English Instruction
Which model’s goal is English proficiency in which ELL’s are pulled out for structured instruction in English so the content is comprehensible not focused on the language.
Structured English Immersion
Which model focuses on content knowledge, and English language proficiency is secondary. It’s purpose is for students to learn language proficiency through content knowlege using
Specially Designed Academic Instruction in English (SDAIE)
Which model focuses the lesson on the topic or subject matter. During the lesson students are focused on learning about something. Not much language instruction is provided.
Content Based Instruction (CBI)
Which is the most common model teaches ELL’s to communicate in social settings, engage in academic tasks, and use English in socially and culturally appropriate ways?
Pull Out Intsruction or ELD or ESL
Which act prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin in programs such as schools recieving federal financial assistance?
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
Which act prohibits discrimination against faculty, staff, and students, including racial segregation of students, and requires school districts to take action to overcome barriers to students’ equal participation?
Equal Educational
Opportunities Act of 1974
This Supreme Court
decision prohibits school districts from denying undocumented immigrant
children a free public education and rejects the denial or exclusion of educational services
for immigrant children due to financial burden.
Plyer v. Doe1
Which law was signed by Obama in 2015 and replaced the previous law called “No Child Left Behind.” This new law extended more flexibility to States in education and laid out expectations of transparency for parents and for communities. ESSA requires every state to measure performance in reading, math, and science.
Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)
the most recent reauthorization
of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) of 1965
Which act was signed by President Lyndon B. Johnson? It was a centerpiece of the War on Poverty. It provided funding that is critical to many of the schools where our members teach. The law was designed to ensure that every school got the resources to teach students, particularly in neighborhoods or districts that were not wealthy.
Elementary and Secondary Education Act in 1965
What is the two step process to for identification and entrance criteria for ELL’s?
Step 1: LEAs administer the Home Language Survey
1. What is the first language this child learned to speak?
2. What language does this child speak most often outside of school?
3. What language do people usually speak in this child’s home?
If the answer to any of the above questions is a language other than English, the child will
be classified as NELB and assessed for English proficiency using the state’s approved
screening assessment for ESL.
Step 2: Unless an NELB student has documentation from a previous state or LEA that he or she has met the definition of fluent English proficient (FEP), LEAs must assess all NELB
students with the state-approved English language proficiency screener to determine
whether the student is an EL. All NELB students who are determined to be an EL shall be provided ESL services through an allowable service delivery model.
What is the score to receive services for Students in grades one through twelve (1-12) who are screened using the WIDA screener?
If students score below a 4.5 composite or 4.0 or below in any domain then he shall be in the ESL program.
What is the composite score for Kindergarten students who are screened in the first (1st) semester to be entered into the ESL program and receive a minimum of one (1) hour of ESL service each day from a teacher who holds an ESL endorsement.
who score
27 composite or below on the W-APT screener
Who communicates information related to testing, placement, and ESL services to all
parents of NELB students in the language and method that the parent can understand, to
the extent practicable.
What do LEA’s need to inform the parents of ELs?
Parents of ELs shall be informed of the right to refuse placement
of their children in ESL programs. If the parent refuses direct ESL services for the student, the general education classroom teacher shall be responsible for providing appropriate
accommodations as required in the student’s Individual Learning Plan (ILP). Parents shall
be informed of the ESL program type to be used, length of time expected for completion
of ESL services, how the child was assessed, and options related for program types if