2.4) Resource Management) Quality Management Flashcards
Define Kaizen (Continous Improvement)
Kaizen involves a Business taking Continous Steps to Improve Productivity through the Elimination of all Types of Waste in the Production Process
What Differentiates Kaizen from One-Off’s?
In Kaizen, changes are Small and Ongoing rather than Significant One-Off’s and are Constantly Reviewed to ensure that the Desired Positive Impact on Productivity is Achieved
Name the Common Elements of Kaizen:
1) TQM
2) JIT Stock Management
3) Teamwork & Quality Circles
4) Zero Defects in Manufacturing
5) High Levels of Automation
6) High Levels of Cooperation between Workers and Management
Finish the Sentence: Kaizen requires a…
Long-term Management Commitment to Change
Define Quality Control:
Inspecting the Quality of Goods at the End of the Production Process
Define Quality Assurance:
Inspecting the Quality of Goods Throughout the Production Process
Define Quality Circles:
Groups of Workers that meet Regularly to solve Quality Problems identified in the Production Process
Define Total Quality Management (TQM):
An Approach where Quality runs to the Core of Operations with every Worker responsible for Quality
What are 2 Advantages of Quality Control?
- Quality Specialists are Employed to ensure Consistency
- A Cost-Efficient and Simple Method to ensure Goods are Fit for Purpose
What are 2 Disadvantages of Quality Control?
- Lacks Focus on the Cause of Defects
- The Rejection of Finished Goods is a Significant Waste of Resources
What are 2 Advantages of Quality Assurance?
- Focuses on the Cause of Defects so Future Issues may be Prevented
- Quality Issues are Identified Early so Products can be Reworked instead of Rejected
What are 2 Disadvantages of Quality Assurance?
- Reworking may Lengthen the Production Process
- Staff Training and a Skilled Workforce is required which will Increase Labour Costs
What are 2 Advantages of Quality Circles?
- Workers may be Motivated as they are Involved in Decision-Making
- Relevant and Focused Solutions are Likely as Workers are familiar with Processes
What are 2 Disadvantages of Quality Circles?
- Management must Trust Worker’s Views and Solutions
- Meetings and Structures must be Arranged Regularly
What are 2 Advantages of Total Quality Management (TQM)?
- Quality in All Aspects reduces Waste and increases Efficiency
- A Culture of Constant Improvement may give Workers a Goal to work Towards