24 marker essay plans Flashcards
Functionalist views on youth deviance
Youths participate in youth culture due to a lack of status in wider society
Youth subcultures are based on social class
Interactionist explanations of youth deviance
P1) AO1 Police interactions with ethnic minorities + labeling theory.
- Cicourel argues that ethnic minorities are more likely to be ‘stopped and searched’ by the police due to the label assigned to them.
- Lemert; They’re much more likely to be labelled from primary deviancy which causes them to commit more secondary deviancy.
> According to offical police statistics the arrest rate for black people was 9x higher then white people.
> George floyd ‘I can’t breathe’
P2) AO3 Marxists would disagree that the internationalist concept of labeling is the cause of youth deviance, but rather a lack of opportunities in a capitalist society.
- Cloward and Ohlin; illegitimate opportunities.
- Brake ‘magical solutions’
> Skinheads adopted an exaggerated working class style to ‘resist’ (Hall and Jefferson) their inequality of being in a lower class.
P3) AO1 Youth deviance is created due to their relationship with the media and moral panics due to stigmatization.
- Cohen; coined the term ‘folk devils’ to describe people who fell victim to the media due to their ‘sensationalizing’ which creates deviance amplification.
- Mead; ‘I’ and ‘me’ (internalization + self fulfilling prophecy).
> Mods and Rockers on Brighton beach
P4) AO3 Moral panics have lost their meanings.
- McRobbie and Thornton; media have become sophisticated in understanding how moral panics work (it’s used by sociologists + in school) to the point where it’s seen as a goal rather then genuine outrage.
> Right wring newspapers such as the Daily Mail or the sun are ore likely to write things to gain ‘shock value’ to get more sales for their newspapers.
- Waiton; moral panics are less likely to occur because society no longer has a ‘moral core’ therefore moral panics are less influential for mainstream younger generations.
P5) AO1 Anti-school subcultures for young black boys.
- Sewell; culture on the streets is anti education and valuing instant gratification (being academic is feminine).
- Lacy; polarization between groups in school creates a self fufilling prophecy.
> Gilbourne, Caribbean children had more criticism then other children because they’d been given a label by the teachers. They create deviance is a form of resistance against racism.
P6) Interactionists can be criticised for their unpredictability.
- Sewell; four main reactions to school: conformist, rebel, innovators, and retreatists. He found that black boys were mainly conformists (18% were rebels).
- Strand and Watson, African and Caribbean children tended to have more positive relationships in school - meaning that they had pro school values.
> Mac an Ghaill - ‘black sisters’ pro education but anti school.
Youth subculture is related to conflict
Feminist views on the role of youth culture
P1) They’re ignored from other subcultures and forced into safe spaces.
P2) Postmodernism
P3) Anti school subcultures